Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1006

Where\'s their king?

All the strong men of the blood tiger family looked at each other in amazement.

Seeing their king chasing a man, the figure disappeared in an instant, and the blood tigers couldn\'t react. But for a moment, with the roar of a tiger, the eyes of the strong men of the blood tiger family were coagulated with blood light and their killing intention was revealed!


Keep killing!

If one does not stay, there is no amnesty for killing!

This is the "task" assigned by their "King" and must be completed.

The strong smell of blood spread across the tianwu continent, crazy fighting voices came one after another, and thousands of blood tigers began to kill crazily again. One shelter after another was found, human beings were brutally slaughtered, and their eyes were filled with horror and fear.

The havoc has not stopped!


The only "blood tiger" was his pupils flashing and emitting wisps of pure light.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha! ~"


"Good walking. God helps me too!"

The laughter was full of complacency, and kuitu had no idea that things would develop as he intended.

Nakui Zheng not only didn\'t kill the mysterious human, but was led to

"Thousand snake cave."

"What the little guy used just now is the power of fighting snakes."

"Interesting, too interesting."

In terms of experience and experience, Kui Zheng can\'t beat Kui Tu.

What\'s more, kuitu has stayed in the ten thousand bones for an unknown number of years. For a long time, he almost forgot. I can\'t know more about kuitu in tianwu, including the mysterious "thousand snake cave". After all, he has been here for too long.

"Stupid." kuitu smiled coldly.

"Indiscriminately, he entered the transmission channel. He thought it must be transmitted to somewhere in the fighting spirit world?"

"That\'s a thousand snake cave."

Kuitujie laughed. This time, nine times out of ten

Kui Zheng will never come back.

"Pa!" "pa!" the wings as thin as cicada wings flapped. Kuitu looked around, his pupils shining.

"It\'s time to plan for myself."

"Little fellow, in order to \'repay\' you, I devil \'kuitur\' give you a big gift!"

"Jie Jie!! ~"

Thousand snake cave, second floor.

"Wow! ~" the light flashed, and Lin Feng immediately returned to the war snake city.

"Fortunately, I can hide."


Lin Feng\'s heart was startled, and the secret way was lucky.

But just that terrible blow almost passed by him, and the distance between him and death was very close.

Whoosh! Suddenly the forest wind galloped away.

His eyes were bright and he knew what would happen next second.

The furious Saint level strongman is bound to appear from the \'space channel\' in the next moment.

And this is what I expect.

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s hands coagulated the flame and suddenly burst out his ultimate strength.

"There are enemies!!!" Lin Feng drank loudly, his eyes were bright, and he used the language of Ophiuchus. In this huge war snake City, there are countless "Saint level" strong men. This is my purpose——

Drive wolves and tigers!

It may not be successful, but it is my only hope now.

In an instant, as Lin Feng expected, the space channel flashed again, and Kui Zheng\'s angry figure appeared at the same time with the sound of drinking. In an instant, Kui Zheng\'s terrible power, and then distorted the space, rushed to the forest wind.

Come on!

Amazing speed.

The attack of Saint level strong people is not only fast, but also the ultimate terror.

"Boom!!" with Kui Zheng\'s extremely angry blow, he hit Lin Feng\'s back with a thunderous momentum, as fast as a meteor. Lin Feng can\'t avoid it at all. However, the golden light was dazzling and blocked Kui Zheng\'s blow.

PA!! Golden light fragmentation, this time, is complete fragmentation.

Even if the golden mask was strong enough to block two holy level attacks, it was exhausted.

"Poof!" Lin Feng vomited blood and fell down like a broken kite.

Although the golden light blocked the fatal blow, but Kui Zheng\'s attack was a lot "smart", not a simple space distortion, but with extreme impact. Even if the golden light blocks most of the power of the attack, the strong impact can\'t be stopped.

Completely instilled in the body!

"Peng!" Lin Feng fell heavily and suddenly lost consciousness.

"Not dead yet?!" Kui Zheng clenched his teeth with extreme anger.

Again and again, again and again.

I feel the breath of the forest wind. It\'s like a hairspring, but

Still hanging one last breath!

"Damn it!" Kui Zheng\'s eyes were red and furious.

The sharp power gathered again and attacked the forest wind at an unparalleled speed. This time, this damn human will die!

Kui Zheng is full of confidence.

However, Kui Zheng\'s face suddenly changed dramatically.

"Holy level exists?"

"One, two!!"

Kui Zheng was a little confused, but he didn\'t know what was going on.

He didn\'t know that the moment Lin Feng returned, he was already crying out for help.

The phrase "there are enemies" calls out many "helpers".

Here is the second floor of qianshe cave.

Different from the first level, the "war snake envoys" here are friends rather than enemies. Although they are not necessarily friendly to each other, this is the area where the "demon blue war snake" is located. There is no doubt that there are many harmonious relations between the "war snake envoys" of all demon blue war snakes, especially——

Have a common enemy!

"Wow!" the first one appeared was the Yu scale.

A single horn flashed brightly, but it was Lin Feng\'s voice.

The speed is very fast. Seeing Kui Zheng attacking Lin Feng whose life and death are uncertain, the golden fish like pupils of Yu scale shine brightly and shout loudly, "calm!" the amazing and powerful power of the soul completely erupted. Although the distance is very far, Kui Zheng still blows his head, his body is 7 tons, and the speed is a beat slower.


"No, it\'s too late." the Yu scale said secretly.

Although he blocked Kui Zheng\'s moment, he was still a little far away and couldn\'t catch up with Lin Feng.

But in an instant, the Yu scale smiled.

"Whoosh!" an illusion flashed instantly, just when Kui Zheng\'s face was ferocious and gave Lin Feng the most fatal blow with pain——

Pop! The tiger\'s mouth snatched food.

It was a vine, just like the moment when the snake was fighting for food. It was as fast as the extreme. It swept away the forest wind from Kui Zheng\'s claws.

"Boom!!!" the power of terror fell on the earth, a huge earthquake, but at this time, Lin Feng was already far away. It was a "dwarf" with a skinny body, but it had four arms. Each arm was like a "man Teng". One of them was rolling with Lin Feng at this time, and his eyes were shining and staring at Kui Zheng.

"Damn it!"

"What\'s going on!!"

Kui Zheng is going crazy at this time.

Again and again, Lin Feng escaped, and the feeling was unspeakable.

Now, he appears in an "inexplicable" place. There are two holy levels in succession. Although his strength is not as strong as him, if the two work together, he is not sure of winning. What he couldn\'t understand was that the existence of these two holy levels was quite "weird", neither human nor demon, nor living beings.

But at the moment, he has no time to think about it.

Advance or retreat, we must make a quick choice!

Kui Zheng\'s eyes were constantly changing. Almost instantly, he had made the final decision——


Kui Zheng stepped on the ground, and the word "King" on his forehead flashed brightly.

Complete rage is to pay a price. This time, he will kill Lin Feng. He must not leave future trouble! Although the existence of these two holy levels was strong, he was sure. After killing Lin Feng, he walked calmly. Kui Zheng has full confidence in his strength.

"Space is broken!" Kui Zhenghu\'s eyes were burning and moved his real kung fu.

Facing the obstacles of Saint level, he can\'t be like killing Lin Feng.

A strong sense of space pervades the whole area. Kui Zheng\'s face is a little ugly, but he feels that the space here is completely different from the fighting spirit world. He couldn\'t give full play to his strength, but nevertheless, a strong vortex attack suddenly appeared, directly attacking the four handed dwarf.

More than that, the appearance of the vortex shattered the surrounding space, and the four handed dwarf had no way to go.

"Four times as like as two peas, the dwarf is not in a panic. The energy of the stars is shining, and the wind is blocked behind the other hand. The other three hands are just like a snake in a flash. He bites out crazily and is completely unafraid of Kui Zheng\'s attack.

Although he is small, his strength is not weak.

Compared with the Yu scale, the strength of the four handed dwarf is better!

"I\'m coming, Miao." the Yu scale quacked with laughter and relaxed quickly at this time.

A pair of goldfish eyes flickered with extreme light, and the power of the soul was completely released. The cup scale drank loudly: "demon binding!" for a moment, one corner flashed light, which resonated with the goldfish eyes. The invisible light beam existed like a fish line and quickly wrapped and bound Kui Zheng.


"Break it all!!" Kui Zheng was hysterical and angry.

At this time, the word "King" on the forehead is dazzling and shining, and the breath of terror increases the space energy to the extreme.

Kui Zheng, his strength is 100% explosive!

Since he wants to fight, he won\'t have any reservations.

The blood tiger family is really powerful, and the terror of blood is worthy of being one of the four emperors of the demon family. With one against two, Kui Zheng was not afraid at all. The power and breath of terror completely controlled and reversed the situation. For a moment, the Yu scale\'s face was darkened, and the single angle light was covered.

The four handed dwarf "a Miao" also had a deep eye, and the attack of the three war snakes was broken by the pair of tiger claws.

Kui Zheng, strange power!

Explosive power, incomparably powerful!

If he doesn\'t succeed, he will become benevolent. Kui Zheng has completely let go this time.

He is the real strong man of the blood tiger family!

With one blow, he broke the combination of a Miao and Yu scale, and Kui Zheng\'s eyes showed his killing intention. The frightening and suffocating power immediately rushed to a Miao, regardless of the Yu scale behind him. At this time, Lin Feng was the only enemy in front of him. He would never tolerate this humble mole ant to survive.

Even if he pays the price of injury, he will kill this hateful human!

A Miao\'s face was heavy and a little unbearable, but his body was relaxed in an instant, and the Yu scale who was galloping to come at this time showed a happy face.

"Boom!" a huge axe broke the sky and fell from the sky.

The earth vibrates for it.

Boom~ The axe fell in the middle of Kui Zheng and a Miao, and the smell of terror covered everything.

"Boss!" Yu Lin said happily.