Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 989

The chairman of China Airlines Group, the chairman of the board of directors of Zhu\'s group, the star entrepreneur of Yunnan Province, the first beauty of Longcheng, Zhu Xi has a lot of aura on her head. Once someone has a heart to publicize anything, she will know it in the streets.

Wang Lun\'s death caused great repercussions.

Zhu Xi was involved in Wang Lun\'s murder, and the whole dragon city shook. The news media not belonging to Zhu\'s group began to publicize it on the Internet. Strangely, the media enterprises of Zhu\'s group did not seem to have received the wind, nor did they realize the seriousness of the problem and remained silent.

This is worth considering.

Ma Li, assistant to the president, wanted to fight back through Zhu\'s group, but was shut down. The senior collective of Zhu\'s group was silent and did not respond at all. At this time, Mary realized that the problem was serious. Although the assets of China Airlines Group exceed one billion, it is not worth mentioning compared with the behemoth Zhu group.

Without the support of Zhu\'s group, it will be very difficult for Mary to get through the relationship. She can only worry about the office. What\'s more, all the famous lawyers in Longcheng city are not willing to help Zhu Xi.

Mary immediately realized that it was a conspiracy.

Without the background of Zhu\'s group and the help of the lawyer group, Mary found that the problems faced by Zhu Xi can only be solved by herself.

"I\'m really sorry. I\'m not feeling well recently. I\'ll deal with the breach of contract as soon as possible," said a lawyer who looked healthy in Mary\'s office with a smile.

"Get out!" Mary sneered. "Do you think Zhu Dong is over? You\'ll regret it in the future."

The lawyer took an indifferent attitude and said, "I just act according to the contract. In fact, assistant Ma can\'t say anything more. And if you talk nonsense again, I\'ll sue you for personal attack."

Mary was furious, but when she saw the lawyer take out a picture of her son from her pocket, her face changed greatly and she said in a trembling voice, "what do you mean?"

The lawyer smiled and said, "we just want to ask assistant Ma to be quiet for a while and come back when things turn out. Moreover, your son misses you very much and is traveling with his father outside Yunnan Province."

Mary trembled with anger and understood that this was the threat of chiguoguo, but when she saw her son\'s smile in the photo, her heart softened and admitted defeat: "OK, I\'ll leave China Airlines Group."

The lawyer clapped his hands and exclaimed, "he who knows current affairs is a hero. As long as assistant Ma is in accordance with our meaning, there will be no problem. We will give $5 million at that time..."

"You want to frame Zhu Xi, but I won\'t do it. I\'ll stand idly by at most." Mary said unhappily.

The lawyer shrugged and said, "it\'s OK. As long as you don\'t do bad things and prove in court that Zhu Xi and Wang Lun had dealings at the critical time, you\'ll be fine."

Mary turned pale and shouted, "you let me be a false witness!"

The lawyer said faintly, "it\'s better than a dead man."

Mary took a deep breath, but when she saw another photo taken by the lawyer, she almost collapsed and begged, "you... Can do whatever you want."

The lawyer smiled and said, "thank you, assistant ma. Thank you very much."

Mary sat down on the sofa in a bad mood.

The second picture the lawyer took out was that she once went to a bar and slept with a man after a quarrel with her husband. Unexpectedly, she was photographed.

Mary knows very well that she may never escape each other\'s clutches in the future.

The lawyer smiled proudly and looked at Mary with contempt in her heart. If Mary was in good shape and beautiful, she might be able to serve for free, but Mary was really not very good and secretly said bad luck.


The door was suddenly kicked open and a beautiful figure strode in.

Mary stood up when she saw someone coming. Her eyes were frightened. She was afraid of being known about her scandal. She hesitated and said, "director Yang, what are you doing here?"

Here comes Yang Yuxin.

She looked cold, stared at the lawyer and said, "if you know the law and break the law, the crime will be added to the first class. Mary, can you live with your conscience by harming Dong Zhu like this?"

The lawyer\'s face was gloomy. He winked at the door and said, "who am I talking about? It\'s Yang Yuxin, but you\'re not qualified to come here..."

Before he finished, the sole of one foot became bigger and kicked it hard in the face.


The lawyer flew sideways, covering his face and rolling on the ground. His face was almost deformed, miserable and screamed.

"If you dare to hit me, I will sue you!"

The lawyer shouted angrily and threatened. Ma Li was nearby, but she couldn\'t help trembling, afraid and frightened. Yang Yuxin had no expression. He came forward and slapped the lawyer, beating the lawyer to cry.

Mary has never seen such a tough Yang Yuxin. In the past, Yang Yuxin\'s position was higher than Mary, with serious prestige and heartfelt awe.

"Who is behind the scenes?" Yang Yuxin grabbed the lawyer\'s collar and said in a cold voice, "if you don\'t say, I will publish your criminal evidence to the public and ruin your reputation."

The lawyer shouted, "you\'re looking for death. I won\'t let you go. You\'ll sue you for losing your money!"


Yang Yuxin frowned, took off one of the lawyer\'s arms and said indifferently, "you must live before you sue me."

The lawyer still wanted to say cruel words, but when he saw Yang Yuxin frowning again, he was so frightened that he turned pale and shouted, "I said, I said, it was Wang\'s group that asked me to do it."

"What\'s the plan?" Yang Yuxin\'s heart jumped slightly, and the secret way was that it was true. After Wang Lun\'s death, the Wang family would jump over the wall and kill Zhu Xi recklessly.

The lawyer cried and begged, "I just work with money. I don\'t know the plan of Wang Group. Please let me go. I have old ones and small ones. It\'s not easy..."

"How could I kill you?" Yang Yuxin shook his mobile phone recording, making the lawyer\'s face more and more pale. He knew that as long as the recording was still there, he would be controlled by Yang Yuxin in his life.

Under Yang Yuxin\'s kind reminder, the lawyer signed the pledge, called out the evidence, and left the office in embarrassment.

Yang Yuxin took the written materials, looked at Ma Li and said coldly, "you haven\'t done anything sorry for Dong Zhu. Please leave."

Ma Li was stunned and then reacted. Yang Yuxin used to be an assistant to the president, but now she is sitting in this position. Yang Yuxin was fired.

Why should I be afraid.

Ma Li refused: "Yang Yuxin, you are no longer from China Airlines Group. Why should you ask about Dong Zhu? And Dong Zhu hates you very much."

Yang Yuxin thought of Zhu Xi\'s disgusting expression. She was bitter in her heart, but she was cold on the surface. She hummed, "give you a chance to reflect what you still want. Mary, don\'t force me to do it. You think I don\'t know about those bullshit. Besides, who told you that I\'m not in the company, and China Airlines Group hired me back as vice president."

Mary\'s face changed dramatically and screamed, "it\'s impossible. Why don\'t I know about it?"

Yang Yuxin disdained and said, "what are you? You have the right to know about the changes of senior management. After you have been a president assistant for a few days, you don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. Write your own resignation report."

"I don\'t believe it. There\'s no such thing." Mary was hard spoken and didn\'t want to leave China Airlines Group.

Yang Yuxin looked at him piteously, shook his head and said, "come in."

Then the party came into the office.

Mary saw these people clearly and said in silence, "President Hua, President Li, you\'re coming. Please save me quickly. This crazy woman said she was the vice president of China Airlines Group. She wanted to be president. She wanted to be crazy."

The bosses were Zhu Xi\'s confidants. They looked at each other and said coldly, "we have long received Zhu Dong\'s order. Yang Yuxin has been fully responsible for the large and small affairs of the company."

Mary\'s expression was momentarily dull.