Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 996

Duan Fei stared at Yu Shanshan with a holy radiance on her face. He didn\'t know what she meant and asked, "what is it to quit the Jianghu?"

Yu Shanshan sighed. She didn\'t know Duan Fei\'s thoughts about her, but some things, such as feelings, couldn\'t come. Duan Fei is actually a good man. He is not bad in essence. On other girls, it is only a pity that Yu Shanshan has no love or even feelings for him. Some of them are just a lesson that once needed to be honed as the leader of Baihua sect, controlling men to do things for the sect with their own charm.

She succeeded. Duan Fei should be the most powerful man she controls. Even if she asks Duan Fei to die, Duan Fei probably won\'t hesitate.

But Yu Shanshan was not happy, especially after meeting Yang Ping, she felt that cheating was an immoral thing, but added guilt to herself.

So she decided to give up everything in the prosperous city and teach in hope primary school. Here, she found her long lost spiritual sustenance. She found that what she had done before was not worth mentioning compared with teaching poor children.

Hope is the main melody of life.

Yu Shanshan smiled and said, "director Duan, although I don\'t know what you\'re looking for me, I\'ve quit the Jianghu and don\'t ask about things outside."

Duan Fei gave a cry and found himself very impolite. He quickly explained, "well... Shanshan, I\'m not here to find you something. I just came to see you."

Yu Shanshan said, "since you see it, please go back."

Duan Fei was unwilling to be so powerful. He couldn\'t help but tempt: "Shanshan, are you sure you want to stay here without water, electricity and anything modern? Just stay with these children and waste your youth?"

Yu Shanshan looks at Duan Fei with calm and deep eyes, which deeply shines into Duan Fei\'s heart and makes him feel ashamed, because Yu Shanshan\'s eyes are full of sacred and inviolable light.

"I think it\'s a waste of youth to be outside," Yu Shanshan sighed.

Duan Fei felt Yu Shanshan\'s firm will and understood that persuasion was useless, so he pushed the boat with the current and said with a smile: "it doesn\'t matter. If you like, I can rebuild hope primary school. If you like, I will pick up all the places where hope primary school needs to be built in Longcheng, so that these children who have no chance to go to school can find the hope of life again."

Longcheng is a scenic spot. The high house price in the urban area does not mean that Longcheng is an extremely rich city. There are mountains, water, aura and poverty. Some people can\'t see the outside world in the mountains all their life. Some people haven\'t been to Longcheng all their life. Although Longcheng is only dozens of kilometers away from the village.

Yu Shanshan shook her head and said, "I thank you for the children, but I still don\'t need it. Director Duan, you are busy on business. Why waste so much time on the little woman."

Duan Fei turned pale and thought Yu Shanshan began to hate him. He explained, "Shanshan, you don\'t know I won\'t deliberately make you unhappy. As long as you like something, even the moon in the sky, I\'ll take it off and give it to you. As long as you are happy, I\'m willing to do anything. Just ask you not to let me leave you."

Yu Shanshan didn\'t appreciate this almost confession and said with a smile: "thank you, director Duan..."

Duan Fei said discontentedly, "don\'t call me director Duan. I like you to call me Duan Fei. Shanshan, give me a chance and I will let you have the whole world."

Yu Shanshan touched her belly, showed gorgeous eyes and whispered, "I already have the whole world."

Duan Fei saw that he put down his body and almost knelt on the ground, but Yu Shanshan not only dared not move, but refused to move thousands of miles away.

As the heir of the Duan family, he has a smooth journey. No one can surpass him whether he is an official or a career. He does not allow himself to fail, especially the pursuit of the goddess in his mind.

"Shanshan, why don\'t you accept me? Am I bad?" Duan Fei frowned.

Yu Shanshan hears Duan Fei\'s dissatisfaction, but she doesn\'t care. She is very calm now. It seems that she has nothing to do with exploring the world of mortals. Things in the Jianghu have nothing to do with her.

"Director Duan is perfect, but what does this have to do with me?" Yu Shanshan asked.

Duan Fei couldn\'t help being angry and said in a deep voice, "Shanshan, I know who you have in mind, but you should know that there are women around him. It\'s impossible to give you happiness."

Yu Shanshan looked at Duan Fei and saw the flame jumping wildly in her eyes. It seemed that it would burst into combustion the next moment, but her heart was quiet and whispered, "why do you want to pay back? Fate comes and goes, gathering and dispersing are impermanent."

Duan Fei shouted, "don\'t talk about these things. I hate the way other men look in your eyes. Shanshan, don\'t be stubborn. Only I can give you happiness!"

Shanshan looked at the horizon, silently, with deep sadness in her eyes, but filled with shallow happiness. She was thinking of something. The corners of her mouth bent and showed a happy and natural smile.


Duan Fei shouted angrily at Yu Shanshan and said angrily, "Shanshan, don\'t force me. I can do anything for you. Even if I kill all the children here, I will get you!"

The children were playing on the lawn. Did three or two children come and linger on their clothes, like relying on their mother. Yu Shanshan showed the brilliance of maternal love and stroked the child\'s mind. Her eyes were soft as water. Duan Fei was crazy jealous.

Yu Shanshan can stand Duan Fei\'s harassment. After all, the other party is an infatuated person, but she can\'t accept Duan Fei\'s frightening the children. The killing, let alone children, is unbearable to ordinary adults.

Seeing the frightened eyes of the children, Yu Shanshan stared at Duan Fei and said coldly, "is director Duan teaching me how to be a man?"

A cold breath cut off Duan Fei\'s killing opportunity and let the children return to normal. Yu Shanshan stood up with unimaginable strength and seemed to have broken through some limit.

Duan Fei\'s face changed dramatically and looked at Yu Shanshan in horror.

I thought I would become a real strong man if I got the power in the magic box. I didn\'t say to protect Yu Shanshan, but at least my strength surpassed her.

But when Shanshan released the breath, Duan Fei realized that the gap between himself and Yu Shanshan was widened. If there was no induction error, it should be

Duan Fei\'s face changed. Finally, he sighed and said dejectedly, "I thought our gap has been narrowed. I think I can even surpass you and protect you, but now it seems so naive."

Yu Shanshan said faintly, "please leave."

Duan Fei smiled with sharp eyes and asked, "Shanshan, just answer one of my questions now and I\'ll go right away."

Yu Shanshan hesitated and nodded.

Duan Fei summoned up his courage and asked, "Shanshan, tell me, do you love Yang Ping and the playboy?"

Yu Shanshan was silent.

Duan Fei laughed and looked crazy. He said in a cold voice, "well, it\'s good. I didn\'t expect Duan Fei to be conceited for his life. My beloved woman would rather be someone else\'s junior than follow me."

"I admit I\'m not as good as Yang Ping, but I\'ll prove it to you. I\'ll not only surpass him, but also kill him." Duan Fei\'s eyes were full of resentment and turned away.

Yu Shanshan looked at Duan Fei\'s back and shifted her eyes from the curious faces of the children to the blue sky.

The sky in the mountain village is blue.

"Yang Ping, I\'m sorry. I may have to leave here and go to a place without Jianghu to raise our children well."

Yu Shanshan stroked her belly and smiled happily.