Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1008

Hunting country, restore calm.

Although the loss is huge, human vitality is very strong.

As long as there is enough time, it is not too difficult for the hunting country to rebuild its home. After all, the foundation has not been shaken. Today\'s hunting country has no civil strife and concentrated power. With the leadership of Lin Yun, LAN, Tianqing and others, it will soon regain its vitality.

In the twinkling of an eye, three months passed.

For the rest of his life, it was thriving.

To some extent, the reduction in the number of people is more conducive to the improvement of people\'s average quality.

Star Mandan can be used more effectively.

Today\'s hunting country, even the weakest, has a "warrior" physique.

This was completely unimaginable before. Lin shuier and Qin Rou have the fastest improvement in strength. The former has a low start, but enjoys the most favorable cultivation conditions because of their special status, so they have a great improvement; Qin Rou\'s own foundation is very solid. In addition, the cultivation environment is no worse than Lin shuier, and the promotion is more terrible.

Entering the Xinghai level, Qin Rou\'s strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It seems that Qin Rou has become the second strongest in the hunting country except Lin Yun.

Lin Wanqing, who is weak in physique, has been quietly promoted to the title of martial god after steady fighting in the early stage. Perhaps his combat ability is still zero, but his physique has completely changed. The former weakness has long disappeared. The transformation of physique brings new physical changes, and the cells are full of vitality.


No matter Lin Yun, Lin shuier or Lin Wanqing, they rarely smile.

"Elder brother, elder brother will not have an accident?" Lin shuier asked anxiously.

"Yes, yun\'er, she hasn\'t heard from feng\'er for three months." Lin Wanqing sighed softly. Although her body has changed a lot, her heart hasn\'t changed at all. She is still the mother of three children and will worry about it.

"It\'s all right, mom." Lin Yun smiled and comforted, "my brother and I have a good connection. If something happens to him, I can feel it."

The smile is vaguely astringent. To tell the truth, Lin Yun is not sure. Although he was a brother, he went through "eye change" later, and his blood was closer and deeper. You can feel it in the same place, but you can\'t feel it if it\'s too far away, or it\'s not on the same level at all.

When Lin Feng was in Shiluo County before, he didn\'t feel anything.

This is a white lie.

"Well, well." Lin Wanqing nodded lightly, but her eyes were still worried.

This is being a parent. Even if you hear it, you can\'t calm down as long as your children don\'t stand in front of you.

Lin shuier bit cherry lips and looked at Lin Yun and his mother. He wanted to ask again, but he never said it.

"Brother, don\'t have an accident." Lin shuier crossed his hands, held them tightly, and closed his eyes.

Lin Yun\'s eyes flickered, "come back quickly, brother, everyone is waiting for you."

Thousand snake cave.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng whispered, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

When he opened his eyes, it was a strange but familiar environment. Lin Feng moved his hands and sat up slowly.

"Still alive."

"But I seem to have fallen asleep for a long time."

The memory fragments in his mind gradually spell together, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I vaguely remember the first war that day. After being strongly impacted by the saint level strong of the blood tiger family, I was unconscious again

"It protected me." Lin Feng looked at his side. The golden five pointed star treasure was completely broken at this time, and there was no energy response. It can be said that it has done its "duty" to block two attacks by the saint level strong.

On that day, there were many better than this golden treasure in Baibao, but I took a fancy to it at a glance. Now I want to come

Indeed, there is a destiny.

You shouldn\'t die.

"Unexpectedly, he hasn\'t died yet." Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but his face changed greatly and his heart tightened completely.


How long have you been in a coma?

Pop! Clenching his fists, Lin Feng suddenly soared into the air, his eyes shining with fear.

Although he led away the strongest Saint level strongman on that day, there were still thousands of blood tiger strongmen in tianwu mainland, all of them were star level peaks. To kill all human beings, let alone thousands, even if there is only one strong man of the blood tiger family, it will take no effort.

"Never." Lin Feng murmured, a little unsure.

I know very well in my heart that tianwu mainland may not escape this disaster, but

Don\'t want to admit it!

"Must still be alive."

"Yes, everyone should be fine!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and kept saying to himself.

But the body felt a little heavy and trembling. Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated continuously, and the heartache had nothing to add.

The possibility is really slim.


"Wake up?" a familiar voice came not far away. Lin Feng immediately recovered and looked around.

It was a familiar face, with a slender body naked, and eight abdominal muscles very clear. With his hands on his back and a faint smile, Yu scale walked towards him with a pair of golden fish like eyes.

"Thank you for saving your life, elder." Lin Fenglian arched his hands.

Seeing Yu scale, I thought that before I was unconscious that day, I seemed to feel the smell of Yu scale.

He should have saved himself.

"I\'m not the one who saved you." Yu Lin said with a smile. "You have to thank the boss. If he didn\'t arrive in time, I\'m afraid even if I joined hands with ah Miao, we might not be able to keep you." tut twice, Yu Lin said, "the strength of that monster is not simple."

"Ah Miao, boss?" Lin Feng was surprised.

His eyes were slightly bright, and he was curious about the "boss" Yu scale said.

Who can make the holy level strong "Yu scale" recognize the boss?

Soon, Yu Lin repeated the events of that day, and Lin Feng stared at him with great horror.

"Kill the saint level strong with one axe?!" Lin Feng felt the huge shock in his heart, which was unimaginable. I personally realized that the strength of the strong of the blood tiger family was terrible to the extreme. I was like a baby in front of him and had no resistance. However, this kind of existence can\'t even escape the blow of the "Bull Demon King".

It\'s terrible!

"It\'s him..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and immediately remembered.

I also met the Bull Demon King. It was the swaggering "Tauren" in the war snake hall that day!

But that day, I just thought he was a "Saint" strong man, but I didn\'t expect

How could this Tauren be a legendary "holy king"

It\'s only one step away from the strong star!

He is called the \'ox demon king\'.


"For me, there is no difference between Saint level strong and Saint King level strong."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Both are unmatched for themselves.

It is normal if it cannot be distinguished.

"Elder Yu, I wonder if you can take me to see the ox demon king. I want to thank him personally." Lin Feng nodded.

Yu Lin smiled: "no, the boss doesn\'t like such \'cliche\' things. Moreover, it\'s common for him."

"Regular meals?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Yes." Yu Lin said with a smile, "on the second floor of qianshe cave, there are 1080 war snake envoys here. They take their war snake as their respective camps. As long as our brothers suffer losses in ordinary fights and battles, the boss must take the lead for us."

1080 war snake envoys?

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart moved gently.

According to elder Yu, it seems that this is the "summary" of all snake envoys on the second floor of qianshe cave.

"Each kind of war snake has twelve war snake envoys. In other words, there are a total of 90 different war snakes."

"Add the first layer..."

"It\'s 990 kinds of war snakes!"

"There are ten more."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his heart was bright.

Obviously, the remaining ten kinds of war snakes are higher and stronger.

It must be in the deepest part of the thousand snake cave, the third floor.

"On the first floor of the thousand snake cave, each kind of war snake competes for the identity of the only war snake envoy, which is the struggle between war snake envoys."

"But here, it seems to be a struggle between war snakes and war snakes."

Lin Feng thought and understood.

Where there are people, there are disputes and fights. No matter what race it is, it is the same.

"Moreover, the boss is not in the thousand snake cave now." Yu Lin shrugged. "You just want to find him, I\'m afraid you have to wait for a while." suddenly it seemed that he remembered something, and Yu Lin clapped his hand. "I almost forgot that the boss asked me to tell you that your... Hunting country and your relatives are safe."

Peng! When his head shook, Lin Feng suddenly stared.

How can master Yu Lin and master Niu demon know the existence of the "hunting country"?

"Ha ha!" Yu Lin laughed, "are you surprised? I also know your name is\' Lin Feng \'. You have a brother and sister in the hunting country, don\'t you?"

Shocked again!

Lin Feng was stunned.

Did you hear me right?

Patted Lin Feng\'s shoulder, Yu scale smiled, "don\'t look at the ferocious look of the boss. In fact, he is kind-hearted. Since he helped you, he will help you to the end. Although stealing memory is a little private, the boss is also eager to help others. Don\'t be surprised."

Steal memory?

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, suddenly.

"How can I be surprised that senior Niu demon king helped me so much? I will remember that." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and burst out a smile from his heart. The big stone hanging in my heart finally put down. I didn\'t think I really passed the catastrophe!

The hunting country and their relatives are safe!

Is there any better news than this?

"Ox demon king..." Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart, and suddenly appeared a face with deep memory, with bursts of warmth in his heart.

But I didn\'t expect that I really met a noble man this time.

shed tears of gratitude!

"By the way, Master Yu." Lin Feng was stunned, looked at Yu scale and said in surprise, "just now you said that master Niu demon king is not in qiansnake cave now, shouldn\'t he..."

Yu Yu smiled bitterly, "yes, the boss likes to \'play\' in different worlds."

"So the ox demon king elder he......" Lin Feng also stared.

"Go to fight spirit world." Yu scale shrugged.