Fierce Legitimate Daughter


Yang Qin had been dealing with businessmen all year round, so she was used to it. However, Yang Qin didn't treat Feng Bao Zi and the others as children.

However, just as she finished speaking, Yang Qin smiled. It was simply because the two little fellows opposite her had cute expressions, and had dirty, unique little faces. Right now, they both had wooden faces, looking at her in all seriousness.

"He's called Dou Ya, then what's your name?" Yang Qin suddenly pointed at Feng Bao Zi and asked.

"What?" Feng Bao Zi was still thinking about Yang Qin's suggestion, but did not expect her to suddenly ask this question, and stared at Yang Qin's finger blankly.

What did his name have to do with their running through the night?

The innocent Feng Dou Ya squinted her eyes and smiled as she held Yang Qin's hand. Seeing her look over, she couldn't help but shout loudly: "Bun, big brother's name is Feng Bao Zi."

It really was a good name.

Yang Qin looked at the two of them with a smile, and waved her hand, "Don't even think about it, it's not that big to begin with, but if you think about it carefully, your body will become even smaller." She caressed their heads as if coaxing a child, "I'll go outside to drive the carriage. The two of you stay in the carriage. If you're tired, then sleep for a while."

After saying that, he opened the curtain and left. It didn't take long for the carriage to slowly move away.

Since they were young, Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya had been raised by Feng Qing Cheng and Xi Jiu Er to have always known one thing: that the hearts of people were dangerous, so on the way, the two of them had always been on guard against every single person. Even when they first met Yang Qin, for the sake of their safety, Feng Bao Zi was not willing to talk to her too much.

Most probably because Yang Qin saved Feng Dou Ya, the two of them trusted her very much. She said that they could sleep, and the two of them, without even thinking, went to sleep while hugging each other on the carriage.

"Steamed Bun, Dou Ya, wake up, we're here."

Before Feng Dou Ya could bite down on the chicken leg in his hand, her body was already shaking non-stop. When he opened her eyes, the scene in front of him had completely changed. The chicken leg in his hand was now Feng Bao Zi's arm.

A look of confusion flashed across Yang Qin's beautiful face. She took the kernels that was immersed in water and wiped away the still sleeping Feng Dou Ya.

Yang Qin pursed her lips, pinched both of Feng Dou Ya's cheeks, and squeezed his face again, until both his cheeks flushed red. Then, Yang Qin let go of her hands in satisfaction, "It's just as your brother said, she's as beautiful as a little girl."

"Elder sister, you think so yourself, don't you?" Feng Bao Zi who had already wiped his face clean came closer, the corners of his mouth raised slightly as he asked.

Yang Qin didn't think too much into it, and subconsciously nodded: "That's right, you're supposed to be beautiful, so you don't allow me to think that way?"

"That elder sister is too dishonest. She clearly thought of it herself, but she insisted on bringing it on me." Feng Bao Zi had already sat back to his original position, pouting, his eyes blinking, his head lowered in frustration.

"…" Yang Qin realized that she had nothing to say.

Could it be that she remembered wrongly?

Rubbing his own head, Yang Qin who had not slept for the whole night started to feel tired and confused.

Yang Qin lifted the curtain and pointed at the two brothers, "Let's go in later, but after we go in, we need to find an inn to rest, but to find an inn, we need to find something, this thing …"

"Silver." The two brothers laid on the carriage window with their heads squeezed together. At this time, Feng Bao Zi turned his head around and stared at her with a helpless look.

"Hur hur." Seeing his expression, Yang Qin could not help but laugh, "This little fellow is quite intelligent, I will tell you the truth, we do not have any silver to stay in the inn."

Yang Qin shrugged her shoulders helplessly, she had always been with her servants, and never brought silver with her. Before she woke them up, she had already searched her entire body thoroughly, and other than the two jade pendants on her waist, there was nothing else of value.

"Is that okay?" Feng Bao Zi took out five golden leaves from his bosom, and handed them over to Yang Qin, "I only have this much left."

When he left the palace, he had brought a large bag with him. However, when he fled yesterday afternoon, he had lost all his belongings, leaving only the five pieces on him. Looking at Feng Bao Zi's actions, Feng Dou Ya also fished around in his bosom, and after a long while, he took out a paper package and opened it, revealing a bag of crumbled pastries. "Big sister, I have this."

"That's great." Yang Qin, who was already considering going to the city to get the two jade pendants, saw the golden leaves and her eyes lit up. Holding the two little guys, she kissed each of them, "These two smart guys, I really want to go home and raise them."

Smart, sensible.

Yang Qin couldn't help but start to complain about the two brothers' fathers. Such a cute child was actually being mistreated, and it was no wonder the children ran away from home.

Feng Qing Cheng who had been wrongly accused sneezed fiercely as he looked at the information his subordinate had given him. He rubbed his nose and looked at Xi Jiu Er helplessly: "Do you think that someone is scolding me in a corner because they dislike me?"

"Heh, there are a lot of people who don't like you. Otherwise, how did this happen?"

Even the calm and collected Xi Jiu Er, although not on the surface, had already started to panic in her heart, even Feng Qing Cheng had become a lot more unsightly along with them.

Would such a thing have happened to her two children if it hadn't been for him?

Feng Qing Cheng who had his note stolen looked at the gloomy Xi Jiu Er beside him. He did not say another word, but he was actually angry at himself.

"Elder sister, this." Feng Bao Zi pointed to the candied fruit in the vendor's hands, and turned to look at Yang Qin. Beside him, was Feng Dou Ya, who could no longer keep her eyes open.

Yang Qin facepalmed. They had been out shopping the moment they had finished resting in the inn. She had only wanted to exchange the five golden leaves for silver, then buy two sets of clothes for them and some dry rations for them to eat on the road. However, she had not expected that in a short period of time, they had already pulled her to stroll around a few stalls.

After trading two candied fruits, Yang Qin handed them over. Taking the chance when they were coming to take the candied fruits, Yang Qin suddenly made her move, pulling a small fellow in each hand and squatting down, she glared at them fiercely, "You two be good, or else you won't let me buy anything for you. Do you hear me?"

Although they had not known each other for long, Yang Qin had completely understood the two's attributes. Although she was sensible, being naughty was enough to make people worry, and even though she was afraid of her own words, Yang Qin squinted her eyes and reminded them: "I don't think you guys remember, the three of us have all our money here. If I don't pay, you guys can forget about buying anything."