Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1007

Kui Zheng\'s face was very ugly.

A huge black painted axe shows its towering. The axe blade is inserted into the ground, and the earth seems to crack.

The axe comes first before the man arrives!

The terrible axe sends out a huge momentum, such as pioneering, blocking everything. It seems to be warning Kui Zheng that if he takes another step across the minefield, he will die without a place to bury. However, Kui Zheng has no choice at all. In fact, with his personality and arrogance, how can he retreat?

The saint level strong, one of the four kings of the demon family, the blood tiger family, has a strong self-esteem.

"Ah!" "ah!!" roared angrily. Kui Zheng completely ignored the threat of the axe and took that step in an instant.


One step is like a natural moat.

"Seek death." heavy nasal sound, accompanied by a heavy step on the ground.

Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom~

In the distance, a huge body came, ten meters high, hairy, naked, and strong muscles seemed to burst. The horns are thick, the ox nose is humming, and the legs are as thick as iron pillars. The heavy feeling brought by stepping makes the heart throb and suffocate.

It was the "Tauren" Lin Feng saw in the war snake hall that day.

It is also the "boss" in the mouth of the Yu scale.

His appearance, like a sea god needle, completely pressed the whole situation.

The Yu scale smiled, and the four handed dwarf "a Miao" breathed a sigh of relief. His face was calm and natural.

Obviously, they are full of confidence in the strength of the \'boss\'.

On the contrary, Kui Zheng was stunned and completely stunned. The body seems numb. It can\'t take that step, even if it\'s just the simplest step. He was already afraid of the appearance of the axe just now, but he couldn\'t retreat. He just clenched his teeth.

At present, when he really saw the master of the axe, he knew

This time, he\'s finished.

"Holy King level."

"It\'s impossible. How can it exist at the holy King level."

Kui Zheng muttered to himself, looking at the Tauren in front of him with a look of horror.

Ahead, the Tauren showed an aggressive breath. Those bull eyes killed coldly. The pace seemed slow, but I didn\'t know when they had come to the axe, as if they were fleeting. The furry palms grabbed the axe and pulled it out with a bang, which was earth shaking.

Niu Yan stared at Kui Zheng, with Fen xiongran\'s terror.

Contempt, contempt, arrogance!

"Do it in my cow devil\'s territory."

"I don\'t know what to do!"

The smell of terror was accompanied by the roar of the ox demon king.

The earth shook violently, and the ox demon king\'s body suddenly became incomparably huge. A pair of arms expanded extremely and his muscles burst. The giant axe was held high, as tall as the sky. The breath of amazing terror completely suppressed Kui Zheng. The ox demon king\'s double pupils flashed, "die!"

The heavy nasal sound, accompanied by the crazy clanging sound of the giant axe, crashed down.




Kui Zheng screamed in horror. This time, he finally felt afraid.

It was a fear from the bottom of my heart, a deep death threat, and my body trembled violently.

However, the ox devil didn\'t understand.

You don\'t have to understand!

The giant axe, condensing the terrible power of the ox demon king, opened the world and completely overwhelmed Kui Zheng\'s momentum. Just now, Kui Zheng, who was still swaggering and powerful against Yu scale and four handed dwarf, is now scared out of his wits and flees quickly. He doesn\'t have the heart to fight.

Just like the gap between him and Lin Feng, it is like a natural moat.

However, if in the fighting spirit world, he may still have the possibility to escape, but here?

Kui Zheng has no advantage in terms of climate, geography and people. What\'s more, there are too many differences in strength. Although Kui Zheng is a leader in the holy level, you should know that the Tauren in front of you is in the war snake City, known as the "Bull Demon King". Looking at the whole war snake City, it is at the top of the pyramid.

At the holy King level, that is the top existence!

"Boom!" an axe fell, destroying the withered and decadent, and no force could stop it.

Kui Zheng\'s shrill voice, accompanied by the amazing sound of axe movement, enveloped everything.

With one move, it was split into meat sauce.

ashes to ashes!

Tianwu continent.

"Chih!" a sharp claw crossed, and a strong man of the blood tiger family died instantly.


With a look of disbelief, the two pupils turned into nothingness with a "Peng" sound in the blink of an eye. The humans in the shelter who were not killed looked at the "blood tiger" in horror. They were full of fear, but they didn\'t know why they would kill each other.

"Jie Jie." kuitu sneered, licked his paws, gloomy and terrible.

He didn\'t kill human beings. Kuitu\'s eyes flashed and galloped. In a moment, he disappeared, leaving his inexplicable and confused faces. He didn\'t know what had happened from beginning to end. With the departure of Lin Feng and Kui Zheng, tianwu mainland is launching "great changes".


Not only humans, but also the blood tiger family.

Scold! Scold! Scold!

A blood tiger was killed and had no resistance.

Immersed in the pleasure of killing, they never thought of their \'companions\'. No, their\' little Lord \'would kill them, which is simply unimaginable.

Killing each other is a great sin among the blood tiger family!

But how can Quetu care now?

"Nine times out of ten Kui Zheng will not come back."

"As long as I kill all these useless waste, no one will doubt my identity. Shunteng touched melon and found it here."

"From then on, I kuitu can be completely reborn!"

"Even this battle..."

Kuitu\'s mouth showed a gloomy smile with a look of satisfaction.

Kill two birds with one stone. This time, the blood tiger family was slaughtered on a large scale. He can make a big fuss. In his "Kui Kun" capacity, what he said has its own weight, and there is no worry that the blood tigers do not believe it. At that time, take the blood tiger family as one of the four kings of the demon family,

His purpose can be achieved!

Different from the forest wind.

Kuitu killed his "companion" without effort.

With strong physique and strength, and almost demonic experience and mind, kuitu doesn\'t have to work hard to kill thousands of strong people of the blood tiger family. Blink one by one, blink another, every time you kill a kuitur, you will destroy the evidence, and there is no leakage.

Ginger is old and spicy. Kuitu has a deep experience.

He is good at forbearance and calculation, and is proficient in conspiracy calculation.

At this time, the strong of the blood tiger family are immersed in the pleasure of killing. Who wants to get

Companions are decreasing one after another?

In less than an hour, the strong of the blood tiger family were slaughtered.

"Die!" "go to death!" "go to death!!!" kuitu showed his fierce light in his eyes. He didn\'t have half the feelings of the same race and killed decisively.

For him, only interests and himself, the same race?

What is that!

Every strong man of the dead blood tiger family did not know what had happened even to his death. The vast tianwu continent is filled with a thick smell of blood, mixed with the resentment of the strong of the blood tiger family and the fear of mankind, just like a human purgatory.

At this time, only kuitu is left!

All the strong blood tigers are dead!

Before the expedition, I\'m afraid this was the end that Kui Zheng couldn\'t think of.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha! ~"

Wild laughter reverberated across the sky.

Kuitur flapped his wings, and his laughter was full of extreme pleasure, which was the taste of complete release. The new body has gradually adapted and taken on a new look. Trapped in the endless years of "ten thousand bones", he has never felt so cool.


It\'s great.

That\'s freedom.

No longer bound, unrestrained.

"From then on, there will be no devil \'kuitu\'."

"I will be Kui Kun of the blood tiger family, the son of Kui Zheng killed by humans!" Kui Tu\'s eyes flashed and his smile was cold.

"Jie Jie! ~"

Looking around the whole tianwu continent, kuitur did not kill the remaining humans.

Maybe it\'s because he disdains to kill these mole ants, or maybe it\'s because there\'s something he\'s afraid of in tianwu continent.

For a moment, like a layer of light and shadow, kuitu left tianwu in the blink of an eye.

"Goodbye, old undead."

"I wish you bad luck and trapped forever, ha ha! ~"

Three days.

The smell of blood filled the air for three days and still did not dissipate.

This catastrophe is definitely a deep disaster, a catastrophe that has not occurred for a long time!

However, the hunting country is celebrating at this time, and everyone\'s faces are full of smiles. Although the catastrophe caused heavy casualties, almost one-third of human beings were slaughtered and more than half of the cities were destroyed, they are still alive; They survived this "catastrophe.".

Dead? Although people feel fear, they have long been indifferent.

Too many times.

There have been too many disasters in the hunting country, and many people are numb.

Every time, it\'s close to death.

It\'s natural to celebrate being alive.

"The catastrophe is over?" Lin Yun smiled.

"It seems so, Lord." Lan shrugged and smiled.

"People say that this time it seems that these \'demon clan\' civil strife, dogs bite dogs, and finally I don\'t know why... It\'s over." Tianqing also felt helpless.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

No one knows what happened.


But it doesn\'t matter.

"Don\'t worry about him. We\'re still alive anyway." Thunderbolt roared with laughter. "Others, don\'t worry about it!"

"Yes, living is the most important thing. We\'ll talk about the rest later." the smiling Buddha touched his belly and smiled. He just had a good meal.

The crowd also laughed loudly, full of joy and happiness.

I wish I could survive!

Anyway, they survived the disaster.

Lin Yun also smiled with the crowd, but his eyes looked at the distance and flickered gently, "brother, did you do it?"

Others can\'t feel it, but he felt the smell of big brother before. He appeared briefly, although he disappeared later for some reason

But his intuition told him that the perfect solution to this catastrophe must have something to do with big brother.

"Don\'t have an accident, brother." Lin Yun said softly in his heart.