Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1001

Dense star fruit!

Not one by one, but growing on a \'tree\', a piece of existence.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and he couldn\'t help smiling. Looking at this garden like "star fruit tree", there were hundreds of trees. Although there are not many trees, they are full of star fruits. Each color is full and full, filled with rich star energy.

"This is the same kind of star fruit." Lin Feng soon found it.

More than the star as like as two peas, the star fruit is the same. Although there is a little weird in the Crystal Palace, the obvious is...

It is not a small harvest.

"As I expected, these \'star fruit trees\' should belong to the green faced man."

"But I don\'t know where he got it."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care about the origin of these star fruit trees.

No matter who they used to belong to, they belong to themselves now.

"In the disc, the stone carving can completely absorb the star energy of the war snake."

"Therefore, these full star fruit are of little use to the \'green faced man\'."

"Moreover, he is already a star domain peak."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled slightly.

These star fruits, which are "useless" to the green faced man, are for himself——

But it is a great wealth!

For other martial artists, the most difficult thing to improve their strength is the "star cultivation" and the perception of the "domain". However, the two "difficulties" of the star domain level are easy to master, but the simplest star power absorption is the most lacking.

Because of myself, my strength improves too fast.

The absorption of star power takes time and can\'t keep up.

But now, with these tens of thousands of star fruits, plus the star energy absorbed by the stone carving

But it\'s different.

"If we can survive this catastrophe."

"If I go back to Shiluo County in half a year, my strength will have an earth shaking change!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Lin Feng\'s guess is not all right, but it is also eight or nine.

These "star fruit trees" really belong to the green faced man, but he didn\'t get them, but planted them himself. The warriors of thousand snake cave come from strange worlds. The warriors of each world have some "specialties" more or less.

The "Pan tree family" to which the green faced man belongs is best at cultivating all kinds of star fruit trees.

The more than 100 "green spring trees" in front of him are his masterpiece.


For Lin Feng, although these star fruit trees are precious, they can\'t solve the urgent problem.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng sighed, but shook his head. I have explored the Crystal Palace several times and dug three feet into the ground, but I can\'t find any existence similar to the "transmission channel". Seeing the last day go by, it\'s a lie to say you\'re not in a hurry.


What is a catastrophe?

It\'s not an ordinary disaster.

If it really \'affects\' the whole tianwu continent and the hunting country, then i

Death is to blame.

"Find a way!"

"There is still time, I can\'t give up!"

Lin Feng frowned deeply and paced in the Crystal Palace.

However, the method seems to have been thought over.


As soon as Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, the light in his hand flashed and took out the crystal booklet given to him by the unicorn. Exquisite and clear, this crystal album feels very clear and natural. It has a feeling of light movement of the heart, and it seems that it has something \'involved\' with itself.

"This is..." Lin Feng gently opened the crystal brochure.

For a moment, there was a flash of light in front of me, and I seemed to enter a strange world.

There are various symbols floating in my mind, and various fonts are tightly intertwined. I seem to recognize these words and understand the meaning of these symbols. Instilled in his mind, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered with blurred colors and completely fell into it.

"This is language."

"The language of Ophiuchus!"

Lin Feng understood in an instant and felt very clear.

At every moment, I can recognize many characters, and constantly master the syllables and laws of each character.

It\'s amazing!

Time passes slowly.

Lin Feng is immersed in the study of "language" and pays close attention to it every minute.

However, at this time, a number of terrible beings are slowly approaching tianwu continent. The sky is red, as if it had been dyed blood red. There was a dark and terrible existence, and the amazing breath filled the whole sea area, with wings flapping and air surging, extremely fast.

The blood tiger family, one of the four kings of the demon family!

At this time, under the leadership of the saint level strongman "Kui Zheng", he was galloping towards the tianwu continent.

All the demon families kowtow their heads to show piety and respect.

In an instant——

"Peng!" Kui Zheng, who was headed by Kui Zheng, stopped. His shining tiger eyes were filled with a strong blood light, which was extremely shocked. The saint level\'s body trembled slightly, his huge wings stopped beating, and the word "Wang" on Kui Zheng\'s forehead glittered.

"Father!" Kui Kun\'s father suddenly stopped and looked puzzled.

All the blood tigers behind him, only Kui Zheng took the lead. When he saw Kui Zheng, he stopped and dared not go beyond.

In the demon clan, the order is quite clear.

"Luo, Luo." the voice of grinding teeth, Kui Zheng\'s face was a little iron green, the tiger\'s eyes flashed a cold light, and said with gnashing teeth, "the devil \'Kui Tu\'..."

"Father, did you see it too?!" Kui Kun opened his eyes and said in horror.

"I don\'t know." Kui Zheng shook his head, frowned and said in a deep voice, "maybe it\'s just an illusion, or Kui Tu is really still alive, but..." shook his head, Kui Zheng\'s face was calm. "It\'s not likely. According to records, the ancestor Kui TU was indeed killed that day."

"But..." Kui kunlian said.

"No need to say more." Kui Zheng raised his hand and interrupted. A pair of tiger eyes shone fiercely. "It\'s true or false. The reality is strange. It\'ll be known soon."

"I\'d like to see what tricks are playing!"


With a low roar, Kui Zheng glared forward, and the word "King" flashed on his forehead.

It is the art expert who is brave!

Thousand snake cave.

At the moment, Lin Feng is studying hard.

The first level war snake town can also learn the language of Ophiuchus, but it is no doubt inferior to the second level, and the "secret dictionary" given by the monolingual is even more excellent. How can the things sent by the saint level strong be ordinary?

One hour, another hour.

In Lin Feng\'s mind, the words of Ophiuchus have been deeply "branded" at this time.

Those abstruse and difficult languages, such as ghost symbols, can now be understood completely, as if there was no difficulty.

"Pa!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and breathed deeply.

At this time, the crystal booklet has unconsciously turned to the last page. The flashing light around the book has disappeared. Lin Feng gently closed the crystal booklet and smiled.

Just in time!

Living in the "treasure land" of the thousand snake cave, but I don\'t understand the language of the Ophiuchus constellation, there is no doubt that it is difficult to move forward.

But now, it is completely adaptable!

"So his name is\' Yu scale \'."

"I owe him a big favor."

Lin Feng smiled slightly. Now he fully understands what the monologue said to himself just now, including his name

It\'s called \'Yu scale\'.

Although it sounds "awkward".

Even though he looks a little "ferocious", he is quite kind.

"Thank him for the chance."

"Now, let\'s see what we\'ve missed before."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Before, he was completely groping in the Crystal Palace. However, now he is proficient in the language of Ophiuchus, which is different from that just now. What I didn\'t care about before, maybe there is some new inspiration that can help me.

Hurry up!

In the thousand snake cave, Lin Feng was burning with anxiety.

Here, one of the four emperors of the demon family, the blood tiger family, and the demons have come in a rage.

Under the leadership of the saint level strongman "Kui Zheng", the blood tiger family has a neat staff and high morale. At this moment, outside the tianwu mainland, outside the huge "defense array", a pair of tiger eyes are shaking with terror.

"This is it, father." Kui Kun was still shocked in his eyes.

Although he was accompanied by his father this time and there were so many strong men of the blood tiger family, Kui Kun still had no bottom in his heart.

A month ago, the scene was still fresh in his memory. He deeply "remembered" the ferocious face and the smell of terror of his ancestors, as if he were going to devour him. Kui Kun looked uneasily at his father, but saw that his father looked very dignified and his face was constantly changing.

"Human breath!"

"There\'s a human smell here?!"

Kui Zheng\'s eyes were full of disbelief and widened his eyes. "What\'s the matter? The demon Kui Tu, who killed hundreds of millions of people and was covered with blood, how could he live with humans?! what\'s this break? Hiding his breath or stealing his ears?"

Anger, doubt, and a little fear.

Although Kui Zheng did not experience the second Lich war, he was also familiar with many stories, especially about the ancestors of the blood tiger family.

Kuitu, a strong king.

It is famous in the blood tiger family and even the whole demon family.

In those days, he still didn\'t have the title of "devil", but he suddenly went crazy in the battle of Lich. He killed both the enemy and ourselves hysterically! In those years, countless demon families died in his hands. Many Saint level strong people were torn to pieces by him. Later, although they were killed, but

But it is the \'shame\' of the blood tiger family and even the whole demon family!

"What was the illusion just now?"

"Lead me in?"

"It\'s impossible. Kuitu is dead. It must be false!"

Kui Zheng gnashed his teeth and the tiger claws flashed ferociously, "I see! This must be the \'conspiracy\' of these humble humans. It\'s very insidious to take advantage of the situation to avoid the demon clan."

"But my ancestors of the blood tiger family, how can they be defiled by such humble mole ants!"

"Play this game with me Kui Zheng? I haven\'t been afraid!"

"Roar!!!" the roar of anger shocked the world.

Kui Zheng stood in the sky with his head held high. His bright eyes were terrible. He shouted loudly, "brothers, listen! Kill all these mole ants for me, and leave none!"

"Kill without mercy!!!" the thunder is violent and the tiger roars!