Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1012

"Here is the fire ladder." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Just now, I felt the strong fluctuation of fire element all the way, and now I finally found the source.

It is this huge conical building!

The ellipsoid of the chassis has a diameter of more than 10000 meters and a height of several kilometers.

The rich flame covers everything, layer after layer. The flame between each layer is different and shines with the color of various energy. The air is full of hot breath, and the fire element is extremely active and has great vitality.

"Still a step late." Lin Feng said secretly.

Looking forward, I suddenly saw two familiar figures, one is yanlao and the other

It\'s Yumo.

"Everything is fine."

"Over the past year, Yumo seems to have made great progress."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and looked at Yu Mo and felt a warmth in his heart.

Just looking at her movements of refining utensils, we know that Yu Mo has really worked hard in this year. Some of the previous defects and some small problems have been improved. At the moment, her appearance has not affected her. Her exquisite eyes flash and the fire is boiling, which is full of concentration.

On her right side, Yan Lao is also very focused. The flame jumps like an elf. At this time, he is polishing the Star Soldier embryo.

Only on the left side, a refining platform was empty.

"Who, even missed the weapon refiner competition?"

"In other words, it\'s a waste. No matter how much money you have, you can\'t get the quota."

"I think I\'m afraid of losing face, so I don\'t dare to come."

"It\'s a pity to have such a good opportunity."


There are whispers around, and whispering is not prohibited here.

For a craftsman, "concentration" is the primary condition. If outside factors are affected because of a little voice, he is not a qualified craftsman. Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but the person they said was obviously himself.

At this time, there were 100 refining platforms on the Haohuo heaven ladder, and there was only one empty one.

Who else but yourself?

"I don\'t know if there is room for euphemism." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

In fact, since the return of thousand snake cave, my interest in the so-called "tool refiner competition" has also decreased sharply. Before, I wanted to take part in the weapon refiner competition, just for the sake of the "honorary elder" status of the weapon refiner alliance and to prevent Lin Dadi\'s conspiracy.

But now it\'s different. Today\'s yourself

There is no need for the protection of the alliance of weapon refiners.

"The last time I competed with Master Yu, I still lost, but..."

"If the elder doesn\'t control \'demon blue war snake\', his strength is only one chip higher than me."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and his eyes were bright.

After fighting with the Holy Level strongman of the blood tiger family, I first saw the secret of the holy level. I made great progress in three months.

Now I can barely fight with the saint level strong.


Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and looked at the empty refining platform.

If I don\'t play, I\'m afraid it will affect the family\'s reputation. Moreover, I also want to compete with these top weapon refiners in zhuquezhou.


Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and soon locked them.

One on the left and one on the right, standing in the center of the 99 ground level weapon refiners, no matter how they dress, look and temperament, they seem to be at the top of everyone. Including the eyes of most martial artists at this time, they focused on two people, a man and a woman, a woman in a white skirt, with elegant temperament; The man has a cluster of green whiskers and rings on his fingers.

烀! 烀~ The flames spread like dragons leaping and dancing. Their weapon refining techniques were obviously much higher than those of others.

It feels like making a work of art.


"A real master."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart beats faster.

In particular, the white skirt woman\'s plain face looks like she doesn\'t eat human fireworks. However, the technology of controlling the fire refining device is superb. Between her fingers, she has completed the refining of the "sword embryo", and at this time, growing old is only half completed.

The gap is now!

"What a clever weapon refining technique." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

I have never tried to refine star soldiers. In fact, I know nothing about the refining of star soldiers, star armor and star tools except star treasure. I only heard Yu Mo mention it, but it\'s just on paper. I know some theoretical knowledge, and I haven\'t really refined it once.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked around and was slightly surprised.

Of the 99 weapon refiners, two-thirds are refining star soldiers and the remaining one-third are refining star armor.

No one is refining star treasure or star ware.

This is

"Hello, I\'d like to ask why no one refined Xingbao?" Lin Feng asked a young man in blue next to him.

The young man in blue turned his head, looked up and down at Lin Feng, smiled and said, "just arrived, friend?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The young man in blue looked obliquely at the Haohuo ladder and quietly explained, "the rules of the weapon refiner competition will change every year. Only a quarter of an hour before the competition will know the content. The first round of this year\'s competition is two rounds of refining. The first round is refined on the first floor of Haohuo ladder. Any one of the star soldiers and star armor is selected, so..."

"As you can see now," the young man in blue pointed forward.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

No wonder all the participating weapon refiners except refining star soldiers are star armor.

"So... It\'s a good thing that I\'m late?" Lin Feng smiled dumbly and shook his head.

If I were on the stage at the moment, I\'m afraid I would really become a "laughing stock". Whether it\'s star soldiers or star armor, I wouldn\'t be able to refine at all. Wouldn\'t I be staring at it then.


First round, two rounds of refining?

"Brother, how dare you ask the second round of refining..." Lin Feng said strangely.

"The second round is to choose one of Xingbao and starware. It is also an optional work. It is refined on the second floor of Haohuo TIANTI." the young man in blue said faintly, "the first round of refining is not limited to time, but each round can only be refined once. Taking the quality and quality of the work as the scoring standard, the scores of the two rounds plus the scores of the representative works submitted before are the total scores of the first round."

"The top 30 weapon refiners advanced to the second round." the young man in blue smiled. "As for the rules of the second round, they will not be announced until the end of the first round."

"I see." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and understood, "thank you, brother."

"Small matter." the young man in blue smiled and stretched out his hand, "make a friend, Hanfei County qianluomen \'Wang Mu\'."

Lin Feng reached out and shook hands with each other, laughing, "Lin Feng, the Lin family in Shiluo county."

"Lin family in Shiluo County, Lin Feng..." Wang Mu\'s eyebrows were light and his index finger touched his nose. "How is the name so familiar? Where have you heard it?" he whispered indecisively. Wang Mu thought again and again, and his eyes changed constantly for a moment——


"I remember!"

"One of the entries in the weapon refiner competition seems to be called \'Lin Feng\'. Should he not..."

Wang Mu looked at Lin Feng in surprise. Just when he wanted to speak, he saw Lin Feng\'s eyes flashing with a disturbing breath. The whole person\'s momentum is completely different from that just now. You can feel the force close at hand, especially the bright eyes, as if they want to suck people in.

"Maybe... It\'s a duplicate name." Wang Mu trembled in his heart and immediately turned his head.

This young man in black is so strange!

Lin Feng, at this time, is entering the self state.

How can we not cherish such a good opportunity? The ninety-nine people in front of us gathered the ground level weapon refiners at the top of zhuquezhou!

Almost every tool refiner is the backbone of each tool refiner family and has unique skills.



"It turns out that the star soldiers are refined like this."

"It is completely different from Xingbao refining. Xingbao pays attention to speed. The faster the action, the simpler the treatment, but it can give full play to Xingbao\'s maximum energy."

"But star soldiers need to \'temper\'. It\'s not that they don\'t pay attention to speed, but temper is more important."

"After a lot of tempering, you can become a weapon!"


Deeply aware of Mrs. Nangong\'s weapon refining, Lin Feng was completely caught in it.

learn secret techniques!

Every action, detail and fire control are perfect into the heart. Lin Feng has been in a state of continuous simulation and practice in his mind. Mrs. Nangong\'s weapon refining skills are too refined. It seems that her martial arts cultivation has reached the extreme without any defects.

Each action can be called a template, like a textbook.

At the moment, most martial artists are staring at Mrs. Nangong\'s weapon refining. It\'s not unreasonable.

Who doesn\'t want to learn a move?

Even a little has benefited a lot.

On weekdays, it\'s hard to invite Mrs. Nangong to refine the ware, not to mention witnessing the whole process!


Lin Feng has a deep memory.

The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil are the fourth layer, and the effect of "ability" under self-state is much better than before.

Star dome pupil, with the ability of \'simulation\'; The star\'s pupil is grey, and its ability is\' understanding \'; After the self state is strengthened, it jumps from the first pupil to the top pupil. The effect of ability is ten times. The combination of the two can be called against the sky.

Coupled with Lin Feng\'s strong "fire control" skills, it can be said that stealing a teacher is quite perfect.

Every move and skill of Mrs. Nangong is printed into her eyes, and then repeated in her mind.

Learn and understand again and again!

Great harvest!

"Star Soldier refining."

"This is the refining of star soldiers."

"It\'s perfect."


Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. With the passage of time, Mrs. Nangong\'s refining has come to an end.

"Peng!" the crisp sound of explosion, the strong flame light twined in the void, and the two dragons twined into the sky. A white light in the middle was more and more shining. It was a scabbard sword, shining everywhere and the star was very clear!

WOW~ There was a noise around, and everyone\'s eyes lit up completely.

"The name of the sword is\' Double Dragons\'." Nangong\'s elegant voice sounded slowly, and she was the first to complete refining.

Top grade!

The first move is the top grade.

And it was completed in the Haohuo heaven ladder, earth step star soldier!

"Awesome, indeed worthy of my idol \'Nangong lady\'." Wang Mu clenched his fist and deeply praised it. It\'s easy to refine the top-level human star soldiers, but it\'s not so easy to refine the earth level star soldiers, let alone in such a short time.

"She hasn\'t done her best yet." Lin Feng\'s bright eyes disappeared and opened his mouth calmly.