Fierce Legitimate Daughter


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Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya were not children who liked to cause trouble. Although Feng Bao Zi liked to cause trouble sometimes, he would definitely listen to them in big matters. Thus, after hearing Yang Qin's explanation, the two of them quietened down and looked at each other.

The two little fellows being so obedient, made Yang Qin feel very uncomfortable. First, it was because of father's mistreatment, then, he met a trafficker, and after much difficulty, he wanted to look for his uncle, but in the end, she did not know where his uncle's home was. Yang Qin supported his head, thought for a bit, and then opened her mouth hesitantly: "If you promise to always hold onto my hand, and not run around, let's go out for a walk."


He turned his head to look at the other one, and also looked at her with a similar look of anticipation. Helpless, Yang Qin could only sigh, and accept his fate, "We made an agreement in advance, you all have to hold onto me tightly. We can't go to this place with so many people, so when I said that we had to return, you all had to follow me back."


"No problem."

The two brothers put on their shoes and jumped in front of Yang Qin. They both kissed her on the cheek and then smiled at each other.

Seeing the two of them laughing, Yang Qin heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, she was also considering whether she should bring the two brothers back to the Yang family if she couldn't find their uncle.

On the other side, Feng Qing Cheng and Xi Jiu Er, who had been worrying for the past few days, finally obtained the exact whereabouts of both Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya.

Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya were both wearing masks, Yang Qin led them while talking non-stop, "Look, you guys don't know where your uncle lives anyway, so it's not certain if you can find him, what will you do if you can't find the both of you? Are we going to go back and be abused by your father? "

"You two are so cute and smart. It's one thing if your father doesn't cherish it, but he actually mistreats you two. Do you think that going back is meaningful?" Yang Qin licked her dry lips, and continued: "During this time together, you all know what kind of person I am, the Yang family's population is simple, my grandfather loves children the most, you guys definitely will not be bullied when you go to my house, so do you really not consider coming home with me?"

Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya pursed their lips, their gazes continuously sweeping across the lanterns on both sides. They did not even look at Yang Qin, much less respond to her words.

The man who had always been following behind them was dressed in red, and wore a Zhu Bajie's mask on his face. After hearing Yang Qin's words, his exquisite face squeezed under the mask, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly to reveal her emotions.

He actually bumped into such a righteous woman.

The red clothed man pursed his lips and looked over, but all he saw was the woman's side face that was slightly raising her chin.

A proud woman.

Yang Qin did not realize that the three of them had already been observed by others. She saw that the two brothers were not paying attention to her, and pulled on their hands in annoyance, "I say, I have been pretty good to you guys during this period of time. Why is it that there isn't even a word of thanks? Right now, there isn't even a response from me anymore. "

"Thank you elder sister." Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya had just finished speaking when they raised their heads and spoke in unison. One of them had raised his head, while the other was wearing a round and beautiful face.

"Puff …"

The sudden laughter from behind them successfully attracted their attention. Yang Qin pulled Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya and turned around. When they saw that the one who turned out to be was a guy in red wearing a mask, they subconsciously took a few steps back.

Amongst the four of them, only Yang Qin was not wearing a mask. Similarly, the expression on her face was the most intuitive to see, and she had a vigilant look which made Prince Xian herself feel that she was a bad person.

"I say …"

"Shut up." only stopped after he had kept a safe distance from Prince Xian. Holding the two brothers' hands tightly, he fiercely cut off Prince Xian's words, "What did you say?

After he finished speaking, Yang Qin lifted his chin and stared emotionlessly at Prince Xian.

"…" He just wanted to say hi to her and apologize. He also wanted to take a look at how cute these two kids were and tell her all the way.

Prince Xian curled his lips and shook his head helplessly, "I am not a bad person and I have no ill intentions. You guys …"

Prince Xian said half a sentence again but this time Yang Qin did not interrupt him. Instead, he pulled Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya and turned to leave. Until the three of them left in a hurry, Prince Xian could still hear the words that came out of the woman's mouth, "It's hard to fathom. Don't look at how talented you are, you're actually just wearing a layer of skin, this kind of person is the scariest, if you bite him, then it's too late for regret."


He was an illustrious Prince Xian of Daxing. Was he really the person she was talking about, the trafficker who specialized in trafficking in children?

For the first time, Prince Xian hated himself for his good hearing. He stroked his chin lightly, looking at the three of them who had already disappeared, his mind drifted away.

I wonder how those two kids in the palace are doing? The last time he saw the two of them speak so quickly, he guessed that they should be even cuter by now. When Prince Xian saw the two children in Yang Qin's hands, he thought of Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya. He pondered whether he should find a time to return and take a look.

"Prince, there's news from the palace." The guards who had been following him quietly moved in front of Prince Xian, interrupting his train of thoughts.

"Mm. Then, let's return to the estate first." Although he and the emperor of the Daxing Country were former love rivals, he was very good friends with the empress. They would send him some news every few days, and there were also two little fellows who would cause a joke for him, so the Prince Xian did not take it to heart.

The next day, when Yang Qin woke up, she found that the atmosphere in the city was strange. She stood by the window, looking at the soldiers on the streets.

"Elder sister, what's wrong?" When Yang Qin returned from inquiring about the situation downstairs, she saw that Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya had woken up. The two of them sat on the bed side by side and looked at her with a smile.

Nodding his head and shaking his head. Yang Qin thought for a moment, looked at the duo's doubtful expression, and then spoke up after a moment of hesitation: "I'm afraid we can't go out and find your uncle today. With the city's martial law, all of the foreign personnel have to accept the credits.

"Who are they trying to capture?" Yang Qin did not notice that when Feng Bao Zi said those words, his eyes suddenly lit up.