Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 995

Duan Fei\'s face turned blue with anger in front of many subordinates. No one around dared to make a sound. It was the first time they saw the leisurely Chief Secretary\'s gaffe on weekdays. They couldn\'t help admiring Yang Ping and making director Duan lose his mind in a few words.

With everyone looking at each other, Duan Fei returned to the office, his face changed and returned to indifference. The gaffe just now was made to make others feel powerless, but Duan Fei had his own plan. He was willing to give everything to paralyze Yang Ping\'s last fatal blow.

Just because of Yu Shanshan.

Duan Fei looks for Yu Shanshan these days, but he doesn\'t have any news. He goes crazy in a hurry. Yu Shanshan seems to have completely disappeared in Longcheng. Duan Fei\'s network has no news.

But Duan Fei knows that Yang Ping must know where Yu Shanshan is going.

"Yang Ping, one day I will step on you and trample on your dignity. Shanshan, I will let you know that the man you love is just a dog."

"I will never give up."

Duan Fei clenched his fist, his face was ferocious, and his pupils glowed with a strange black light. The office was shrouded in a layer of black fog and became strange and gloomy. The box on the desk slowly released the dark power and bewitched Duan Fei\'s soul.

"Surrender to me, I\'ll give you unlimited power to revenge and get your beloved woman!" came an attractive voice from Pandora\'s box. Duan Fei was confused and almost promised, but soon he was shocked and showed his horror.

He stared angrily at Pandora\'s box and shouted, "didn\'t you say you didn\'t hypnotize me?"

"Because your will is not as strong as before. The stronger your desire is, the more obvious your weakness is. Can\'t you see that I\'m just fooling you, and you lose your reason."

Hearing this, Duan Fei was surprised. He couldn\'t help falling silent because of his crazy actions these days.

"I won\'t be controlled by you. No matter who you are or what you want, I can\'t lose myself." after a long time, the office is silent, Duan Fei\'s eyes are firm and hum.

"I\'ll wait for you."@^^$

Pandora\'s box did not argue, and then disappeared.

Duan Fei breathed a sigh of relief and his face returned to normal. Just as he was preparing for the next plan, the phone rang. The phone number was not marked with a name, but the area code was the capital, so he hurried through.

"The man found it." the other party\'s voice was cold and full of iron blood.

Duan Fei was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "the other half of the money will be called immediately before I find her. It\'s hard."

"Remember, three million, one point can\'t be less."! $*!


After hanging up, Duan Fei was impatient and had to go out when he got dressed, but when he walked out of the office, he met the office secretary and was told that the leaders of the Ministry of public security wanted to talk to him.

Duan Fei shows an impatient expression. If he delays a little time, the other party may disappear again. Three million yuan will be wasted. The most important thing is that he doesn\'t know how to find it next time.

"Tell them I\'m not feeling well and go to the hospital."

After leaving the Secretary stunned, Duan Fei left the Public Security Bureau through the back door and drove Huiteng to the other party\'s direction. Soon he came to the appointed place. He received a message via wireless, wrote down his name, and rushed to it.

"Shanshan, I won\'t give you up."

When Duan Fei came to a school in the suburb of Longcheng according to the address, he was stunned and muttered to himself, what is Shanshan doing in this poor school?

He thinks Yu Shanshan doesn\'t eat human fireworks. She is a high-ranking celebrity. She should go in and out of luxury cars and won\'t go to dirty places. This will damage her face.

Duan Fei almost thought he had been cheated if the other party\'s investigation methods were not too powerful.

This is a hope primary school.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is only a cement road that can accommodate only one car. Fortunately, his Huiteng is not a particularly large SUV. Otherwise, if you want to come in, the body will be scratched by thorns on the side of the road.

The school door is a shabby and shameful rotten iron door. It is in disrepair for a long time. It can be broken by kicking. There is a big hole under the iron door. A yellow dog comes out of it and sees the threatening whine of strangers.

Duan Fei frowned and looked at the yellow dog coldly.

The yellow dog showed his fear, quickly shrunk his body, turned around and ran away.

Duan Fei pushed open the iron door and went in.

"When the iron gate is opened, there are bursts of childish reading sounds. Mandarin is not very standard, but full of purity and desire.

Even if Duan Fei didn\'t experience a poor childhood, he can feel the children\'s desire to go to school here. But he still doesn\'t think so. There are many such places in China.

The hope primary school is so simple that apart from a lawn, it is an old two-story building. It can be seen that the building was built many years ago. On the corridor on the second floor, it is written with eight big characters: Centennial plan, education-based.

The paint of big characters fell off seriously. They were lazy in the sun, as if waiting for death.

This is a place full of hope, but also despair.

Duan Fei took a deep breath, walked into the classroom and locked a beautiful shadow at a glance. At that moment, he was shocked and could hardly believe it. In more than a dozen pairs of pure eyes, the beautiful shadow standing under the blackboard was the beauty he was looking for.

Yu Shanshan took off her gorgeous clothes and put on simple clothes, but she still showed a beautiful figure without the decoration of famous brands. Yu Shanshan\'s simple and beautiful face was suffused with a layer of holy light.

She is more temperament and beautiful than before.

Duan Fei was crazy at that moment.

"Everyone read it to me again. You don\'t feel dawn when you sleep in spring..."

"Spring sleeps without dawn..."

"I hear birds everywhere..."

"I hear birds everywhere..."

Yu Shanshan taught the following children sentence by sentence. Most of them were seven or eight years old. It was in the second grade that she taught very seriously, as if she was intoxicated with it.

Duan Fei couldn\'t bear to destroy the beautiful scene in front of him. He stood quietly at the door of the classroom and waited.

A class, 45 minutes.

Duan Fei waited silently for 45 minutes. In his eyes, there was only the quiet and elegant beauty who washed away the lead. He never felt that the woman he loved was so worthy and worth everything.

Class is over.

Yu Shanshan let the students go out to play.

A dozen students cheered, but they didn\'t leave the classroom, but stuck up and showed a flattering smile. Yu Shanshan stroked the children\'s dirty faces and showed soft eyes.

Duan Fei found a detail. Behind every smile, Yu Shanshan likes to touch her lower abdomen with her palm, and the light on her face is stronger.

He didn\'t understand the meaning of this action, but he walked up.


Duan Fei, as the most influential and influential figure in Longcheng, won\'t show fear even when he meets the most powerful figure, but he can\'t help feeling distressed when facing Yu Shanshan with holy brilliance.

A beauty who should have been high above the world came to teach in hope primary school.

Duan Fei couldn\'t stand it, but he didn\'t want to break this aestheticism.

Because Yu Shanshan is the most beautiful at this moment. She finds herself and no longer restricts her freedom because of her identity. Duan Fei is disappointed. When Shanshan sees through everything, does he lose all hope.

"Hello, director Duan."

Yu Shanshan smiled.

Duan Fei hurriedly said, "Shanshan, I\'m looking for you..."

Yu Shanshan pointed to the young children on their faces and said, "do you see the desire in their eyes?"

Duan Fei was stunned.

"I\'m going to quit the Jianghu."

Yu Shanshan suddenly sighed.