Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 986

The two figures ran in the street at a speed like a gust of wind. Yang Ping was chasing the dark one who suddenly appeared. The killing opportunity in his heart became stronger and stronger, almost covering the whole street.

The chased dark one can\'t see his true face clearly, but his speed is no slower than Yang Ping, and there are signs of getting rid of Yang Ping with all his strength.

Yang Ping\'s speed is faster than the sage\'s initial stage. The other party can calmly avoid it, indicating that his strength is still above the sage\'s initial stage. If such a dark person destroys the Dragon City, the consequences will be unimaginable.

With a will to kill heart, Yang Ping inspired the Nine Yang blood vessels in his body and rushed up fiercely.

The dark one was surprised. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping\'s speed was even faster. He rolled quickly and broke the street lamp pole, frightened the pedestrians, jumped over a high wall and went into a school.

Yang Ping\'s secret way is bad. It\'s too late to stop it.

The dark one stood on the wall and looked at Yang Ping coldly, showing warning eyes. If he went further, he would kill the school students.

Afraid of his killing, Yang Ping fell under the wall, stared at the dark one and said indifferently, "you\'re looking for death."

"At least many people died before me. Leave a kilometer immediately, or I\'ll kill all the people in this primary school. Don\'t challenge my patience." the dark one smiled sarcastically and hummed, "you\'re also a strong man, but you\'re too kind. These mole ants are just a waste of food. You\'re afraid of mole ants. I\'m so disappointed."

"This is the difference between man and beast." Yang Ping said calmly.

The dark one\'s eyes burst out and shouted, "do you want me to kill?"

Without fear of his threat, Yang Ping said in an unspeakable cold tone: "if you dare to kill someone, I will pursue you regardless of everything. You can try. I can make your life worse than death."

Somehow, what Yang Ping said, the dark one felt a belief. Yes, it was a strong belief to protect the people in Longcheng. He even felt that if he really dared to do it, he would die miserably.

The dark one is awe inspiring, but he doesn\'t want to show weakness.

Momentum confrontation, forming a storm.

"Goodbye, teacher!"

When the bell rang after class, the pupils ran out of the classroom and just saw a man standing on the high wall. All the children in the school were very curious about the dark ones.

A group of children gathered around and shouted to the dark one, "uncle, what are you doing standing on it? The teacher said it was dangerous. Come down quickly."

"Uncle, do you have no food? I\'ll get you some food."

"Uncle, have you been spanked by your mother?"


The children were very simple and didn\'t feel the danger around them at all. When a female teacher found it, she was shocked and rushed over and shouted, "students, hurry up and teach. This is not where you come."

The children were obedient and looked back step by step, still showing curious eyes. Another boy showed his face and tongue to the dark one, which looked very cute.

"Lovely, isn\'t it?" the dark one smiled.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and sighed in his heart. He understood that he could not be forced too hard. A child had a problem. His conscience was uneasy, so he turned and left.

Watching Yang Ping leave, the dark one sneered and disdained: "I thought you Yang Ping were so powerful, but you were a coward. Women\'s benevolence can\'t live in the chaos!"

The dark one wanted to kill two students to show his strength, but when he thought of Yang Ping\'s gaze for one kilometer, he felt too risky. He left the school and soon disappeared.

Yang Ping stood at the crossroads, watching the dark one leave, expressionless.

"It\'s still too weak. If I\'m promoted to the later stage of Yasheng, I can stop him before he makes a move, or even kill him with a fist. Now his strength can kill the early stage of the saint, but it\'s still a little difficult to deal with the middle stage of the saint, but if I\'m promoted to the later stage of Yasheng, I can certainly kill the middle stage of the saint."

Purely in terms of combat effectiveness, Yang Ping has broken the cognition of countless people. The sub Saint realm can kill the saint realm and surpass the sages.

But he didn\'t think it was enough.

Because the chaos in Longcheng is coming soon.

Yang Ping thought of the bloody chaos of the past 20 years and realized that the people who have emerged are just a piece of cake, and many super forces have not appeared.

Cihang, Jingzhai, magic gate, Tianting, these super forces, important tasks did not appear, but they are bound to come out in times of chaos.

And Taoist Zun, his layout for so long will be earth shaking.

Virtually, Yang Ping felt great pressure. When the dark one completely hid his breath in his perception, he turned and left. Next time, Yang Ping will spare no effort if he meets again.

Jade Dragon Court.

Villa three.

A dark figure jumped into the wall and walked into the living room. He only shed a pair of indifferent pupils and turned into the room on the second floor. It used to be an empty room, but now it is his accommodation.

Take off your disguise and show a face that is not handsome.

If Yang Ping were here, he would be shocked.

Because he didn\'t expect that the dark one whose speed was not far from that of him was Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan had integrated one-third of the power of the dark saint. As long as he gave more time, he would be fully integrated. At that time, Zhu Yan would be lawless.

"Damn it!"

Zhu Yan\'s face was gloomy and resentful. "I just showed my dark breath. Yang Ping could feel it and appear in an instant to destroy my good deeds."

He went to the laboratory of Longcheng university to steal things. He wanted to get the results of Dr. J\'s research and the ultimate warrior body in the fifth stage of evolution, but just about to succeed, Yang Ping appeared and he had to leave.

"Dr. J\'s research achievements surpass me. If I hadn\'t learned the news from the senior level of the United States and been kept in the dark, Dr. J must be planning a conspiracy."

Zhu Yan calmed down and thought about countermeasures.

Yang Ping is very strong at present. It\'s not good to fight hard for the time being, unless it is fully integrated. Both sides lose. Zhu Yan won\'t do anything stupid if he picks up a bargain for others.

Dr. J is very low-key these days, but he has found a suitable point in the research of the ultimate warrior, surpassing all previous achievements and reaching new achievements.

It is necessary for Zhu Yanshi to obtain Dr. J\'s research results.

But this time, Dr. J must be on guard. Next, it\'s better to hibernate, or start with Zhu Xi. First, we should trap Yang Ping and not make trouble for him.

Zhu Yan flashed and showed a strange smile.

"Doesn\'t Yang Ping like Zhu Xi very much? If I put Zhu Xi in danger, Yang Ping will follow her step by step."

Zhu Yan sneered and hummed, "Yang Ping, sooner or later, I will let you, a fool of women\'s benevolence, know that life is worse than death against me."

Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes appeared in his mind. Zhu Yan was unhappy all over. What expression was that? Did Yang Ping despise him with his strength.

Zhu Yan even began to think whether Yang Ping would kill him without the school as a cover.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan is even worse.

Zhu Yan paced back and forth, feeling irritable. At this time, a sports car passed by the door of villa 3. He looked through the young people in the car and laughed.

"There\'s a way to heaven. Don\'t you go."

At the iron gate of villa 3, Wang Lun got out of the car, full of wine and swearing in his mouth. He came to the corner and said bitterly, "Zhu Xi, you are mine. If you don\'t get it, I\'ll destroy you."

He peed directly under the corner and said with a giggle: "shoot you, shoot you..."

Wang Lun didn\'t see it. A dark figure appeared behind him, showing cold eyes. He only felt that his back was cold and chilly. He looked back and was half scared to death.

PS: there\'s been a traffic jam for more than three hours. It\'s one o\'clock back. Update two chapters. By the way, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and a happy family!