Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1002

City of sky.

"What a terrible smell." Lin Yun\'s eyes flashed.

"The Lord of the holy kingdom is right, really... A catastrophe has come." Tianqing sighed with helplessness in her words.

"Fortunately, we are prepared in advance. We are prepared." Lan Qingdao.

Since the founding of the hunting Kingdom, Lin Yun has been making arrangements for various "defensive" measures to avoid the recurrence of similar herd riots. For example, the basement, the refuge at the bottom of the lake, and even the reconstruction of ancient relics.

Take precautions.

Even if you can\'t protect all the people in the hunting country, at least leave a little blood.

This is a key point. Although it is useless to hide any terrible disaster even if it is deep, some things can be done enough, and the rest depends on God\'s will. The so-called "do your best to listen to destiny" is this truth. At least, there is a lot of hope.

"Let\'s go too, Lord."

"If you don\'t go, I\'m afraid you can\'t go."

It was sunny and the three nodded and smiled at each other.

But a helpless and powerless smile.

"Brother, come back quickly." Lin Yun said softly in his heart, his right hand holding a fist and trembling gently.

At this time, although Tianqing and LAN didn\'t speak, what they thought was the same thing and the same person. Once, tianwu was saved from fire and water several times, whether it was a herd riot, the killing of Xiaotian dog, or even the rebellion of different snakes. The kingdom of hunting still exists because of him——

Holy Lord, Lin Feng!

In the thousand snake cave.

Lin Feng is burning with anxiety.

His hands are as fast as electricity. He keeps turning and looking at the books on the bookshelf. His eyes change rapidly and see ten lines at a glance.

Find a way!

"There must be."

"There must be a way to get out of here."


Lin Feng clenched his teeth and kept looking at the book.

Next to me, stacks of books piled up like a mountain. Lin Feng looked at them and remembered them at the same time. The speed was very fast.

However, nothing has been achieved.

"Pa!" is another book. After reading it, Lin Feng\'s eyes are a little dull.

There is still no way.

Is it really impossible?

What should I do?

What should I do now!!

Seeing the approaching of time, the anxiety in my heart drives me crazy. If the tianwu continent is devastated because he can\'t go back, the people in the hunting country are slaughtered, and the bones of his relatives are gone, the future

How should I live?

How to face your heart, face all this!

"Calm down!"

"I must calm down."

"There must be a way, there must be, but I haven\'t found it yet."

Confidence is very important.

Once you lose confidence, you can\'t do anything.

Lin Feng breathed deeply, his chest gradually calmed down, his eyebrows tightened together and his lips closed tightly.

For a moment, Lin Fengmeng was stunned and punched to the left.

"How stupid I am!"

"Now that I have mastered the language of Ophiuchus, why do I have to explore by myself?"

"Yu Lin didn\'t signal me just now. You can go to him if you have anything. With his strength and insight, you are likely to know the way!"

The heart starts to read, and Lin Feng immediately runs out.

Like a gust of wind, he opened the door and Lin Feng went straight to the Crystal Palace where the Yu scale was located.

"I hope he is."

"Never practice."

Lin Feng clenched his teeth, nervously stepped down in front of the gate of the Yu scale Crystal Palace and rang the doorbell.

"Puff!" Puff! "The heart beat very fast, and Lin Feng stared at the door. Suddenly, his heart moved, and a light and pleasant sound of the door opening came to his ears. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, staring at the familiar figure and gradually entering his eyes.

"Elder Yu!" Lin Feng arched his hand and said happily.

"Oh? It\'s you, little guy." Yu Lin whispered and smiled. Obviously, he wasn\'t surprised that Lin Feng came to him. "He learned very quickly. Can I help you?"

"Don\'t hide it from your elders. I beg you for something." Lin Feng nodded.

"Go ahead." Yu Lin chuckled twice.

With sparkling eyes, Lin Feng said, "senior, if I want to leave here and go back to my original world, can I have a way?" he stared at the Yu scale. Lin Feng didn\'t even dare to go out of the atmosphere for fear of getting a negative answer.

This is my last hope.

The Yu scale pondered for a while, nodded and chuckled, "naturally there is a way."

In my ears, there was a sound like the sound of nature.

After a while, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and incomparably bright, and he clenched his fists.


And now.

Tianwu mainland is facing crisis again.

Catastrophe, coming again!

"Boom! ~" the earth shaking explosion, with only one claw, Kui Zheng completely destroyed Kui Kun\'s big array, which was a little broken last time. Like thunder, the earth shook violently, and the whole tianwu continent fell into endless panic.

giant earthquakes and landslides!

The earth split in the middle and covered with dark clouds.

The whole hunting country, everyone\'s eyes are full of fear. In the basement, people are crowded and feel the vibration of the earth. Even below, there are violent fluctuations and heavy breathing sounds, accompanied by the feeling of rapid suffocation and shivering.

The shelter at the bottom of the lake has a protective cover to isolate the water source. It is the place with the largest number of people coexisting with the basement.

After several hardships, the population proportion of the hunting country has decreased greatly. Otherwise, it can\'t accommodate so many people to take refuge together. Including all kinds of ancient relics, they are now full of people. Everyone kneels on the ground and prays piously.

I hope the disaster will end soon.

Everything in the hunting country seems to be changing greatly, including

A desolate wilderness, the border area, is located in an endless huge cemetery, stone tablets are crooked, and there is no grass in the land of sand and stone. Around the huge cemetery, there was a strange atmosphere, all kinds of virtual shadows flashed, and there was a harsh sound like a wronged soul.

In the middle of the huge cemetery, there is a Hessian emptiness.

Terror, horror, let the heart throb, soul flying flaw.

Here is the third of the four Jedi——

Ten thousand bones!

No one, not even a ghost.

There is a legend in tianwu that anyone who steps into the boundary of ten thousand bones will be haunted by ten thousand ghosts, directly dragged into the "ten thousand bones" and enter the eighteen layers of hell and never exceed life. Compared with hundreds of waterfalls and thousands of snake caves, this is the real horror.

On that day, Lin Feng dared not enter it.

Because a fear from the bottom of my heart spread all over my body.

Here is the real \'Hell\'.

"Jie Jie!"

"Jie Jie!!"

"Really, my stupid descendant..."

A gloomy voice, straight into the heart and lungs, hoarse and hard to hear.

Like the sound of coins scraping on the glass, every byte makes people goose bumps, especially the laughter. I\'m afraid ordinary people don\'t want to sleep for days and nights.

"I\'m finally free."

"Shit, this damn place is really deadly."

"Several old people don\'t die. You can enjoy it here slowly. I\'ll go first, ha ha! ~"


No one saw that in the middle of the cemetery, the dark and terrible ten thousand bones flickered with a touch of strange light.

A terrible breath of "soul" galloped away at an alarming speed. A faint shadow can be seen. The tiger body, ox horn, a spiral whip, the red skin is like blood engraving, full of scales and layers, weak cicada wings, but it is as sharp as a blade.

As like as two peas of blood tiger family!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The world is falling apart, and the strong of the blood tiger family are high.

Although the number is small, each of them is the existence of star domain level peaks. These adult blood tigers, no matter how weak their qualifications, are star domain level peaks. Just like the divine beast, every adult is a "holy" existence, but you should know that the divine beast cannot bear naturally, but the blood tiger family is different.

Although it can\'t compare with the fecundity of other demon families, the blood tiger family can keep breeding and continue their blood after all.

One of the four kings of the demon family is not in vain because of its amazing and terrible "Holy Level" production rate.

"Father, these humans seem to know we\'re coming?" qui kunsa smiled.

"That\'s right." Kui Zheng\'s eyes brightened and his mouth grinned with a dark ferocity. "These despicable mole ants really took advantage of their ancestors to set up an empty city."

"My father is wise," qui Kun said with a smile.

This time, he never saw the ferocious face that frightened him last time.

The word "King" loomed on his forehead, and Kui Kun drew an arc around his mouth.

"A group of mole ants dare to insult the ancestors of my blood tiger family."

"A terrible crime!"

"Think you can hide?"

Kui Zheng\'s eyes showed a towering, disdainful look, and suddenly roared angrily. With his roar like a thunder drum, all the blood tigers behind him held their heads high and roared. The amazing tiger roar spread all over the tianwu continent, and everyone hiding in the shelter could hear it clearly and freely.

"What sound?"

"God, how can there be a tiger roaring!"

"What\'s going on?!"


There was a great chaos. People only thought it was a natural disaster, so they took refuge.

But for now, that\'s not the case!

On everyone\'s face, the color of horror and fear appeared, the pupils of their eyes were pale, and they suddenly recalled the once difficult days. Tianwu continent can be said to be just flat and rise again, just like waves, wave after wave, without any rest.

Bang! Bang! The heart beat violently.

Shortness of breath, the tip of people\'s nose seemed to smell the smell of blood and felt the dark terror.

In front of me, it seems that there are terrible figures and I saw that——

Bloody hell!


Crazy kill!!!

Human beings in the hunting country are once again facing terrorist disasters.

The crazy blood tiger family runs straight down. As one of the four kings of the demon family, it has amazing and terrible sensing ability. How can we escape their feelings only in the basement and shelter? Although it may take a little time, but

As long as they want, mankind will——

come to a bad end!

Kui Zheng, like a marshal, stood high above the world and looked down on all living beings with his head held high. His arrogance was amazing. At this time, Kui Kun is rushing away with excitement. He loves to play these "games" of killing. What he likes to see most is the faces of fear and horror, which makes him full of extreme satisfaction.

But at this time

Kui Kun\'s eyes suddenly widened, and there was no doubt that he was shocked.

The devil \'kuitu\', reappear in front of you!