Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 999

The most familiar breath.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright. He took a step instantaneously, and the flames of his hands coagulated.

The visitor was the "he" he saw when he first entered the palace——

Blue faced man.

"You and I are destined to have a war." Lin Feng was calm and warlike.

The scene nine days ago is still deeply remembered in my mind. On that day, the long eared freak died in the hands of a blue faced man. Just when he thought he would have a war with the blue faced man, the blue faced man "fled". I didn\'t understand that day, but I know it now.

A blue faced man has just experienced a battle and is not at his best; Second, when he saw that he did not take the initiative to attack, he chose to give in.

He is not the only one of the twelve "war snake envoys".

But this time, no one can avoid it.

"Roar!" the green faced man roared like a wild beast.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Although he didn\'t understand what he was saying, he completely felt his anger.

As fast as lightning! Indigo dragons roared out, nine of them with big mouths and ferocious claws. With the flashing of the "brand" on the wrist of the blue faced man, he bites madly. The smell of terror seems to swallow everything. His power is terrible!

"This\' brand \'really has a way."

"As I expected, it should be the sign of \'War snake envoy\'."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and quickly reacted.

Xiaojian once said to himself that the war snake envoy can have the power of the war snake.

The green faced man in front of him is at least the existence of the "intermediate war snake envoy". This can be fully seen from the "brand" in his wrist and the virtual shadow behind him at the moment.

An indigo snake!

Just like the indigo snake in the palace.

This is the \'secret of snake possession\'!

It can not only temporarily borrow the power of "war snake", but also give full play to its special ability of "war snake".

"Zizi! Zizi! ~" in the eyes of the blue faced man, the light was incomparably bright.

The terrible power of the soul, accompanied by the sharp eyes of the blue faced man, attacks not only the body, but also the soul!

"This is..." Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

"Soul attack?"

Lin Feng was not flustered at all.

The flames of both hands burst out sharply, and the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil spontaneously formed a bright light almost in a flash, blending with each other.

"Self state, the fourth layer." Lin Feng drank lightly.

Fourth floor, top pupil!

This is the really terrible power of the \'soul\'.

"Sad!!!" the scream was extremely frightening. The moment when the two forces of the soul touched each other, a sharp fluctuation in combat power broke out. The green faced man didn\'t expect that his strongest attack, borrowed the power of the war snake, hit an invincible sword!

Not at all!

Soul shock.

The blue faced man was full of pain, and his body was paralyzed in an instant.

"What a pity." Lin Feng said softly, his eyes bright.

I did not expect that this "close match" battle would evolve into such a situation.

There is a way to heaven. If he doesn\'t go, hell has no door to break in. He obviously didn\'t know that his strongest strength was not fire, let alone physical strength, but


Double life soul!

The most terrible power.

Just one of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, it is impossible.

And the two simultaneous beings are integrated into a "self state", the top pupil. The strength of his heavenly soul master, not to mention the holy level, at least in the star domain level, is almost "invincible". No matter how strong the strength of the green faced man is, at present

He has no chance.

"Devouring fire." Lin Feng\'s hands, the towering flame coagulated instantly.

It not only completely swallowed those terrible dragons, but also wrapped the whole palace. Terrible power erupted in an instant, as if no existence in the world could stop the flame. Swallow the blue faced man in an instant, unstoppable!

A collision, a confrontation, a blue faced man is defeated.

A short pause, in this rapidly changing battle, is absolutely necessary——

court death!

"Boom! ~"

"烀! 烀!! ~"

The flame was burning wildly, mixed with the roar of a blue faced man.

Lin Feng, but there is no mercy.

For a moment, a powerful force like heavenly power flashed around the "thin" figure in the raging flame, just like the gathering of stars and condensed into huge stone carvings bit by bit. The "he" in the stone carving has a sense of horror and fear in his eyes, which is the expression of the moment before he died.

"Pa!" the flame went out, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

An unexpected easy battle, won, completely effortless.

WOW~ Suddenly, at the wrist of his right hand, a "brand" flashed and coagulated, with a tingling feeling. Lin Feng looked as like as two peas, and his eyes were fixed on his wrist.

"Is this the representative of identity?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, feeling very similar to the war snake crystal he obtained on the first floor.

However, this "crystal" is branded on his own hand.

But how?

"I\'m not Ophiuchus. It\'s basically impossible to practice."

"But the identity of the war snake envoy should be useful."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and his eyes twinkled.

I feel two breath close at hand, which is not hidden.

"It\'s them." Lin Feng knew clearly.

It was the two warriors who were lying in ambush like themselves.

The purpose is the same.

"You want to reap the benefits? It\'s fast." Lin Feng naturally understood their intentions and would do the same for himself. The snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman gains. If they fight with the green faced man, one person is bound to die and one is likely to be injured. This is a good opportunity to pick up a bargain.

However, they obviously did not expect

Himself, unharmed.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire was ferocious, and Lin Feng immediately turned around.

Since you want to fight, fight yourself!

Green faced men can kill themselves, not to mention these two little ones?


"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" the two fighters escaped faster than the rabbit.

One left and one right, with quite tacit understanding, they were submerged in this painted black palace in the blink of an eye. With the same star domain level existence, how can they not feel the breath of Lin Feng at the moment? It has not weakened at all, but strengthened a lot.

I felt that the fight with the blue faced man just now was just a "warm-up".

"It\'s shameless." Lin Feng smiled and the flame went out.

What good is it to kill them without chasing them?

"Sure enough, strength is a \'hard standard\' anywhere."

"As long as you have enough strength, you can really control your destiny."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

The first step is to step out perfectly.

"Wow! ~" the light flashed.

Lin Feng, once again into the depths of the palace, where the disc is.

This time, the feeling is completely different. The "branded crystal" on the wrist glitters and blends perfectly with the surroundings.

Feeling, much clearer.

"It seems that... His status has improved a lot." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Looking forward, the invisible barrier between the third floor and the second floor has disappeared.

It\'s not really "disappearing", but losing its effect on itself under the "resonance" of branded crystal. Like a closed door, it is now open. If you want to enter, you only need to take one step.


WOW! A light shines.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and looked at the center.

At this time, the indigo giant snake once again released "star energy", turned into twelve slender tributaries and fell directly into the twelve stone carvings. This process is repeated every hour. It is very regular. However, the twelve stone carvings last time are different from the twelve stone carvings this time.

One more self.

"Whew!" Lin Feng\'s figure flashed, fell in front of his own stone carving, and blinked into the second floor.

Although it is only a short distance, it feels like stepping out of an entire spatial level and entering a new area.

"It\'s so kind and familiar." Lin Feng suddenly smiled and looked at the stone carving as if he were looking at himself in the mirror.

This stone carving has its own mark of life.

Pop! Lin Feng reached out his hand and touched the stone carving, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

A sharp flow of clean water quickly flows into his body, with extraordinary energy.

"What is this?" Lin Feng was surprised.

It\'s the constellation energy of Ophiuchus!

But... Why can you absorb it?

I feel very clear. This clear flow enters my body without any obstacles. I am absorbed by myself in an instant. In the originally dry life soul space, the "primitive star sky" suddenly brightened, and the seven main stars absorbed energy madly.

"What a powerful energy."

"What a strong feeling of star power."

Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch.

But I didn\'t expect that becoming a "war snake envoy" would have such benefits.

"No wonder they are fighting against snake envoys. This benefit alone is extraordinary."

"There is no need to consider the absorption of the power of constellations. You can improve your strength by cultivating your star skills and understanding the essence of the Tao."

"It\'s easy."

This seems to be just one of the "conveniences" of fighting snakes.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and let the energy flow absorb, and his eyes immediately looked forward.

Feeling, lonely is different!

Looking down, it\'s like standing in the sky and looking at the world.

On the stone wall, a person\'s shadow is faintly transmitted. It looks different and very strange.

"What a magical palace."

"There is so much difference between the third floor and the second floor."

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the center of the disc.


Very huge!

He seemed to stand in front of the indigo giant snake and deeply felt the terrible power like heaven. Those indigo pupils seemed to be looking at themselves, seeing every part of their body thoroughly without any concealment.

"Whoa! ~" Lin Feng breathed a sigh of horror.

At this time, the clear flow suddenly broke, but it had been absorbed. Lin Feng clenched his fist and felt the improvement of his strength.

Although not much, you should know that you can absorb it once every hour!

What an amazing accumulation!

"It\'s convenient." Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked around.

Soon, his eyes fell on the oval light door, right under his own eyes.

Located behind the stone carving, it looks like a passage——

Calling yourself!