Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 988

The phone call came after a senior manager of China Airlines Group confirmed. When she learned that Wang Lun died in China Airlines building, Zhu Xi knew it was a big deal.

What does it mean that the biological son of Wang Qiming, the owner of the Wang family, died in the underground parking garage of the China Airlines Group building?

The relationship between Zhu Xi and Wang\'s group is very poor. The life and death competition between the two groups is equal to an enemy. In addition, Wang Lun\'s place of death is in the company, and the two contradictions will certainly be planned.

"Go back now."

Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed a worry. If Wang\'s group makes a crazy and reckless attack on China Airlines Group because of Wang Lun\'s death, it is likely to lose both sides. People with ulterior motives will pick up the bargain.


Yang Ping stood on the edge, watched the car leave, lost in thought, and said, "I didn\'t expect Wang Lun to die. Although it\'s not worth dying, things have become very troublesome."

There are many lunatics and experts in the Wang family. If they really fight against China Airlines Group, Zhu Xi will be very passive. The development right for the reconstruction of the old city has been granted and can start at any time. If something goes wrong, all efforts will be wasted.

He didn\'t show up immediately. In the inpatient ward, the families of those migrant workers put forward greedy conditions, didn\'t have much interest, and didn\'t worry about Zhu Xi\'s safety.

Zhu Xi needs exercise. At least this little thing can be handled well. I don\'t need to worry. The only thing I need to worry about is the intention of the people behind the scenes.

The underground parking lot of China Airlines Group was stopped by the police with a cordon, and no one was allowed to enter. A senior manager of China Airlines Group accompanied the criminal police to investigate the scene and was questioned from time to time.

Duan Fei took the lead, personally asked about Wang Lun\'s death, stood next to Wang Lun\'s car and collected clues. Wang Lun died miserably. His eyes were dug out and hung in series with fishing lines around his neck. There was a bloody hole in his chest and his heart was dug out.

Wang Lun must have been very frightened before he died, because the expression on his face was stiff, as if he had been scared to death.

After obtaining evidence, Zhu Xi just took the group to the parking lot. Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary for the chairman of the group to come, but because Duan Fei personally led the team, and Zhu Xi received a summons from the police station, he must give face.

Zhu Xi came with a lawyer to prevent some people who don\'t know the law from acting recklessly.

"Dong Zhu took time out of his busy schedule to cooperate with the police investigation. Duan Fei is very grateful. Because the identity of the deceased is very special, he asked Dong Zhu to come over." Duan Fei stepped forward and said seriously that it is not suitable to smile on this occasion.

Zhu Xi nodded and said, "I feel sorry for the dead and am very angry with the murderer. If the police need to cooperate, I will do my best and hope to arrest the murderer as soon as possible."

After a few polite words, Duan Fei asked, "I wonder if it\'s convenient for Zhu Dong to let us see the surveillance video of the underground parking lot?"

Zhu Xi nodded.

The group came to the monitoring room. The technician opened the monitoring screen and began to look for clues according to the time of the death of the deceased. Duan Fei stared at the screen and couldn\'t see what he was thinking. Why pull Zhu Xi to watch the video.

At about 11:10, a red sports car drove into the parking lot. According to the surveillance video, the owner was the dead Wang Lun.

Everyone was focused on the video because the cause of Wang Lun\'s death would be revealed next.

Wang Lun was different from usual. He used to be arrogant and domineering and didn\'t look at anyone, but his expression now, if he looked carefully, his pupils were full of panic and panic. As soon as he got off the car, he rushed to the elevator.

Suddenly, a hand reached out to Wang Lun, followed by a flash of the screen, turned black. Wang Lun was screaming for mercy: "don\'t kill me. You can pay as much as you want."

"What\'s going on?" Duan Fei said in a deep voice.

The technician\'s forehead is sweating and his heart is very nervous. If there is a problem with the evidence, he is the most suspected. In addition, the boss of the company is watching, so he is under great pressure.

"I don\'t know. It seems that someone has tampered with it." the technician of China Airlines Group panicked.

Duan Fei motioned a subordinate who was good at video processing to help. The man began to deal with the black screen. After ten minutes, the man shook his head and said seriously, "it has been erased. There is no way to recover."

The technician hurriedly said, "impossible. No one has moved the surveillance video."

Duan Fei looked at the technician and frowned: "how do you ensure that no one has moved the video? Is it a ghost? The most important part of the video is black. Do you think it will be so coincidental?"

The technician was about to collapse. Facing Duan Fei\'s strong pressure, he explained: "I... Usually rarely leave the monitoring room. Except the toilet. And I have the key."

Duan Fei shook his head and said, "take it back for investigation."

The technician turned pale and begged, "director Duan, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Duan Fei said coldly, "did I say it has something to do with you? It\'s just taking a confession."

The technician breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it\'s not suspected of murder or conspiracy. Because he doesn\'t want to be involved in the murder case for no reason, and it seems that the identity of the person who alerted the chairman and the director of the public security bureau must be different.

"Chief, we found this in the dead man\'s car."

Zhu Xi has been observing calmly and wants to see what tricks Duan Fei plays, but his face changes slightly when he sees a policeman coming with a handkerchief.

She has a bad feeling.

Duan Fei took the handkerchief, looked at the fingerprint test results, frowned, then looked at Zhu Xi and said, "a handkerchief was found on the dead man\'s car. Can Zhu Dong explain?"

"Director Duan, please don\'t ask questions casually when there is not enough evidence to prove that my client is related to the case," the lawyer stood up and rescued Zhu Xi.

Duan Fei hummed, "Zhu Xi, please answer."

Zhu Xi frowned and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. This handkerchief is her very private thing. It should be in the bay area villa now. How can it appear here.

The handkerchief is easy to recognize. Zhu Xi embroiders it with a camellia.

"It\'s mine."

Zhu Xi said calmly, making the people next to take a breath. No wonder director Duan will find Zhu Xi, because the case is closely related to Zhu Xi.

"The handkerchief is my client, but it doesn\'t prove anything," the lawyer said in a deep voice.

Duan Fei clapped his hands, and someone came with another thing. An anima coat with a bloody smell on it. Zhu Xi was unhappy and asked, "director Duan, I don\'t know what you want to express. But if you just want to judge whether the case is too arbitrary because of a handkerchief."

"This dress belongs to Wang Lun and was found in Dong Zhu\'s office." Duan Feining said again.

Zhu Xi\'s color changed and her heart sank. She quickly responded that someone killed Wang Lun and wanted to frame her, but she was not afraid at all. The Qing Dynasty cleared itself, so she said, "I haven\'t had contact with Wang Lun for a long time. There\'s no motive to kill."

Duan Fei smiled and clapped again.

"This is the business information we collected about Huahang group and Hongtai group. It is said that Huahang group competes unfairly with Hongtai group for a piece of land in the north of the city. I want to ask Dong Zhu. Do you know this?"

Duan Fei took the document and asked with great interest.

Zhu Xi said displeased: "you want to say that I\'m still in my own underground parking lot because Hongtai group will kill Wang Lun. Director Duan, you can\'t joke casually."

Duan Fei shrugged and said indifferently, "our police always like to be unrestrained. The more impossible things are, the more likely they are. Dong Zhu, it\'s obvious that you designed to kill Wang Lun in order to defeat Hongtai group. That\'s your motive for killing."

Mary came forward and shouted, "nonsense. Hongtai group is Hongtai group. Our chairman has no contact with Wang Lun."

Duan Fei sighed: "the motive for the crime is established, and died in China Airlines Group, Mr. Zhu. I hope you will go back to the police station with us to cooperate in the investigation. We will not wish any good person, but we will never let a bad person go."

Zhu Xi\'s people still had to argue, but she stopped them and said, "I\'ll go back to the police station with you for investigation."

Others turned pale.

If it is known that the famous Dragon City Star entrepreneur is associated with a rich second generation murder, it may damage his reputation and be extremely unfavorable to China Airlines Group.