Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 987

Back to China Airlines building, Yang Ping didn\'t see Zhu Xi. He felt a little and found her in the people\'s Hospital, so he rushed there. In the inpatient ward, Zhu Xi came to visit the injured migrant workers on the construction site and booed them. They were not Gao Leng\'s president fan\'er at all, but more like migrant workers\' friends. In addition, they looked like flowers and jade, and there were still injured migrant workers who were angry. Their faces eased a lot, but Zhu Xi saw that these workers showed embarrassment after she announced a series of warm care measures.

Zhu Xi knows.

There must be someone who wants to engage in China Airlines Group behind the scenes. People\'s hearts are flesh long, but although the migrant workers are very comfortable, their faces are very cold.

"Such a big chairman doesn\'t compensate each person for one million. How do you mean?" a middle-aged woman yelled when she saw that the situation was wrong. "Only 100000 yuan was given to each person to send out beggars."

Zhu Xi frowned, not angry.

Mary was upset. She stood up and said with a sneer, "100000 yuan is just an extra. Your medical expenses are all inclusive. It\'s at least 100000 yuan per person. Isn\'t it too small?"

The middle-aged woman seemed to deliberately embarrass China Airlines Group. She said impatiently, "since she thinks it\'s too much, don\'t come here. I think she can do much. Anyway, my husband is injured, and reporters will come tomorrow. I think those reporters must like to know the good things you do."

Mary turned pale.

Many requirements of China Airlines Group are based on the injured. One is that Zhu Xi is sorry, and the other is that he doesn\'t want to make too much negative impact on China Airlines Group. Unexpectedly, the other party caught the key and began to blackmail.

"How much do you want?" Mary said displeased.

The middle-aged woman smiled proudly and said in secret that what the man said was really good. As long as she grasped the news media, China Airlines Group would certainly spend a lot of money. A mere 100000 yuan was nothing.

Originally, 100000 yuan was a lot for migrant workers, but people\'s hearts were not enough. Snakes swallow elephants. Middle-aged women tasted the sweetness and wanted more, so they were embarrassed.

The others were obviously middle-aged women, and her husband was no exception. He bowed his head obediently and dared not speak. The middle-aged woman raised her voice and said, "it\'s not about money." first she raised the force, flashed a cunning light in her eyes, and said, "I just want to know how much the reputation of China Airlines Group is worth. If you tell me 100000, there\'s no way."

Zhu Xi\'s heart sank. She understood that middle-aged women had expert advice and wanted to blackmail hard. Money was a small thing, but giving money did not necessarily solve the [email protected] ^^$

Mary is a veteran, very clear about each other\'s purpose, and said in a deep voice, "tell me the conditions."

The middle-aged woman hummed: "in fact, it\'s very simple. It\'s not impossible for me not to speak. First, your chairman must apologize in front of the TV station, admit that there are problems in project quality supervision and bear all responsibilities."

Mary was furious and wanted to curse, but she was stopped by Zhu Xi and said, "continue."

When the middle-aged woman saw that Zhu Xi was not angry, she thought she was afraid and hummed, "if the first condition is met, it is possible to say the second condition."

"Our children have graduated from college this year. If they want to find a stable job, they can go to China Airlines Group, but they must die at the middle level with an annual salary of no less than 300000."! $*!

Mary almost scolded and stared at the middle-aged woman. Why don\'t the bastard be a boss? What do the newly graduated college students know about entering China Airlines Group? They are middle-level at the beginning. How can they convince the public? The most important thing is, do you want China Airlines Group to mess with personnel arrangements?

Zhu Xi was also angry, but she forbeared.

"It\'s just four or five positions. It\'s like death. You\'re too stingy. Our children are college students and will certainly not humiliate you. College students are more valuable and it\'s too low to be a boss. You can take a civil servant or an official at home." the middle-aged woman cried proudly.

Mary smiled.

The middle-aged woman stretched out a finger and said, "if you are injured, you need mental loss. You must meet this figure."

Mary was angry and gritted her teeth and said, "if you meet the first two conditions, you want another million? Why don\'t you rob the bank? Although you work on the construction site, the main responsibility lies with the construction party. We just came to express our condolences."

"News media," laughed the middle-aged woman.

Mary seemed to eat a fly and lost her temper.

"It\'s not that you can\'t afford a million dollars, but it\'s not worth it, and how can you guarantee that you won\'t go back on it after meeting your conditions?" Mary sneered.

The middle-aged woman said unhappily, "we are farmers with principles. How can we repent? You are insulting us. I will say this in front of the TV station tomorrow."

Mary almost vomited blood. She\'s never seen such a difficult woman.

"Is there anything else?" asked Zhu Xi.

Mary turned pale and hurriedly shouted, "don\'t promise, Mr. Zhu. They didn\'t mean to talk at all. We were kind. We didn\'t expect to become Mr. Dongguo. Mr. Zhu, let\'s go."

The middle-aged woman sneered and hummed, "if you dare to go, I\'ll tell the reporter tomorrow that you Huahang group are careless about human life and insult our migrant workers."

Mary denounced, "you are shameless."

The middle-aged woman hummed, "you are shameless. The capitalists only know how to exploit us. You are the enemy of the proletariat and the source of all evil!"

Zhu Xi\'s heart moved and seemed to grasp the key point.

Middle aged women certainly won\'t say these words. They must recite them forcibly according to someone\'s instructions. Even if they have a good talk, they will still return. It seems that they need to find out the people behind them.

Zhu Xi is still waiting for news. If the foundation pit collapse is man-made and of a completely different nature, the problem is that Duan Fei now controls the Public Security Bureau and is difficult to deal with. Direct results cannot be obtained quickly. You can\'t face the media.

Related to the development right of the old city, China Airlines Group dare not take it lightly.

"You take good care of your illness, and I will give good consideration to the conditions you give. Anyway, we are trying our best to help you. Please give us some time."

"Have a good rest."

After Zhu Xi finished, she left with the company\'s condolences.

When the group left, the middle-aged woman clapped her hands and said with a smile, "well, I\'m right. They must be afraid of our mouths. It\'s not easy for everyone to come out from home. If we can get one million at a time, why do we still work?"

The other wounded looked embarrassed.

Especially the husband of a middle-aged woman said, "people have helped us a lot. I haven\'t seen such a people-friendly chairman. I don\'t think we\'ll take it as soon as it\'s good."


The middle-aged woman caught fire, slapped her husband and scolded, "useless things. When you have no money, where is the capitalist\'s conscience? If something big happens, those talents please us. Are you a fool? Why not if you have the opportunity to make money?"

Her husband bowed his head and dared not resist.

The middle-aged woman sneered: "don\'t worry, I\'ll think about the future. When the reporter comes tomorrow, we can collect the money first, and then take out the money, that is, the sealing fee of China Airlines Group."


Others looked at the middle-aged woman in shock.

It\'s immoral to take money and have to cheat others.

Feeling the eyes of the crowd, the middle-aged woman hummed, "when it\'s done, someone will give us five million each."

Five million?

The people in the ward took a breath.

Walking out of the hospital door, Mary couldn\'t help saying, "Dong Zhu, these white eyed wolves are bewitched and can\'t be satisfied. Let\'s call the police. Arrange the media to seize the opportunity."

Zhu Xi shook her head and said in a deep voice, "it\'s not that simple. If the Wang family is playing tricks, we must expect our reaction. Go back first."

The phone rings.

Zhu Xi saw the number and answered the channel: "Hello, I\'m Zhu Xi."

After listening to the phone.

Zhu Xi\'s pretty face changed dramatically and was cold all over.

Wang Lun\'s body was found in the parking lot of China Airlines building, and his death was very tragic.