Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 997

Chest is stuffy.

Yang Ping frowned and showed a painful expression. It seemed that his heart had been cut, and then recovered to calm, but the previous feeling was palpitating. He never felt like this. Even if the younger martial sister was taken away by Taoist Zun, he would not appear. At that time, he was just angry and unwilling to take the younger martial sister back.

But I felt worse than losing my junior sister.


Yang Ping understood that the sixth sense would not appear for no reason. There must be a reason. He thought for a long time and found that everything was well, so he did not continue to investigate. Zhu Xi\'an is fine. Mingzhu is still alive. Although the younger martial sister left, she also lives well, because with her talent and ability, she is the only one who bullies others. As for the color old man, who knows where to pick up girls.

Zhu Xi carefully found Yang Ping\'s abnormality and couldn\'t help asking, "what\'s the matter?"

Yang Ping shook her head and said with a smile, "it\'s all right. You can go home after taking a statement with the people of the Ministry of public security later."

At the door of the police station.

Wang Jie, director of Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, accompanied two men in police uniforms and looked this way. When Yang Ping came out, they met him. Wang Jie\'s sideburns are gray and much older. When he saw Yang Ping, he stopped talking.

"This must be brother Yang." a burly man came forward, held Yang Ping\'s hand and said with a smile, "according to minister Guo, everyone is his own."

"Hello, brother Yang." another man laughed.

They know very well that they came to Longcheng this time because of Yang Ping. Although they don\'t know the weight of Yang Ping in Minister Guo\'s heart, they can mix up to the present level and know how to do it. Moreover, Zhu Xi is obviously wronged, not to do anything against the law.

"It\'s up to us, Xiao Yun. You go and take a statement with Miss Zhu, and I\'ll talk to brother Yang." the burly man has a good character and his strength is the state of seven grades. He is a top expert in the public security system, but compared with Yang Ping, he\'s far from it. He knows it\'s unfathomable in the moment he sees Yang Ping.

Brother Yang, from the heart.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "call me Yang Ping, or Xiao Yang. I don\'t know what to call it?"

Wang Jie woke up and said, "this is Fang Hai and director Fang of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of public security. This is Yang Ping and director Fang knows."

Yang Ping clenched Fang Hai\'s hand and said with a smile, "thank you."

Fang Hai originally thought that minister Guo\'s friend was a man of the same age, so he called him brother Yang. At the beginning, he was shocked to see Yang Ping. Yang Ping seemed to be in his early twenties and even called him brother with Minister Guo. He was either very powerful or his background was unprecedentedly strong. Therefore, he called him brother Yang.

But Yang Ping didn\'t stand high because of minister Guo\'s relationship. Instead, he took a humble attitude and said, "brother Fang, you\'d better call me Xiao Yang. Brother Yang, I\'m not comfortable listening to me. I\'m sorry to trouble you this time. If you\'re free, have a drink together."

Fang Hai nodded secretly. Naturally, he wouldn\'t miss the opportunity to make friends with Yang Ping. He smiled and said, "well, I asked you to shout, brother Yang. I\'ve long wanted to see what kind of friends minister Guo never forgets. As soon as I saw him today, a hero turned out to be a teenager."

"Lao Wang, you accompany brother Yang first. I\'ll go to the procedure first." Fang Hai saw that Wang Jie wanted to stop talking, and he had to go to the procedure to take over Zhu Xi\'s case. But it must be accompanied by Wang Jie. Now he\'s just looking for an excuse to leave.

Fang Hai and Wang Jie are old classmates and know about his family.

No one around.

Wang Jie looked at Yang Ping and asked, "your teacher answered me, is something wrong with Wang?"

Yang Ping smiled, shook her head and said, "Uncle Wang, what are you talking about? Wang is fine. You know her character. She is angry and can\'t persuade anyone what she wants to do."

Wang Jie was skeptical. He didn\'t see anything suspicious from Yang Ping\'s face. He sighed: "wang hasn\'t contacted home for more than a month, and Duan Fei doesn\'t know where she went."

Yang Ping comforted: "auspicious people have their own heaven, and look at the king\'s face, they are not early dead."

Wang Jie said reluctantly, "I can only think so. If you have news about Wang, you must inform me at the first time. This girl is too disobedient. I\'ll let you quit your public security job when you come back..."

Yang Ping shook her head and said, "Wang likes to be a policeman. Why intervene? When you let her enter this industry, you actually served the people."

Wang Jie wanted to find a reason. Finally, he found that even if he stopped, his daughter would be a criminal policeman. Although he is now the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, he has a bright future. After all, he is a girl and will marry in the future.

Looking at Yang Ping, Wang Jie said with a bitter smile: "although I say so, I still can\'t see what happened to me. I\'m old."

"Uncle Wang is in his prime of life. He can be a policeman for another 20 years." Yang Ping complimented.

Wang Jie said with a smile: "your boy has learned to be nice. It seems that he has been taught by Zhu Xi during this period."

Yang Ping followed with a wry smile and said helplessly, "the fittest survive."

The two talked for a while. Zhu Xi soon came out of the police station. Strangely, Duan Fei was not in the station. When Wang Jie learned the news, he dialed Duan Fei\'s phone and found that it was turned off. He was unhappy.

Although Duan Fei\'s relationship background is very strong, the Ministry of public security must come forward to meet him. He doesn\'t even understand the most basic officialdom rules. How can he achieve his current position.

Wang Jie thought Duan Fei was good before. Now it seems that he still needs to continue to exercise.

Fang Hai didn\'t see any dissatisfaction. After completing the formalities, he left with Zhu Xi and smiled at Yang Ping: "brother Yang, Zhu Xi has been handed over to you. We will take the case back to study, but basically we can conclude that it was framed. Don\'t worry. We won\'t wrong any good person."

"Thank you. I\'ll arrange a room for you in Haodu Hotel and pick you up in the evening." Yang Ping smiled.

That\'s what Fang Hai said. He came down to Longcheng and did things next. He mainly wanted to make friends with Yang Ping. Both of them are the confidants of minister Guo. After minister Guo becomes a regular in the future, it will be Dayuan at the vice state level, and his people will be promoted. It is said that Fang Hai will directly be the director of the Political Department of the Ministry of public security. This is a very powerful position. Xiao Yun accepted the position of deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

Wang Jie got the news long ago, so he was very polite to them.

Wang Jie is responsible for sending Fang Hai and Zhu Xi to the hotel. Yang Ping and Zhu Xi return to China Airlines Group. At this time, the conference room was full of people, all of whom were Zhu Xi\'s confidants. Yang Yuxin was the first, and a pair of hopeful people stood behind.

Zhu Xi entered the conference room and burst into applause.

Yang Yuxin is very calm when she sees Yang Ping, but she doesn\'t dare to look at Zhu Xi. Although Zhu Xi forgives her, Yang Yuxin won\'t forgive herself.

Yang Ping, the old God, sat beside him.

Zhu Xi frowned and was secretly annoyed.

Yang Ping knew she was having an affair with a woman, but she asked her to wipe her ass. However, Zhu Xi is not an ordinary person. Although Yang Yuxin did something wrong, he is a very capable person after all.

"Mr. Yang, things are bad. The Wang family said they wanted to find Dong Zhu." a staff member hurried to the conference room and shouted to Yang Yuxin.

Zhu Xi squinted and flashed a cold light.

She didn\'t look for the bad luck of the Wang family, but the Wang family turned to be wild. It seems that I don\'t give any color. I think Zhu Xi has no power except the Zhu family.