Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 998

"Where\'s that bitch Zhu Xi?" there was a shrill cry outside the conference room, hysterical and angry. The others wanted to get up. Zhu Xi motioned to be quiet and looked at the door.

A middle-aged woman strode into the conference room and scolded, "where\'s the bitch?"

The middle-aged woman vaguely had the beautiful shadow of her youth, but her eyes were very fierce and wanted to kill. She was followed by three bodyguards with no expression.

No one answered.

The middle-aged woman patted the table and shouted, "Little China Airlines Group, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to exist. Zhu Xi, you bitch can kill my son, so stand up for me!"

Zhu Xi said coldly, "you are not welcome here."

The middle-aged woman stared at Zhu Xi fiercely, showing resentment, and shouted, "bitch, I\'ll kill you and return my son!" he rushed up, but was stopped by Yang Yuxin.

The three bodyguards wanted to do it, but Yang Yuxin showed a strong hand. In a boxing, one bodyguard\'s chest, the man flew out and fell to the ground and couldn\'t get up. The other two were startled and had no time to react and were knocked out.

The three bodyguards lost their combat effectiveness in an instant.

The middle-aged woman was startled. Her arrogance disappeared immediately and looked at Yang Yuxin in horror. The other people in the meeting room felt cold on their backs. Fortunately, they didn\'t offend president Yang, otherwise they would end up like three bodyguards.

The middle-aged woman is naturally Wang Lun\'s mother, Xu Feng, from the Xu family in the capital. The Xu family belongs to a second rate family in Beijing, but their power is much stronger than the Wang family in Longcheng. Xu Feng has always said nothing, and even Wang Qiming dare not answer back.

She was frightened and cried, "do you know who I am?"

Yang Yuxin clapped her hands, as if she had done a trivial thing. She said faintly, "your mouth stinks. If you talk disorderly, I\'ll tear your mouth."

Xu Feng couldn\'t help but step back and look around. She found that she was coming. Now she was alone and was a little afraid. She sneered: "you think people like you will be arrogant. Zhu Xi, I tell you, your good days are not long. When my family comes, it will certainly make you better to live than to die."

Zhu Xi said coldly, "see off."

Xu Feng turned pale and cried, "bitch, my son was killed by you. One day you will be punished."

Yang Yuxin shook Xu Feng and dragged him out of the meeting room. There was a lot of scolding outside, but it was soon quiet. It is estimated that Yang Yuxin used a special method to shut Xu Feng up.

Zhu Xi took a deep breath and finally controlled the situation. If Xu Feng scolded indiscriminately, it would be a small thing to lose face. He thought that China Airlines Group was incompetent.

"Start Plan B." Zhu Xi glanced at everyone and his tone was full of murderous. The Wang family bullied people like this. Naturally, they should pay back. They didn\'t intend to start plan B, but now they have no choice.

Feeling Zhu Xi\'s powerful aura, Yang Ping, an old God, opened his eyes and showed surprise. He secretly said that Zhu Xi had changed a lot. He was curious about how Zhu Xi fought back.

But Yang Ping soon knew.

Zhu Xi\'s counterattack is really exquisite, even classic.

In just 15 minutes, Wang\'s group\'s shares have shrunk sharply, which has shocked the whole Yunnan Province. Because some people continue to sell their shares, Wang\'s group has been hit hard and people are terrified.

Moreover, Wang\'s group\'s shares continued to decline, with an unprecedented decline of 30%, the largest decline in history.

Subsequently, Wang\'s group\'s enterprises have been exposed to quality problems. The shady cooperation between jewelry companies and Myanmar, together with the videos of shoddy jewelry stores sent to the Internet, dealt a fatal blow to Wang\'s group.

Wang\'s group started with jewelry. If jewelry is fatally hit, it will have a decisive impact on Wang\'s group\'s stock.

Although it will not let the Wang group go bankrupt, it will also hurt its vitality.

Two billion.

Some people sold 2 billion shares of Wang Group, which destroyed the accumulation of Wang Group in recent years. After seeing the data, Yang Ping couldn\'t help admiring Zhu Xi\'s courage and courage.

She almost destroyed the boat, causing heavy losses to the Wang Group. Zhu Xi also manipulated the direction of public opinion by using the news media of Zhu\'s group. This counterattack can be called the strongest.

Zhu Xi lost more than 2 billion, but her face remained unchanged.

Kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

However, Zhu Xi must have a way to recover the lost money, which Yang Ping is not worried about. Sure enough, before long, the shares of China Airlines Group and Zhu group increased significantly, reaching 20%. These profits alone can offset the losses caused by the counterattack.

A whole hour.

It\'s like taking a roller coaster.

Everyone in the conference room was sweating on his back and looked at Zhu Xi with fear. Zhu Xi had been shocked before and directed how to make a large consortium hit hard.

It is said that Zhu Xi is a genius. Now I finally understand that the layout of each node and the implementation of each step seem to have nothing to do with it, but when connected, it is a big chess game.

"The next thing depends on how the Wang family responds. I think Wang Qiming must have offended a lot of people." Zhu Xi smiled wisely and was sure that something big must have happened in the Wang family.

Yang Ping watched the development of the situation. He couldn\'t flatter himself about commercial manipulation, and Zhu Xi made an extraordinary move.

"Let\'s go."

Zhu Xi waved, sat on the stool and rubbed her temples. After the people dispersed, she felt very tired. Before, she spent too much energy and spirit and felt tired.


Yang Ping exclaimed.

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping and felt proud. She secretly said that although she had no influence in the Jianghu, she had not been afraid of anyone in the large-scale commercial war. Just this time, let Wang Group drink a pot.

She has been forbearing for a long time, because before the time to fight back, even if she was taken to the Public Security Bureau, she didn\'t fight back immediately, but waited for an opportunity.

Zhu Xi chose to fight back at this time because she knew she couldn\'t retreat. Sure enough, she came out of the police station safely. The police quickly solved the case and cleared her.

But the priority is to find the murderer.

Wang Jie instructed Yang Ping to come to the police station to see the body and want to find the trace of the murderer.

Zhu Xi told, "how sure are you?"

"About twenty-three percent. It must be the top master who killed Wang Lun. He won\'t leave too many traces." Yang Ping got up and saw Zhu Xi\'s burning eyes, moved his mind and said in a deep voice, "I\'ll try my best."

It\'s important to find the real murderer.

Zhu Xi needs to wash herself completely white, because wearing a murderer\'s hat will cause huge losses to the company. The sooner she clarifies, the better.

"Yang Ping, it\'s up to you."

Zhu Xi muttered to herself.

Yang Ping came to the Public Security Bureau. Wang Jie met him at the door. Without saying much, he took him to the warehouse where Wang Lun\'s body was stored and said, "Wang Lun\'s body is missing."

"I hope to find out the clues with your Jianghu experience." Wang Jie frowned. This is a matter supervised by the Ministry of public security, so we pay special attention to it. With his decades of experience in handling cases, he couldn\'t find a reasonable explanation.

Yang Ping didn\'t show much surprise when he heard that Wang Lun was missing, because there are many ways to control corpses in the Jianghu.

After walking through the morgue, Yang Ping knew.

"Dark hypnosis."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were cold and hummed, "there\'s the yin-yang technique of the island country. It seems that these people are really not afraid of death. In that case, I\'ll uproot you."

This time, Yang Ping wants to kill.