Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1010

Hunting country.

It has been six months since the end of the catastrophe.

Today\'s hunting country has regained its former prosperity. The damaged cities have been rebuilt, and people live and work in peace and contentment. Although the number of people has decreased sharply, the average quality has improved significantly. Everywhere, martial artists with the title of martial god can be seen flying in the air, which was completely unimaginable before.

Even the most common hawker is the strength of a warrior.

The country of hunting has completely changed.

All this is due to the magic of "star mandin".

"Lord, after a lot of examination and screening, we have selected 11 elites from all the young \'Title martial gods\'." Lan smiled.

"The qualifications of these little guys are much better than those of the training camp at that time." prison saran smiled. "With Miss Qin Rou, we just have twelve."

Elite training was determined by Lin Feng and Lin Yun on that day.

Cast a wide net, and then select the most elite and qualified martial artists.

Lin Yun nodded and his eyes twinkled. "In fact, the potential of the vast majority of martial artists is very deep, and some may not be able to inspire in a lifetime, but often once these deep hidden potentials are opened, the upper limit is much higher than the original so-called \'genius\'."

"Yes, Miss Qin Rou is a living example." Lan sighed.

"I think of the elite selected by our \'hunting\' at that time. It\'s a little too superficial." prison Ruoran nodded.

With the improvement of strength, the vision has been completely different.

What I looked at before was whether I could become a "title martial god", which is already the top existence in tianwu mainland.

But right now? The title of Wu Shen is just a "foundation".

As long as there is enough "star pill", anyone can reach it, such as Lin Wanqing, who is so weak.

"It\'s not bad to look at the surface." Lan sprinkled a smile and looked at the prison. "Think at the beginning, didn\'t the Lord of the holy Kingdom choose it like this?"

"Er..." the prison was choked immediately and said with a bitter smile, "good blue, your strength is not good, but your eloquence is good."

LAN laughed and was about to open his mouth, but he suddenly saw Lin Yun looking into the distance with his hands on his back. LAN immediately covered his mouth and intersected with the four eyes of the prison, shaking his head.

"I\'m sorry, Lord, I made a mistake." Lan Qingdao.

"I\'m fine." Lin Yun smiled a little, "there are three days before the one-year period. I believe my brother will come back."

"Well, it will." the prison smiled.

"Sure, the Lord of the holy kingdom is a \'Fire Phoenix\', how can he die so easily." Lan SA said. As soon as his voice fell, he saw Lin Yun\'s look surprised. He opened his mouth slightly, his blue face changed slightly, looked at the prison and whispered, "I said something wrong?"


"You\'re right, blue." the hearty laughter came from a distance. For a moment, blue and prison\'s eyes lit up. The clouds on Lin Yun\'s face went away. Suddenly, he burst into an excited smile and looked at the main door of the hall. At this time, a familiar black figure gradually came into his eyes.

"I don\'t die so easily." Lin Feng smiled slightly and stepped in.

Looking at the three familiar figures in front of me, I feel warm in my heart. Here is my home.

I finally came back.

"Lord of the holy kingdom!" "great, Lord of the holy kingdom is all right." prison and LAN are smiling.

"Elder brother." Lin Yun holds his fists and smiles.

"It\'s hard for you, ah Yun." Lin Feng came forward and the two brothers hugged each other and smiled. Everything was silent.

Holy Lord, return!

The news soon spread, and the people of all hunting countries were worried.

For them, the forest wind is the sky, their patron saint and the sea god needle of the hunting country. As long as there is the forest wind in one day, the hunting country can stand. This is a kind of confidence, almost blind confidence, but the facts prove that the reason for this confidence is not aimless.

It\'s real!

For Lin Feng, it is also very comforting to see that the hunting country is safe and sound.

But what is more gratifying is that his family is safe.

"Mother, water son." Lin Feng hugged each other one by one, feeling the most sincere feelings of his family. He felt warm in his heart. It\'s worth it to let your family live a good life and be safe, even if you work hard and pay more.

"Elder brother, did you come back half a year ago?" Lin Yun asked.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded.

"I knew it!" Lin Yun clapped his hands and his eyes lit up, "so brother, can this catastrophe end... Is it because of you?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "it\'s a long story."

Immediately, Lin Feng will tray out the events of that day.

They are all a family. There is nothing to hide, but Lin Wanqing\'s face is blue and white. He claps her chest directly. Lin shuier is surprised to cover her mouth and her eyes are shining.

"I didn\'t expect such twists and turns." Lin Yun sighed lightly. "The blood tiger family, one of the four emperors of the demon family, is really terrible."

"I also thought I was going to die this time." Lin Feng said with a smile, "fortunately, I met a noble man this time, and I spent a terrible disaster like this." his eyes flashed, and Lin Feng also felt lucky. Now when I think of it, I feel that my luck six months ago was really good.

In the situation of near death, I not only live, but also spend it safely.

"No, brother." Lin Yun frowned. "I haven\'t seen the \'ox demon king\' you said."

"Yes, brother, sister Tianqing said that the tigers beat themselves. I don\'t know why they quarreled and fought." Lin shuier tilted his head and whispered.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and looked at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded positively. "Many survivors witnessed it with their own eyes."

Seems... No inside story?

"Well." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he thought lightly, "yes, master Niu demon didn\'t mention whether he killed the blood tiger family himself." on that day, Master Yu Lin told himself that it was only the hunting country and his family.

But who would it be if it weren\'t for the hand of the ox demon king?

civil strife?

Is it possible?

"Forget it, what do you want to do so much." Lin Feng smiled quickly. It\'s over and it\'s useless to think about it again.

What\'s more, now all the "evidence" has disappeared. Anyway, senior Niu demon king should know about it. When he meets him again, ask him to know what\'s going on.

At present, I should cherish the remaining "three days".

Stay with your family.

Zhuquezhou, hinterland.

A man dressed in red phosphorus stood in the air with a powerful momentum of not being angry.

It was on that day that he entered the wizard of Oz, calmed the transcendent existence of the rebellion of the Tiangou family, and the king of zhuquezhou - King Yan. The red phosphorous clothes glittered, as if a fire wrapped the body. The king\'s eyes were burning, staring at the front, and his eyebrows twisted slightly.

Boom! Boom~

Boom!! Boom~

It felt like a volcanic eruption, a violent vibration.

Ahead, an amazing sea of fire shines, and the hot breath seems to burn people to ashes.

The breath of terror is shocking. It\'s like purgatory. You can\'t see anything else.

Only fire!

The ultimate flame burns everything.

The fire is as fierce as an elf, running wildly and ferociously attacking any existence you can see. This huge boundless sea of fire imitates Buddha and can\'t tolerate anything else. Mars rushed to the king of inflammation, but it was resisted by an invisible Qi, but it went on like a moth to the fire.

It\'s pretty scary.

The picture in front of me is like the coming of the end.

"Very strong."

"Better than ever."

"The surge of the heart, this time, seems to be completely different from before."

Yan Wang breathed a sigh and nodded.

The earth is shaking violently, one after another, like waves after waves.

The feeling is very clear.

"The bird King\'s prison is more violent than a month ago, and will open soon." the burning King whispered with his hands on his back.

"I don\'t know what it will be like then."

With a light breath, Yan Wang\'s eyes were burning.

This is exactly where the ancient forbidden area "quewang prison" is located.

"This time, the stirring range of \'bird King prison\' is so strong that it seems..."

"At that time, I\'m afraid more than one will break through the holy level."

"It\'s the blessing of zhuquezhou."

Yan Wang smiled slightly and was very satisfied.

Zhu quezhou is in his charge. He naturally hopes that the more Saint level exists, the better.


"The five stars are connected, but what does it mean to be linked?" the king looked up at the sky. At this time, the five bright stars were arranged like five pointed stars, and the shining lights were connected with each other. There was a certain traction and connection between them, which reflected with a huge bright star in the distance. It felt very strange.

"Well..." Yan Wang was silent and indecisive.

Simple and happy days always pass very fast.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Although Lin Wanqing and Lin shuier were reluctant to give up, they also knew Lin Feng\'s mission.

It was not sad to leave. After all, they are now "martial arts" and live a very long life. Let alone a few months, it is just a few years. Decades are just a snap. Moreover, if Lin Feng wants to come back now, it\'s just a blink of an eye.

"Don\'t worry, mom, I\'ll be fine." Lin Feng gently hugged his mother and said with a smile.

With a burning self-confidence in his smile, he is really different now. It is completely different from a year ago or three months ago.

The war with Kui Zheng benefited too much!

"Be careful, wind." Lin Wanqing asked softly.

"Pick us up early, big brother." Lin shuier smiled at the light bell.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded with a smile and patted Lin Yun on the shoulder, "I\'ll give it to you, a Yun."

"Don\'t worry, brother." Lin Yun smiled.

Farewell to his family, Lin Feng left with confidence.

Even if you enter the "rosefinch territory" in the hinterland of rosefinch island this time, even if you will face countless star region level existence in this rosefinch challenge, including the top ten in Shiluo County, the top existence in the other eight counties, and countless star region level top strength, it doesn\'t matter.

Because today\'s self has already become a real person——

Star domain peak!