Fierce Legitimate Daughter


There are still a lot of good people

Feng Dou Ya licked her candied flakes, and nodded obediently. He had always been an honest man, and although she was smart, she was the most obedient one, and the other one definitely wouldn't be so obedient. Yang Qin looked over and saw that he was rolling her eyeballs continuously, and lightly patted his forehead in annoyance, "Steamed Bun, if you dare give Dou Ya any bad ideas, I'll tell you, in the future, the three of us will only have steamed buns for our meals. Eat the steamed buns everyday."

After knowing Feng Bao Zi's name, Yang Qin had liked to eat buns in front of buns everyday. This kind of thing was simply too great.

"Got it." Feng Bao Zi held the candied fruits in her hands and lowered her head. Her originally round and obedient little face now carried even more grievance, and even Yang Qin, who had already been duped before, felt her heart soften. She raised her hand and patted Feng Bao Zi's head, "Alright, if you listen to me, I'll buy it for you."

Yang Qin, who was only concerned with being soft-hearted, did not notice the cunning that flashed past Feng Bao Zi's eyes.

The trio stayed here for the night, and then they set out on their journey to find the Prince Xian. Of course, Yang Qin did not know that their goal was the Prince Xian's Mansion, even though she had travelled far and wide to the north to meet many people, she did not expect that the uncle Feng Bao Zi spoke of was the current Prince Xian.

After a few days, they finally arrived at Prince Xian's camp at noon on a certain day.

There were many rumors about the Prince Xian in the Daxing, but none of them could escape.

Yang Qin raised her chin and said to Feng Bao Zi who stuck his head out, "This is the place. To be honest, I never would have thought that your uncle would be under the control of the Prince Xian."

"Eh?" Feng Bao Zi could immediately tell that something was wrong with Yang Qin's tone. He tilted his head and leaned towards Yang Qin, "Big sister, do you like Prince Xian a lot?"

"Like it?" Yang Qin was startled, although she did not have any reaction on her face, his slightly flushed ears revealed her shyness. Yang Qin curled his hands together, put them to her mouth and coughed lightly, "Don't spout nonsense, I have only heard of the famous Prince Xian, okay? How could I like a completely new person? "

"But big sister's ears are red. mother said that if you like someone, you will blush, which means that you are shy." When one shouldn't have been smart to be able to react so quickly, when Feng Dou Ya had finished speaking, the remaining two people's expressions changed greatly.

Feng Bao Zi covered his mouth and chuckled softly, a gloating expression could not be seen in his eyes. He had originally been thinking about how he could quietly reveal this matter, but he did not expect Feng Dou Ya to so easily help him. The person with red ears, Yang Qin, was emitting a sense of danger. She pursed her lips and frowned, her eyes filled with rage and dissatisfaction as she looked around the two of them.

"Don't you two know that I am still a girl without an engagement? How could I not be shy when you directly said the word 'like' to me? has nothing to do with that Prince Xian at all, okay? "

Yang Qin clenched her teeth, and stared at the two of them fiercely, only until they shrank their shoulders and nodded did she let out a sigh of relief, rolled her eyes, and ignored them.

The horse carriage slowly drove into the city. Yang Qin asked a few times, Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya both told him that they did not know much about this uncle's residence. Helpless, Yang Qin could only take the carriage and find a rather large inn to stay at first.

After everything was settled, Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya sat on the chairs in the tavern. The two of them heaved a sigh of relief, although they had never been to the Prince Xian's fiefdom before, but they knew that if they wanted to look for the Prince Xian, they had to go, and thus, they had to find the Prince Xian.

Thinking about that, Feng Bao Zi turned to look at Feng Dou Ya, and saw the joy in his eyes, they had not even decided how to tell him about their true identities.

"I had the restaurant prepare a few dishes and brought them up. I see that you guys are tired, so rest first after lunch. We can go out and find your uncle after we have rested, okay?" In a short while, Yang Qin pushed open the door and entered with the waiter following behind him.

"Right." The two of them had no objections to this arrangement and replied in unison.

After bringing them to lunch, Yang Qin skilfully waited on the two brothers as she laid on the bed. Although her Yang family wasn't any rich family, Yang Qin had been pampered and raised up since childhood, and had never done such a thing. During this period of interaction, she had already started off being clumsy at the start to her current movements.

"Elder sister, you should rest a bit too." Feng Bao Zi's eyes quietly opened a slit, just in time to see Yang Qin napping on the bed, beside her ear came Feng Dou Ya's snores.

Feng Bao Zi's meaty little hand touched Yang Qin's hand, seeing that she was looking at him, her face revealed a bright smile, and her body moved further inside, revealing a spot, she lightly patted on it, signalling Yang Qin to quickly lie down.

Yang Qin did not stand on ceremony with him and bent over, with her mouth pressed against Feng Bao Zi's face as he took a bite and laid down in his clothes. In order to be safe, although they had the money to live in an inn, they only opened one room each time they traveled, and the three of them huddled together. It was because the matter of the traffickers scared the two children, and they would stick close to Yang Qin at night.

When Yang Qin woke up, the sky outside was already dark. Yang Qin looked outside the window, and saw that Feng Bao Zi, who was leaning against her, had kept crawling into her embrace, and although the other little fellow was sleeping in the innermost area, his hands were tightly grabbing onto her hands. The moment Yang Qin made a move, Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya both woke up.

"Elder sister, what time is it? Why is it so dark? " Feng Dou Ya squinted his eyes, his head drooping down, his entire body leaning on Feng Bao Zi as he mumbled to himself.

Yang Qin lighted a candle, and snappily raised her hand to pat both of their foreheads, "The sky is already dark, tell me what time is it? "You're not allowed to sleep, if you go back to sleep, you won't be able to sleep again at night."

Sitting on the bedside, Yang Qin looked at the slowly awakening child, her face full of satisfaction.

Hearing that it was night time, Feng Bao Zi suddenly opened his eyes, staring straight at Yang Qin without blinking, "Sister, it's night time, can we go shopping at the Light City? When I was at home, I heard about the lantern market in my uncle's letter, but we've never met one. Elder sister, let's go, let's go. "

Before Yang Qin could react, Feng Bao Zi had already rushed up and grabbed her arm. She swayed, and Feng Dou Ya followed his example and hugged her other arm, swaying along with her.

"No." Yang Qin was almost shaken to pieces, but she still did not lose her head, "You two kids like to run around randomly. I can barely take care of you during the day, but it's night and there are a lot of bad people. Could it be that you all want to let the matter with Dou Ya to happen again? "