Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1011

Zhuquezhou is a land of nine counties.

It includes Shiluo County, Hanfei County, Qilu County, etc., which are divided into eight directions: the East, South, West, northeast and southwest of zhuquezhou, forming a large outline of zhuquezhou. The largest of the nine counties is the "Zhuque county" in the center, which is the main county city of Zhuque Zhou.

Here is the center of zhuquezhou, the most prosperous and bustling county city with the largest population.

In the middle of Zhuque County, there is a fairyland like existence——

Rosefinch territory.

This is a city within a city.

Unlike the ordinary city, the spirit is full of flowers and flowers. To enter the rosefinch, the minimum qualification is "star class". Therefore, the warriors who can enter the rosefinch can be described as the essence of Zhu Quzhou.

At present, there is a lot of excitement.

Head surging, Zhuque County ushered in a grand event.

The Centennial rosefinch challenge and the ten-year rosefinch Island tool refiner competition will be held here, attracting countless strong players. Whether the rosefinch challenge or the weapon refiner competition, they are very eye-catching.

One is known as the most fierce competition under the holy level.

The other is a "deputy" who is famous all over the world. The reputation of a tool refiner is even higher than that of a martial artist.

If you enter the top ten, you will be famous and become an honorary elder of the tool smelter alliance. At that time, wealth, power and status will come one after another, which will be a great honor for the tool smelter. At the moment, the whole city pays attention. In contrast, the rosefinch challenge is inferior because

The time of the weapon refiner competition is just before the rosefinch challenge.

It feels like a \'warm-up\'.

"Seems to be late." Lin Feng smiled.

When he returned to Shiluo county from the hunting country, the family had already left and could not meet Yumo, adoptive father and yanlao.

Although I don\'t know where they are now, it doesn\'t matter. I\'ll meet them sooner or later.

For now, it\'s important to find the place to play first.

"Where is it?" Lin Feng looked around and just came out of the transmission channel. There were a lot of people around. Suddenly, Lin Feng was shocked and turned his head. It seemed that he saw a gray figure, but it was fleeting. In a moment, he was submerged by the crowd.

"Very strong."

"It\'s not holy, but its strength is quite terrible."

"I\'m afraid... It\'s even stronger than Shizhi\'s heart when it broke out."

Lin Feng felt deeply shocked.

Sure enough, there are many talents in Jiuzhou, crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Even if your strength has reached the peak of star domain level, it does not mean that you are invincible below Saint level. Not to mention anything else, just Shi Zhixin. If her strength also reaches the star domain level peak, she may not be able to beat her.

And this is just the existence of your peers.

For example, Hua Yidao, the county mayor Wang Mo and the patrol envoy Bing Yun are all star level peaks and are absolutely strong opponents.

Moreover, there are nine counties in zhuquezhou, and Shiluo county is just one of them.

How many are the strong!

The rosefinch challenge is the competition. What I have to face will be all the star level giants in the nine counties!

The competition is fierce.

"However, that\'s interesting." Lin Feng smiled slightly, awe inspiring in his eyes.

There is competition, there is progress, there is pressure, there is power!


"At present, we\'d better find the place of the weapon refiner competition first."

"According to ah Zhong, it seems to be called \'fire ladder\'..."

"Where is that?"

"What\'s the matter, master Jin?" the speaker was an old man with white beard. His smiling eyes narrowed into a line and looked very kind.

"Nothing. I just saw an opponent similar to my strength." it was a young man in gray clothes. His striped clothes had clear water chestnut angles. The young man\'s eyes were sharp and had a profound light. It was like a sword out of its sheath, with a sharp edge.

"The young master is joking again. How can anyone here be worthy of being the young master\'s opponent." the white beard old man smiled, "the young master is the king constellation. Even the saint level strong are defeated by the young master."

"I don\'t know. It\'s intuition that tells me." the young man in Gray said calmly. A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and a black figure suddenly appeared. Just now, he inexplicably felt a strange feeling, that is


The threat that makes his heart beat.

"What Dad said is true. This rosefinch challenge is not simple." the young man in gray thought.

"Ha ha, the young master is the young master. Obviously, he is so strong, but he is not proud at all." the old man with white beard smiled. "By the way, the rosefinch challenge is still early. Now it happens to coincide with the weapon smelter competition. Why don\'t we go and have a look and see?"

"Whatever." the young man in Gray said calmly.

Fire ladder.

Here, the fire in the center of the earth is extremely strong.

Layer after layer, just like a ladder, so it is named after it. The air flow around is extremely hot, and the fire element is quite active, as if it is full of vitality. Refining tools here is a great test for the smelter.

However, it is relative.

A skilled craftsman can use the "fire" here to improve the quality of his wares to the extreme.

There are nine layers of fire ladder, one layer is stronger than the other. Each layer, the difficulty of fire control is higher, and the fire is deep. It can be said that angels and Demons coexist. The scoring standard of the weapon refiner competition is not only the quality of the weapon refiner, but also the strength of the weapon refiner, but also closely related to the fire ladder.

The higher you step on the fire ladder, the higher the score!


Not to mention the ninth highest floor, so far, no craftsman has ever refined a complete "earth level star treasure" on the eighth floor of the fire ladder.

Quite difficult!

"This year, Nangong\'s wife must take the lead again, and the odds remain high."

"It goes without saying that Mrs. Nangong has won the championship nine times in a row. If she wins the championship again this time, she will achieve a grand slam ten times in a row."

"It is said that Mrs. Nangong has been appointed as the next president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance."

"True or false, so young?"


A sea of people, a lively boiling.

None of the topics discussed was not the "Nangong lady" who attracted the most attention.

Those who can enter the rosefinch realm are at least star master level martial artists with profound experience.

Mrs. Nangong\'s name is really famous. Although there are three weapon refining aristocratic families in zhuquezhou, the most famous one is undoubtedly the Nangong aristocratic family, and Mrs. Nangong is now the chief weapon refiner of the Nangong aristocratic family. She is not only the existence of the star level peak, but also has impeccable weapon refining strength.

"In the last session, Mrs. Nangong refined the top-level \'Huangyuan\' on the seventh floor of the fire ladder. I wonder if this session will challenge the eighth floor?"

"It\'s impossible. Let alone refining the \'top grade\', so far no refiner has been able to completely refine a ground grade \'star treasure\' on the eighth floor. The difficulty of refining on the eighth floor can be more than ten times higher than that on the seventh floor!"

"It\'s said that master Ouyang, who was defeated last time, has made a great breakthrough in refining tools. Maybe he can snipe at Mrs. Nangong\'s ten talents."

"Only master Ouyang is the opponent of Nangong\'s wife. The others, hey, are not enough."


Everyone talked and looked forward to the opening of the weapon refiner competition.

The ten-year weapon refiner competition, sponsored by the alliance of weapon refiners, is the greatest affirmation of weapon refiners.

Honor and fame are equal to wealth and status.

Both prosperity and loss.

"The game is about to start. Concentrate, Yumo." Lin Yan said.

"I\'m sorry, master." Lin Yu\'s dark face was slightly red and hung his head, but his eyes couldn\'t help glancing at his side. A refining platform was still "empty".

He sighed in his heart. How could Lin Yan not know what he was thinking? His eyebrows were light and he said in a deep voice, "this opportunity is hard won. Cherish it. Let\'s put aside the children\'s private affairs for the time being. The scores in the first two rounds are very important. Don\'t make mistakes."

Lin Yumo nibbled cherry lips and nodded, "yes, master."

Then close your eyes, Lin Yumo gently adjusts his breathing and enters the state.

Although she has concerns in her heart, she can\'t live up to the master\'s love. This opportunity was given to her by the elders of the clan. If she can\'t even pass the first level, she will lose not only her own face, but also the face of the master and the face of the family!

Pressure, heavy.

At this time, in front of 100 weapon refining platforms on the first floor of the fire ladder, 99 ground level weapon refiners stood. Most of them are well-known. It\'s difficult for them to meet each other, let alone refine their wares. Now they come together to compete for skills.

For example, madam Nangong and master Ouyang.

Their reputation and status are better than those of ordinary saints.

The weapon refiner competition includes all famous weapon refiners in zhuquezhou, including the strongest weapon refiner in Shiluo county and the panghui of the Ponzi family. Lin Yan and Lin Yan looked at each other, sparks splashed, but they were peers like enemies. The competition in Shiluo county was extremely fierce, but Pang would undoubtedly be better.

"Lao Yan, are there no more people in the Lin family? How can you send such a suckling little girl to play?" Pang will sneer.

"It\'s better than those old faces you come and go." Lin Yan was unwilling to show weakness and responded calmly.

"You!" Pang huileng hum, "I don\'t think you can afford to lose?"

Lin Yan smiled calmly, then closed his eyes and ignored panghui.

It\'s useless to say more about unnecessary arguments!

The game is about to begin.

Seeing that Lin Yan stopped talking, Pang would grumble bitterly, but he was no longer bored.

And now——

"When!" "when!" "when!" the crisp bell rang.

For a moment, the surroundings were quiet, and everyone\'s eyes were staring at the platform. There was silence.

"Zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition, the first round, officially begins!"

At this time, not far away.

"No, I\'ll be late." Lin Feng, with a bitter face, galloped in.

Although I have just asked about the specific location of the fire ladder, it is far away. In addition, Zhuque county is full of people. Even if I want to hurry, I am powerless. Feeling the strong fire element getting closer and closer, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shining.

"I hope I can catch up." Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

Shua! For a moment, Lin Feng appeared on the fire ladder, but he had no choice but to smile bitterly.

The game has begun.