Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 994

On the left is the enemy Bi Guanghui and on the right is Zhu Xi. Whether to go left or right, Yang Ping didn\'t think about it for long, so he went to the police station.

Because there are many enemies, Bi Guanghui is only one of them, but Zhu Xi has only one. Yang Ping sensed Zhu Xi\'s anger in the interrogation room, and the police station was shrouded in murderous spirit. But after Yang Ping arrived, the murderous spirit suddenly disappeared.

Office building, there is a pair of eyes.

Four eyes are opposite.

Duan Fei stood in front of the office window and looked coldly at Yang Ping at the gate. It seemed that this overlooking posture could express his inner mood at the moment. Duan Fei has been suppressed all the time. He has a deep resentment in his heart. He wants to eat Yang Ping\'s meat and drink Yang Ping\'s blood. Every time I think of that rainy night, I smoke hard under the tree, while my beloved woman lies in Yang Ping\'s arms. Duan Fei\'s heart will become very crazy.

If he wants to be stronger than Yang Ping and step on him, Yu Shanshan may choose herself.

Yang Ping walked to the office, and the section was flying at the door. He seemed to be greeting, but he was just showing off, looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes as if he were saying, look, I has the final say. No matter how good you are, do things according to the rules.

At the police station, Yang Ping can\'t rob people.

Duan Fei takes a fancy to this, because once he grabs people, he will break the rules. Yang Ping will be under great pressure, and maybe Junshen will take a direct shot.

Duan Fei hoped that Yang Ping would provoke stronger people and kill people with a knife.

"The evidence is conclusive and there is no possibility of turning over." Duan Fei came straight to the point and looked directly into Yang Ping\'s eyes to see his panic, but unfortunately he didn\'t.

Yang Ping nodded and said, "according to the script, it should be like this."

"Are you worried about the accident with your beloved woman?" Duan Fei asked with a smile.

Yang Ping shrugged and sighed, "I\'m really worried. But fortunately, everything is still under control."

Duan Fei smiled, thumbed up and said, "I\'ve never seen anyone as confident as you. Maybe it\'s also your Achilles\' heel. Yang Ping, the higher you stand, the worse you fall."

"Are you talking about you?" Yang Ping asked.

Duan Fei narrowed his eyes and showed his murderous opportunity. He sneered, "I\'ll see you can laugh later."

"I\'ve always been optimistic."

Yang Ping responded.

Duan Fei really wants to curse, but just think about it. Wait for Zhu Xi to be charged, look at Yang Ping\'s face, and see how Yang Ping responds at that time.

Zhu Xi came out of the interrogation room with a pretty face, but although the long questioning was polite, no one could stand it. In addition, worried about the company\'s problems, Zhu Xi was haggard and her eyes were dim, which made people pity.

Yang Ping was very distressed, but he just looked at it, but there were cold murders in his heart.

Segment flew over the line.

I will never forgive you.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes brightened when she saw Yang Ping\'s arrival, but she soon recovered her composure. The brightness of her eyes increased a lot. Obviously, Yang Ping\'s arrival gave her great encouragement. With Yang Ping around, any difficulty can be easily solved.

In view of Zhu Xi\'s special status, generally speaking, he did not dare to be too harsh. Duan Fei came to interrogate him personally and got the results soon.

"I only ask a few questions." Duan Fei smiled professionally and said, "Zhu Xi, you are a smart and capable person. Let\'s put our speech on the table."

Zhu Xi said faintly, "Wang\'s Group paid off all the barristers in Longcheng, but just ask, I didn\'t kill Wang Lun."

"Does Wang Lun have a crush on you?" Duan Fei asked.

Zhu Xi said coldly, "I\'m not familiar with him, nor is it a roundworm in his stomach. Unless you save him and ask again, no one can answer your big question."

Duan Fei frowned and said, "I know from Wang Lun\'s friend\'s confession that Wang Lun likes you all. Someone can testify to this."

"Some people can testify that Wang Lun has no contact with me. If you want witnesses, I can find dozens." Zhu Xi said without weakness.

"China Airlines Group has a grudge against Wang\'s group. In order to compete for the development right of the old city, you have reached the point of life and death, so we preliminarily infer that you are the most suspected of killing Wang Lun."

Duan Fei began to extort a confession, but Zhu Xi was indifferent and said, "director Duan should be responsible for his words. Once again, I didn\'t have any contact with Wang Lun."

Duan Fei took out his handkerchief and what he found in Zhu Xi\'s office, threw it on the table and said, "there are Wang\'s group\'s trade secrets and your fingerprints. I\'m not sure why Wang\'s group\'s trade secrets will be in your office, unless it\'s an insider!"

"Wang Lun is most likely to help you steal the trade secrets of Wang\'s group."

"So you kill people when you get what you want, don\'t you?"

Duan Fei stared into Zhu Xi\'s eyes and wanted to exert spiritual oppression to distract Zhu Xi, and then admitted the crime of murder. However, he did underestimate Zhu Xi. He didn\'t say that Yang Ping was around. The terror of spiritual power could ignore all Duan Fei\'s problems. More importantly, Zhu Xi had the power to avoid epidemic spiritual hypnosis.

"We suspect that you will kill people after using Wang Lun." Duan Fei said coldly, "the evidence is conclusive. If you don\'t admit it, the judge will give you a fair judgment."

Zhu Xi frowned.

She knew it was nonsense and planted the blame casually, but she couldn\'t help it, because Duan Fei left the legal procedure and did things according to the rules.

Even if Zhu Xi finally proves that she is not a murderer, it will take a long time, because it takes time to file a lawsuit, but China Airlines Group can\'t afford the loss.

The other party attaches importance to the development right of the old city. As long as there are problems in the reputation and capital of China Airlines Group, it will certainly be deprived of the development right. Duan Fei gathered many officials to discuss the decision to replace the developer, but was dragged by Yang Guoyong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee. However, Duan Fei believes that Yang Guoyong will lose all his rights in a short time. He will be the first person in Longcheng.

No one can save Zhu Xi now.

Duan Fei\'s contacts at the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department and the Yunnan provincial Party committee are much stronger than Zhu Xi, so now she can\'t find anyone to help her.

Duan Fei looked at Yang Ping provocatively. This is Yang Mou. You broke it for me.

Yang Ping\'s Old God was there, as if he didn\'t see Duan Fei\'s provocation.

Duan Fei has a nameless fire in his heart. The most annoying thing is Yang Ping\'s arrogance. Can you be arrogant when I hold Zhu Xi\'s seven inches by the head of the public security bureau?

"The interrogation is over?" Yang Ping asked.

Duan Fei nodded and said in a deep voice, "you have heard the conclusion, Zhu Xi, what do you have to say."

Zhu Xi took a deep breath and had to argue, but Yang Pingzhu stopped, shook his head and said, "forget it, don\'t waste your tongue. Director Duan must hope you look panicked, but he shouldn\'t see it."

Duan Fei smiled and disdained: "do you want to rob people?"

Yang Ping shook his head, shrugged and said, "it\'s to rob people."

Duan Fei was startled and hurriedly showed his vigilance. However, he was angry when he didn\'t see Yang Ping for a long time. Hum: "if you just started, China is so big that you can\'t let it."

Yang Ping sighed, got up, patted his clothes and said, "it should be almost time."

Duan Fei hummed, "look what tricks you play."

He doesn\'t believe it. It\'s a conspiracy. There\'s no way to crack it. We can only wait for court summons and overwhelming news media attacks.

A policeman rushed in with an anxious face.

Duan Fei said displeased, "what\'s the hurry!"

The policeman bowed his head and didn\'t dare to look at each other. It seemed that he was frightened by Duan Fei\'s Yu Wei. He trembled and said, "director Duan, someone came down to take Zhu Xi away."

Duan flew into a rage and said, "Whoever dares to take away, I has the final say."

The police officer was very bitter, and the secret road has the final say. But if a higher level leader comes to the party, he says with great care: "the secretary is the Ministry of public security."

Duan Fei disdained and said, "what ministry of public security..." suddenly reacted and lost his voice, "you mean someone from the Ministry of public security wants to take Zhu Xi away?"

The policeman nodded helplessly.

Duan Fei stared at Yang Ping, spewing out endless anger, gritted his teeth and said, "OK, good, Yang Ping, I underestimated your contacts."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Yang Ping got up and left the public security bureau with Zhu Xi.

Duan Fei vomited blood angrily and scolded, "don\'t be complacent. I\'ll make you regret sooner or later."