Fierce Legitimate Daughter


"Don't... "Don't come over." Yang Qin stood in her place in a daze. Seeing that Feng Bao Zi was about to rush over, she immediately opened her mouth to stop him.

His finger trembled in fright as he placed it under the nose of the black mole man. After a long while, Yang Qin looked up at Feng Bao Zi in disbelief, "Dead, what should he do? If he is dead, will I be arrested? "

The whip in Yang Qin's hand had fallen to the ground long ago, as she sat listlessly on the ground. Although she usually had a violent temper, that was mostly because of her, the Yang family only had her, her daughter's family's business was already looked down upon by others. In order to not be bullied, Yang Qin pretended to be a tyrant from the very start.

But in reality, she had never killed anyone before.

"I haven't killed anyone yet."

The moment Feng Bao Zi walked closer, he heard Yang Qin's low mutter. He was startled, had he not killed anyone before as well?

Just as he was about to retort, Feng Bao Zi lowered his head and saw the black mole man lying on the ground. His lower body was covered in blood, and he had already lost his breath.

"Elder sister …"

Feng Bao Zi's low voice woke Yang Qin from his stupor, and the moment Yang Qin regained his senses, he immediately carried Feng Bao Zi and stood up to move away, only until the two of them got into the carriage did she heave a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground. Yang Qin powerlessly patted on Feng Bao Zi's shoulder, "Go and check if Dou Ya is alright."

Only after being reminded by Yang Qin did Feng Bao Zi remember Feng Dou Ya who he had forgotten. Without caring about her fear, she got up and climbed onto the carriage.

Feng Dou Ya's mouth was tied up with a piece of cloth. Upon seeing Feng Bao Zi, she twisted her body and let out a few cries.

"Not at all, not at all. Big brother is here." Feng Bao Zi threw himself at Feng Dou Ya, her meaty little hands still unable to untie the rope. She wanted to find a different way to remove the cloth strip in Dou Ya's mouth, but after a long while, she gave up.

He couldn't unravel it.

Yang Qin was startled. She had just recovered a little of her strength, and immediately entered the carriage. She asked anxiously: "Eh? "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"I can't untie the rope." Feng Bao Zi curled her lips. Feng Bao Zi, who had already eliminated all danger, finally had the spirit of acting cute. Although her face was covered in dust, it didn't affect her cuteness in the slightest.

"…" Yang Qin sighed and admitted defeat, "Alright, wait for me."

In a short moment, Yang Qin returned from the outside. Holding the dagger that she had previously thrown from the man with the black mole, he quickly broke the rope tied to Feng Dou Ya's body.

"Big brother." Feng Bao Zi grabbed Feng Dou Ya's hand. Just as he wanted to let him see if there were any injuries on his body, he was hugged by him.

Looking at the two siblings who were hugging each other, Yang Qin pursed her lips and smiled.

"Your majesty, something has happened to the two princes." In the study room, the secret guard passed the pigeon legend to Feng Qing Cheng.

Ever since Feng Bao Zi and his birth, Feng Qing Cheng had arranged for four secret guards to be stationed at their sides. Because they were staying in the palace, Feng Qing Cheng never thought that they would have the guts to secretly run out of the palace, so the number of secret guards did not increase. Yesterday, when Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya were in an accident, the four secret guards noticed that there was a group of mysterious people secretly trying to kill the two princes. The two sides faced each other, and by the time the four hidden guards finished off the trouble and caught up, there were already no traces of Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya.

"It's useless to punish them now." His face was expressionless, and no emotions could be seen from his face. After a long while, the hidden guard heard Feng Qing Cheng's cold voice, "All of the hidden guards have been dispatched, find them. As long as it's because of me, they won't harm Steamed Bun and Dou Ya."

"Don't tell the empress about this beforehand." Feng Qing Cheng's voice paused for a bit, then felt that it wasn't appropriate to do so. Thinking of Xi Jiu Er's temper, he shook his head.

The emperor's patrol, which only appeared once a few years ago, unexpectedly stopped for a few days in a certain city before starting off again. However, the emperor and queen had already disappeared from the patrol. Avoiding spies in the team, Feng Qing Cheng and Xi Jiu Er immediately got up and went back.

On the other side, Yang Qin waited for the two brothers to finish talking before opening her mouth to interrupt them, "Where do you two live? I'll send you guys back. The two little fellows have been running around for an entire day, yet your family members are actually feeling at ease. "

The moment Yang Qin said that, Feng Bao Zi and Feng Dou Ya looked at each other, they could understand the emotions in each other's eyes, they had yet to go to Prince Xian, how could they go back?

Feng Bao Zi's obedient face was currently filled with conflict. Seeing that Yang Qin had raised his eyes to look at them again, she gritted her teeth, rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth to explain their "true" situation.

When he understood what was happening, Yang Qin looked at them in a different light. His eyes were opened wide, his mouth had a crack, and after a long while, he smiled bitterly: "You mean, your father mistreated you guys, so you guys ran away from home? You want to go to some uncle who is not here yet?"

Feng Bao Zi's head nodded bit by bit, the "mistreatment" Yang Qin spoke of twice fit his intentions perfectly.

"…" Yang Qin supported her head with her hands, her body leaning on the carriage, staring at the two little people in silence for a long time, the corners of her mouth raised up little by little, "So you two are not going to go back? I have never run away from home before. How about you two add me this time? I can still protect you, okay? "

What kind of joke was this excited tone?

Feng Bao Zi imitated Yang Qin and let out a low sigh. Out of the corner of his eyes, he secretly looked at Feng Dou Ya, the tacit understanding between the two had long been completed after countless troubles, and it was only a glance, and the other party's thoughts were clear.

"Sister, actually, we didn't want to implicate you, but you saved Dou Ya, and he is the savior of us two brothers. As long as we can have a bite of his food, we can let alone a small one like him." Feng Bao Zi patted his chest, while Feng Dou Ya nodded to agree.

Although these words sounded awkward, the two little fellows still coaxed Yang Qin to their hearts's content. Looking at the smiling Yang Qin, a trace of craftiness flashed past Feng Bao Zi's eyes.

The weak moonlight shone down, Yang Qin lifted the curtain and looked outside. When they were fighting just now, her horse had already gone somewhere, and there was only their carriage and a corpse in the middle of the road. Now that the city gate has been closed, Yang Qin calculated the time in her heart, and turned to look at the two little people, "If we want to return to the city, we have to wait until tomorrow morning, staying here all the time is not a good idea, you two have to decide, what I mean is we need to travel through the night, when the sun rises tomorrow, we can rush to the next city, and at that time we can rest, what do you think?"