Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1000

What could it be?

Will it be a new situation after the passage?

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his chest fluctuated slightly. Most of the reasons why he became a "war snake envoy"

It is precisely for the existence of this\' door \'.

Get out of here!

For now, that\'s the only way left.

"I hope everything goes well."

"Let me return to the hunting country safely."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

I have no time, only the last day.

Catastrophe will come!

"Step! ~" step out, and Lin Feng looks just like that.

In front of me, a bright light flashed, like a space distortion, and consciousness suddenly entered a huge vortex and kept rotating. The surroundings became blurred, and I felt as if I were in the dark, but the bright color was restored in an instant, and I came to a new area.

"Here is..." Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

It\'s like entering a piece of interstellar space.

The goal is a huge statue with bright stars and a height of ten thousand feet.


Surrounded by stars, it feels like a close distance. You can touch it with your hand. The most amazing thing is that it is a completely new world. All kinds of buildings are \'miraculously\' suspended in the air. It feels very strange. But if you don\'t care about the starry environment here, it\'s like

"Like a town." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"It\'s similar to \'zhanshe town\'. If I expected it to be right, this should be the second floor of qianshe Cave -"

"War snake town!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and he quickly judged.

Because it\'s too "easy" to distinguish. Just in the blink of an eye, I feel dozens of breath flowing. Most of them are star level peaks, but there are 20% of the "breath", which is as powerful as the sky. It\'s out of reach!

Holy class!

As like as two peas in the palace, the Nu tau people are the same.

"Oh." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling a deep shock in his jaw.

In such a big world of fighting spirits, I have only seen one "Saint".

But right now, in the blink of an eye, I can see several, and the breath of some saints is much stronger than the "sakara" I have seen!

Here, it seems to be a world of \'saints\'.

"The four Jedi are really extraordinary." Lin Feng said secretly.

I thought the ancient ruins of Baibao were amazing, but compared with qiansnake cave, it was nothing!

In the thousand snake cave, the saint is too "ordinary".

"Whoa! ~" Lin Feng took a long breath and frowned slightly.

I thought this "space passage" would have the opportunity to return to the hunting country, but now it seems

But hope failed.

The problem remains unresolved.

"There\'s another day, maybe there\'s a way." Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t give up.

Never lose easily until the last minute!

"Look around first." Lin Feng said softly.

War snake town?

No, it can be called "war snake city".

In terms of scale, it is more than a hundred times larger than zhansnake town. In the endless starry sky, various buildings can be seen everywhere. Obviously, this is the gathering place of "war snake envoy" on the second floor of qianshe cave. Although I don\'t know it, it should be almost the same as war snake town.

"There are so many saints that it seems nothing here." Lin Feng thought secretly and was deeply surprised.

The more you see, the more "ordinary" you feel.

In this moment, I have seen dozens of saints!


The star level warriors here are not polite at all when they see the saint, as if they were their peers. Looking around, it can be said that there are all kinds of martial artists here. Thousands of snake caves do not refuse visitors, and there is not only one channel.

On the first floor, there are 900 war snake halls, which can open 900 doors and connect 900 different regions.

There are many strange martial arts here. It\'s normal.

"Unfortunately, I don\'t understand Ophiuchus language. If not, maybe I can ask.

"If only the sword were there."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt helpless.

At this time, there seems to be a pointer rotating in my mind, and the time limit from the last day is getting tighter and tighter.

I have to find a way to leave.

But what can I do?

Sipping his lips, Lin Feng frowned and bowed his head.


"Pa!" as soon as his body tightened, an extreme force wrapped himself instantly, and Lin Fengxin was shocked fiercely.

That\'s the power of heaven.

Holy class strong!

"This?!" Lin Feng felt bad.

"No, is it because I\'m not a Ophiuchus, and I\'m going to kill myself here?"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and looked up momentarily, but he was surprised.

It\'s him!?

At the moment, in front of his eyes, is a familiar face, once had a chance to meet. It was a "human" with a head taller than himself. His slender body was naked, and his eight abdominal muscles were very clear. With his hands on his back, a pair of golden fish like pupils are crystal clear, looking at himself like a smile.


The great saint I met when I first entered the palace!

Seeing his own eyes, the monologue pulled the corners of his mouth. He seemed to smile and open his mouth, but he didn\'t know what to say.

I cannot understand you!

Lin Feng felt bitter and bitter. At this moment, he really regretted not learning the language of Ophiuchus. Even if you only know a little, you can at least solve the urgent problem right now. A saint level strong man is talking to himself. It seems that he is talking about "important" things, but he can\'t understand it!

What a heavy heart.

Zhang opened his mouth and said a few words. Lin Feng pointed to his ears, shook his head and spread out his hands.

Although I don\'t know the language, I can at least use gestures.

The one horned freak\'s face was slightly frozen and nodded suddenly. His handsome face was slightly meditative. He smiled and patted himself on the shoulder. "Is he?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised. Although he still didn\'t understand what the monologue meant, it was obvious that he didn\'t mean any harm. A smile was the best "communication".

"Well, where do you want to take me?" Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart, and his eyes flickered gently.

However, he didn\'t resist and walked forward with the unicorn. The second floor of thousand snake cave seems slightly different from the first floor. There can only be one war snake envoy in a war snake hall on the first floor. But here, the war snake hall is surrounded by 12 stars. It feels like a "personal soldier". The relationship between each war snake envoy is not necessarily hostile.

If you come, you will be at ease.

"Anyway, I don\'t know what to do next." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Since I don\'t know where the road is, I\'ll go with the tide and let this one horned freak lead the way.

Maybe it will help, not necessarily.

Soon, Lin Feng came to a quiet area.

"What a familiar breath." Lin Feng was lightly surprised. He looked forward along the breath induction, and his eyes immediately burned. It\'s a huge stone carving. It\'s far from the stone carving of Ophiuchus I\'ve seen before, but I\'m more familiar with him in front of me!

Indigo giant snake stone carving!

An unusually familiar breath gives you a cordial feeling.

In his heart, Lin Feng suddenly looked at his wrist. At this time, the "branded crystal" was flashing. At this time, he felt his shoulder sink. Lin Feng immediately raised his head and saw in front of the smiling finger of the one horned freak. Lin Feng said "Oh" and looked at it. It was a huge crystal palace, beautiful.

"This is..." Lin Feng looked at the unicorn and saw him pointing to the Crystal Palace and himself. Lin Feng suddenly nodded.

The monologue seems to be saying that this is his "residence".

What about your own?

As like as two peas in the wind, the wind and the monarch pointed to another crystal palace not far away. "I see." Lin fengdun responded in time and smiled. Then looking around, crystal palaces like fairyland surrounded the indigo giant snake, feeling extremely clear.

As like as two peas, twelve stars.

"Thank you." Lin Feng said to the monolingual with a smile and nodded his head to show his gratitude.

The one horned freak smiled, grabbed Lin Feng\'s wrist, pointed to the "branded crystal" and pointed to the gate.

"I know." Lin Feng nodded clearly.

One horned freak means that to enter the residence, you need to rely on this "branded crystal".

It seemed that he was quite satisfied with his "attitude". The one horned freak touched his head, proudly raised his head and patted his chest. Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing. I understand this very well. Monologue means that if someone bullies me, just find him.

Dare to ask, treat yourself as a little brother.

It\'s also fate.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled. Although the monologue couldn\'t understand it, he was still very grateful.

Although he is a saint level strong man, he doesn\'t have any airs. He feels like his brother.

"Gaga! ~" the monolingual smiled as if he thought of something. He took out a crystal booklet from his body and handed it over. Lin Feng was stunned and took it. Although I don\'t know what this crystal pamphlet is, it\'s the kindness of a monolingual.

Short communication, although language barrier, but gestures and expressions are the best bridge.

Seeing the unicorn into his residence, Lin Feng immediately galloped away to his Crystal Palace.

Here, the "pressure" of the starry sky is even greater.


"How did the door open?"

Lin Feng stepped down in front of the Crystal Palace and smiled bitterly.

I was stupid, but I didn\'t see how the unicorn entered the palace with my own eyes just now.

For a moment, there was no need to do it yourself. As soon as he was close to the Crystal Palace, the "branded crystal" on his wrist lit up. The sound is light, and a crystal gate opens slowly, which is quite simple.

"So convenient?" Lin Feng smiled in surprise.

If so, but without delay, it is stepping in.

It must have been the residence of the "green faced man" before, so it was recognized by the monologue. When you enter it, you will find a clear and transparent color and a beautiful feeling. Compared with the simple stone house on the first floor, the gap is not the slightest.

And in the center of the Crystal Palace

"What\'s that?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened.