Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1003

It was a familiar face.

From the records of ancient books, Kui Kun has seen it; A month ago, I witnessed it clearly!

Ancestor, the devil \'Quetu\'!

A \'legendary\' ancestor.

But this time, it\'s different.

Deeply imprinted in his mind, Kui Kun felt a sharp and terrible force spreading in his heart. The body trembled and felt an incomparable powerful force, biting the depths of his soul, as if to devour him completely.

"No, no!!" Kui Kun was frightened and shocked.

However, he opened his mouth wide and couldn\'t make any sound.

"Struggle? Is resistance useful?"

"Jie! Jie! Be swallowed up by me, boy."

"It\'s your honor to be a part of my \'kuitu\' body! Ha ha!! ~"


The arrogant voice echoed in kuikun\'s mind.

His body trembled. Kui Kun had no resistance at all. With Kui Tu\'s strength, even the naked soul could not resist. Even if the qualification is superior, what can it be? Potential, untapped, is just hidden in the depths of the body and can\'t play any role at all.

Almost in the blink of an eye——

"Peng!" kuikun\'s body shook violently and stopped in an instant.

The bleak tiger eyes flashed a cold light, revealing a touch of dark horror.

"Hum, the star level body is really weak."

"It would be much more convenient if it weren\'t for safety."

"Fortunately, my physical qualification is pretty good. It\'s only one step away from the holy level. With my \'soul\' cultivation, it won\'t be long..."

"Can restore all strength!"

Kui Kun\'s mouth showed a ferocious smile with a cold light, which was a look of hatred.

The word "King" on his forehead is no longer looming and uncontrollable, but brilliant, transmitting the powerful authority like an emperor, still surpassing Kui Zheng!

"Despicable human beings, hateful witch clan, had a bitter hatred in those years."

"I want you to pay the heaviest price."

"I, Quetu, am back!"


Thousand snake cave.

"Great kindness is not thanked."

"Elder Yu, I have something urgent to deal with. Let\'s go first."

"When I come back in the future, if it\'s useful, I have to find a place for my younger generation to go through fire and water."

Lin Feng arched his hands and thanked, from his heart.

If it weren\'t for Yu Lin\'s help, even if he knew the way, there was nothing he could do.

The way back can only be opened by the "Holy Level" strength. A powerful force constantly poured into his body and touched the "branded crystal" on his wrist. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and connected the two spaces with his mind. The sensing of xingcang pupil was very clear.

"Little fellow, you have good qualifications." Yu scale\'s eyes flashed and appreciated.

She giggled, and suddenly a single corner on her forehead flashed bright. When she drank fiercely, her strength suddenly burst out.

"What a powerful explosive force!"

"Is this the strength of \'holy class\'?"

Lin Feng felt incredibly shocked.

On loan!

The Yu scale uses a secret skill to lend a holy level power to himself temporarily to open the portal of transmission. With the strong spatial energy fluctuation, a spatial crack slowly lights up like eyes, feeling the powerful power in the body, and Lin Feng only feels the shock of his heart.

This is not your own power!

Like the power that Shi Zhixin lent to Beiming Ocean on that day, this power will cause great aftereffect damage, which is a mystery.

But now, I can\'t care so much.

We must go back immediately!

"Elder Yu, I\'ll see you later." Lin Feng said respectfully.

When I first met, I didn\'t think that a powerful Saint would be so approachable.

Such a character deserves your respect.

"Be careful, little guy." the Yu scale whispered and smiled.

Tianwu continent.

There was a mess and a roar like thunder.

The smell of blood can be seen everywhere. It is full of blood mist.

Fighting all over the sky, the strong men of the blood tiger family frantically slaughtered the people hiding in the shelter, one by one with ferocious faces, like ghosts. Here, any blood tiger family is enough to wipe out the whole hunting country. Star domain level peak, almost invincible in tianwu continent.


Just \'almost\'.

Because there is also a "man" in the hunting country.

At this time, all the people who fall into panic and disaster hide in the depths of the shelter, praying for the hero and calling for his return. Panic faces and trembling bodies. At this time, the name was whispered in their hearts, and the face came to mind.

This is their belief, the pride of the hunting country and their patron saint——

Holy Lord, Lin Feng!

"Zi! ~"

"Zi la!!!"


Space, tear it apart.

Feeling the familiar spatial fluctuations, it was Yu Miao\'s "door of space" who remembered this position, and Lin Feng slowly emerged from the space crack. Looking at the familiar buildings in front of him, Lin Feng showed a long lost smile on his face——

Peng! The great shock of the heart.

The city of the sky, a breath of nothingness.

Very unusual!

It should even be said that this is simply impossible to happen.


"Bad!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly and his heart beat rapidly.

His chest fluctuated sharply and felt a terrible threat, which was enough to kill his own existence.

A kind of \'foreboding\', a kind of \'warning\'.

I have felt this warning more than once.

Every time it works!


"It\'s really a catastrophe."

"Sure enough, it\'s really tianwu mainland!!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and looked pale. If you encounter this kind of "warning" at ordinary times, you can naturally avoid it. But now, I can\'t allow myself to have half an idea. As the Lord of the holy Kingdom, the son of man and the eldest brother, the responsibility on my shoulder is as heavy as Mount Tai.


As a man, how can I avoid it!

"Whoosh!" the body was like a fast arrow, and the forest wind sped away.

There is no hesitation, no panic at all, but only the determination and righteousness, full of fiery determination.

There\'s no way back.

Even if you die, you have to fight to the end!

giant earthquakes and landslides.

The power of terror spread throughout the tianwu continent.

Flying down from the city of the sky, Lin Feng saw the scenes like purgatory in the blink of an eye. Some demon families with terrorist power are slaughtering innocent humans. Looking at that ferocious face and ugly face, Lin Feng\'s heart is like a knife.

I\'m late!

"Goddamn beast!" Lin Feng gnashed his teeth.

At this moment, all the emotions turned into full anger.

All anger is a force that turns into amazing terror. Seeing the destruction of the hunting country founded by himself and the massacre of these innocent people, Lin Feng\'s heart seemed to be broken into countless pieces, his eyes condensed blood light and hysterical anger.


"You all deserve to die!"

Lin Feng drank wildly, and his hands were burning.

The devouring fire of the five star technology, accompanied by a strong purple light, Lin Feng madly attacked the blood tiger nearest to him!

"Blood tiger clan!"

"The emperor of the demon family is so mean and shameless."


The roar of anger, Lin Feng\'s power to the extreme.

There was no hiding. The cultivation achievements in the past six months completely broke out at this moment.

On that day, all the "green faced men" at the peak of the star region were killed. Now these blood tigers can\'t be killed! Gun intention, completely broke out. At the moment, the realm of Lin Feng\'s gun technique has soared to a new level. There is no future because of anger, responsibility and force!

People are human because they have emotions, emotions and desires.

There is an inverse scale in everyone\'s heart, which is inviolable.

Lin Feng\'s anger is the most terrible force.

All thoughts turn into killing, into the terrible power that devours everything. Lin Feng\'s hands burst out with extraordinary power, and the Amethyst gun shot out. At this time, the blood tiger who was killing innocent humans reacted, roared and fought back immediately.

But it\'s too late!

It seems that all the strength is to vent, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of blood.

Crazy to the extreme!

"Go to hell!!" roared angrily, with the brilliance of Amethyst gun light, the fire of swallowing completely broke out. There are no skills, not to mention any false moves. There are only fierce and perfect assassinations, no hesitation in killing, completely regardless of themselves.

Peng!!! A blow, if made in heaven.

The blood tiger family, which is strong to the peak of the star domain level, completely turns into dust under this blow.

The power of terror tore everything up. Lin Feng\'s right arm was completely numb and his eyes were cold. After all, the blood tiger family is an unusual demon family. Moreover, the physique of the demon family is much better than that of human beings. Even if Lin Feng is abnormal and strong, the strength of his opponent... Is not weak.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t care.

At this moment, I just want to vent.

The blood of the Phoenix filled the body, and behind Lin Feng seemed to flash a fiery red phoenix.

A completely angry Phoenix.

"Even if I die, I will pull you on your back."

"Blood tiger family!!!" Lin Feng gnashed his teeth and killed in his eyes.

The injury of the body was slowly repaired. Lin Feng didn\'t stop for half a minute, and suddenly galloped to another blood tiger. Kill a few. No matter how strong your opponent is and how bad the situation is, what you can and should do will never step back.

The hunting country will never allow anyone to invade and trample arbitrarily!


"Hmm?" Kui Zheng\'s eyes were deep, and the tiger\'s eyes looked down and went away.

"It\'s human breath. A human... Has star level strength?" Kui Zheng smiled coldly, but didn\'t care.

A large number of strong blood tigers are star level peaks one by one.

Just a star level human, why fear!


In an instant, Kui Zheng\'s face changed slightly, and the violent breath spread.


"Kill ten in a row!"

"This man is really brave."

Kui Zheng sharpened his teeth, and the thin wings like cicada wings flapped gently, as if tearing the space.

"Death!" Kui Zheng said coldly, like a meteor, galloping down.

(Happy Valentine\'s Day! ~)