Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1013

"Didn\'t do his best?" Wang Mu looked at Lin Feng.

"Yes, she stopped." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Others may not feel it, but they keep simulating it in their mind.

There are subtle differences in speed and direction.

It seems that there is only a little bit, but this\' little bit \'is the key.

"That\'s great."

"You can change your refining skills at will."

Lin Feng said secretly in his heart and deeply admired him.

There is nothing wrong with the way of refining weapons, but the elegant woman in front of her can change the steps of refining weapons at will, still without damaging the quality of star soldiers.

Technology has reached its peak.

"I didn\'t try my best. I\'m really worthy of being Mrs. Nangong." Wang Mu\'s eyes lit up.

"Mrs. Nangong?" Lin Feng glanced at the elegant woman and said curiously, "is she very famous?"

Wang Mu was stunned when he heard the speech.

Staring at Lin Feng for several seconds, Wang Mu changed his look, "brother Lin, you don\'t even know Mrs. Nangong?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I\'m not very familiar with the craftsman."

At this time, Wang Mu was more sure that Lin Feng was not the absent tool refiner, and said, "brother Lin is frank. He doesn\'t even know Nangong\'s wife. She is really... A little ignorant. She is the helmsman and chief tool refiner of Nangong family. She is also the most famous tool refiner in zhuquezhou, better than the other two tool refiners."

"Oh." Lin Feng nodded suddenly, "it turns out that she came from Nangong aristocratic family."

Zhuquezhou\'s three major weapon refining aristocratic families, which I heard Yumo mention, are Nangong aristocratic family, Ouyang clan and the royal palace.

"Doesn\'t it mean that the three weapon refining aristocratic families are not superior?" Lin Feng doubted.

"Indeed, each has its own characteristics." Wang Mu nodded. "The Nangong aristocratic family has developed in an all-round way. Ouyang clan is the best at refining star treasures and star armor, while our royal residence is the best at refining star armor." pointing to the front, Wang Mu said proudly, "look, brother Lin, that\'s my father \'Wang Bo\', the top three in the last weapon refiner competition and the first star armor teacher in zhuquezhou."

However, Lin fengruo smiled, but he didn\'t expect that the young man in blue who was "chatting up" at will was so big.

No wonder he is so familiar with the weapon smelter. He turned out to be a descendant of the palace.

"The first star armour division." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, and his eyes flashed.

Star Soldier, star armor, star treasure, star weapon and weapon refining division are four branches, which are different from each other.

Although an excellent tool refiner must be able to understand all four, one principle must be able to understand a hundred principles, the way of a tool refiner is difficult to understand and more difficult to refine. For example, in the Lin family, although yanlao is the best at refining star treasure and star ware, it is his adoptive father Lin Zhen who is the best at refining star soldiers, and the best at refining star armor

It\'s Lin Yudi!

"I don\'t know how he is now."

"Must be hiding in the dark and planning something."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, with a slight worry.

The enemy on the surface is not terrible. It is this poisonous snake hidden in the dark and waiting for the opportunity!

Rosefinch territory.

"Lin Zhen, Lin Feng..."

"Did you have a happy and comfortable year?"

"It\'s naive to think I can\'t help killing Hong\'s cut throat."

"This time, I\'ll see how you die!"

"Ha ha!!!"

In the dark, a ferocious face was full of terror.

The two pupils full of hatred, like an evil ghost, shrouded in deep darkness. Lin Dadi never gave up revenge.

"It must be me who laughs last."

"Forest land!"

With the passage of time, the refining of the first round is coming to an end.

After Mrs. Nangong\'s successful refining, other ground level refiners finished their works one by one. In fact, ninety-nine ground level weapon refiners don\'t have much difference in their weapon refining skills, but some are not good at refining star soldiers and star armor.

For example, master Ouyang, Ouyang clan is proficient in the refining of Xingbao, but it is common for the refining of Xingbing. They only get 795 points, which is far inferior to the points of Nangong lady 911.

Lin Yan\'s performance was also not ideal. He only got 712 points, slightly inferior to Pang Hui. However, even so, it is higher than the average score. The scores of more than 60% of the ground level weapon refiners are in the range of 600-700, including Lin Yumo, who also gets 601 points.

For a newcomer, this achievement is already good.

The second round is Lin Yan\'s strength. It\'s not very difficult to compete for total points to win the first round.

Lin Feng was not idle. Although he missed the first round of refining, he benefited more during this time. Not only did she steal from Nangong\'s wife and learn the "foundation" of Star Soldier refining, but she also made contact with Wang Mu, a descendant of the royal family. She learned a lot of information in her chat.

It\'s a blessing in disguise.

"Tut Tut, I heard that this\' Lin Yumo \'is the first beauty in Shiluo county. It really deserves its reputation."

"I didn\'t expect to be a ground level tool refiner with 601 points. It\'s really powerful. If I could get 400 points, it\'s unknown."

Wang Mu looked at Lin Feng with admiration in his eyes. "By the way, brother Lin, don\'t you also come from the Lin family. Do you know Lin Yumo? Can you introduce it to me?"

"Naturally." Lin Feng smiled calmly, "but she already has the right person."

"Ah!" Wang Mu was stunned and immediately showed a depressed expression. "Another flower is inserted in cow dung. I don\'t know who is so lucky." he whispered. The flame just rising in Wang Mu\'s heart suddenly went out and slightly lowered his head and sighed.

And now——

Lin Feng looked at Yu Mo with a smile. The latter also looked at Yu Mo, with four eyes opposite each other.

"Wow! ~" the figure flashed. Lin Yumo was overjoyed to see Lin Feng. At this time, the first round of the competition has not been completed. After all, the refining of star armor takes more time than that of star soldiers. Many weapon refiners are still elaborating.

"Brother Lin!" Lin Yumo smiled, just like a blooming peony.

She, who was already Yanguan in the audience, now attracted everyone\'s attention, including Lin Yan. When she saw Lin Feng, she had no choice but to smile.

"Eh?" Wang Mu was stunned and looked at Lin Yumo running towards him. He was stunned. He immediately reacted, looked at Lin Feng and said in surprise, "brother Lin, you, you..."

"Isn\'t I the \'cow dung\'?" Lin Feng smiled and immediately made Wang Mu blush and said, "I\'m just talking casually. I don\'t mean that, brother Lin."

"I know." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

How can I mind such trifles.

For a moment, Yu Mo Fei rushed into his arms. All the eyes around him converged. Lin Feng had no choice but to smile. He felt the beauty\'s deep affection for him. A faint fragrance came from the tip of his nose. Lin Feng whispered, "they\'re all looking at you, in public."

Lin Yumo blushed. Just now, he was a little forgetful.

"Excuse me, brother Lin." Lin Yumo nodded coyly.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Feng smiled and pulled up his soft boneless hand. He felt Yu Mo\'s delicate body trembling and his eyes flashing.

I\'ve thought clearly since I was in the place of blood inheritance last time.

For a long time, I owe Yu Mo a promise. Now——

Just make it up.

Holding Yu Mo\'s small hand tightly, Lin Feng looked at Wang Mu and said with a smile, "introduce me. This is my wife \'Yu mo\' who hasn\'t been through the door." looking down at Yu Mo whose face is red like an apple, Lin Feng smiled, "Yu Mo, this is Wang Mu, the son of Wang Bo, the descendant of the royal family."

"Hello, miss Yumo." Wang Mu felt his head embarrassed.

"Well, hello." Lin Yumo is still a little shy, but he didn\'t expect what Lin Feng just said.

An uninvited wife?

Brother Lin, is that true?

After some exchange of greetings, Wang Mu winked at Lin Feng, thumbed up and held Lin Feng in admiration. Suddenly, Wang Mu said softly, "brother Lin, I was surprised just now. You are also from the Lin family. The only empty refining platform on the stage is Lin Feng. The one who didn\'t come is also called Lin Feng. Shouldn\'t you..."

"Yes, it\'s me." Lin Feng didn\'t hide it and smiled calmly. "Because he couldn\'t find the way to the rosefinch territory for the first time, he was a little late."

"Ah?" Wang Mu stared, a little laughing and laughing.

No, late?

"What now, brother Lin?" Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and felt a little worried.

Lin Feng smiled and looked forward.

At this time, the last refiner also completed the work, scoring 675 points.

"Let\'s go, Yumo." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and stepped forward. Yumo was surprised and wanted to ask, but he suddenly found that she was still held by Lin Feng. At this time, everyone\'s eyes were focused on the two people, including the judgment of the local level tool refiners and the alliance of tool refiners.

"Oh, who is he?"

"How can you hold Lin Yumo\'s hand?"

"This is what to do and inexplicably enter the competition field."


Everyone whispered and was very curious.

At this time, Ouyang Kuo, vice president of the zhuquezhou refining division alliance, who was in charge of the overall planning, stood up.

"Nobody is allowed to enter the competition venue." his hair is gray, but Ouyang Kuo\'s momentum is not weak at all. He is a star level peak and can sit as the vice president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance. Naturally, he is not an idle person.

"Vice president, he is..." Lin Yumo explained, but he was interrupted by Lin Feng.

"I\'m one of the smelters in this competition. Lin Feng is a member of the Lin family." Lin Feng apologized. "I\'m a little late because I\'m new to the rosefinch territory. I hope the vice president will forgive me." I\'m neither humble nor arrogant. Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled at the old man in front of me.

Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes were cold: "the game has begun. You are not allowed to enter."

Lin Yu\'s dark face turned pale, and Lin Feng\'s eyebrows twisted slightly, which was a little unexpected.

Behind him, Lin Yan stroked his long beard and smiled. "The boy doesn\'t know the rules. I don\'t know if the vice president can look at the old man and accommodate him."

"This..." Ouyang Kuo hesitated. He had a good personal relationship with Lin Yan. Moreover, Lin Yan was an honorary elder of the weapon refiner alliance and had a high status. If you don\'t agree, it\'s a little inhumane, but if you agree, it\'s a little against the rules.

It is between hesitation——

"Let him participate." the voice rose slowly, like the sound of the valley.

When they looked, they saw a fairy old man smiling, and suddenly there was silence around.

"I\'ve seen the president!" all the smelters bowed their hands and said respectfully.


Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.