Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 985

"Why didn\'t you stop Duan Fei just now?" asked Zhu Xi in the president\'s office of China Airlines Group building. The coffin was very strange and easy to have an accident. Yang Ping\'s ability should be able to stop it, but it didn\'t.

Yang Ping rubbed his nose and asked, "director Duan wants it. Naturally, there is a reason. If the people don\'t fight with the officials, how can I fight for it."

Zhu Xi said helplessly, "you must have done it on purpose."

With a mysterious smile, Yang Ping whispered, "of course it\'s intentional. I\'m going to give director Duan a big gift. But the premise is that he really wants to do something with the coffin."

He sneered in his heart and robbed things in front of me. How can he not keep his hand.

Yang Ping, on the contrary, looks forward to Duan Fei\'s doing something and takes this opportunity to find out the secret of Duan Fei. Zhu Xi was depressed when she found that she couldn\'t understand Yang Ping.

Zhu Xi was nervous. She had a growing gap with Yang Ping and could hardly keep up with him. She admired the Pearl. Although the Pearl was not around, she always stayed in the Jianghu, at least belonging to the same dimension. But she didn\'t understand the dangers in the Jianghu except that she could start a company to make some money.

"Yang Ping, I want to learn martial arts."

Zhu Xi thought for a moment and decided to start over. She didn\'t want to fall behind too much, so she summoned up her courage, looked at Yang Ping and said, "don\'t laugh, I\'m serious."

Yang Ping was stunned, touched Zhu Xi\'s head and frowned: "strange, no fever."

Zhu Xi broke free and said discontentedly, "I\'m serious. I really want to learn martial arts. Can you teach me?"

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "No."

Zhu Xi was very angry and secretly said that it was not just learning martial arts. Even if she couldn\'t become a Wulin expert, there was always no problem with self-protection. Didn\'t she encounter any small things in the future that needed Yang Ping to protect?

Zhu Xi didn\'t want to be a burden, so she proposed to learn martial arts.

Unfortunately, Yang Ping flatly refused.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to give it, but that Zhu Xi is not suitable for learning martial arts. One is a natural problem and the other is a physical problem. Zhu Xi\'s cultivation is useless now. If she wants to target her, she is not an expert.

"Yang Ping, you\'ve gone too far. If you don\'t teach me, I have someone to teach!" Zhu Xi turned her back and said discontentedly.


Yang Ping sensed the dark smell, which he felt before defeating AI Shen. The powerful Dark Monster hidden in the dragon city rushed out of the office.

Zhu Xi turned around and was about to speak, but there was no voice of Yang Ping in the office. She couldn\'t help saying, "you must have deliberately. Don\'t you want to teach me, can\'t I worship a teacher?"

This is not a whim. It\'s just to inform Yang Ping.


Yang Pinggang left. Zhu Xi was just about to sit down. The old fisherman appeared in the office. A pair of muddy eyes stared at Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi was embarrassed.

Zhu Xi\'s heart beat faster, showed an embarrassed expression, and whispered, "elder, I didn\'t mean it. I promised you something, but I can\'t do it. I\'m sorry."

The fisherman looked at Zhu Xi\'s sad look, shook his head and said, "this is your choice, and I am not qualified to stop. But Zhu Xi, you should know that once you are too deeply involved with Yang Ping, it may be more painful in the future. Would you like to?"

Zhu Xi stopped talking.

But in her mind, there was a feeling that life was better than death after she separated. Zhu Xi immediately strengthened her faith and said, "I am willing to bear all the consequences."

The old fisherman smiled bitterly and said, "I won\'t stop it. Maybe this is fate."

"Senior......" Zhu Xi looked embarrassed and felt sorry for not abiding by the agreement. He shook his head and said, "forget it."

"You want to practice martial arts." the fisherman seemed to see through Zhu Xi\'s idea and asked with a smile.

Zhu Xi nodded hurriedly, excited and said, "yes, I really want to practice martial arts. The elder is so powerful. He must be a great master. Don\'t know if you can teach me?"

The fisherman glanced at Zhu Xi, shook his head and said, "No."

Zhu Xi was suddenly depressed and said stubbornly, "why, I have poor talent, but I can work hard. Senior, I don\'t want to be a burden on Yang Ping and want to be independent and self-improvement. Don\'t even have the qualification to learn martial arts?"

The fisherman said seriously, "I\'m not sure. Just not. And your practice of martial arts will bring more ominous."

Zhu Xi naturally wouldn\'t believe it. She thought it was just the old fisherman\'s alarmist talk.

When the fisherman saw Zhu Xi\'s expression, he knew there was no way to persuade and remained neutral. In his heart, he said silently: "it\'s not that your talent is too poor, but that you are too good. If you practice martial arts, it will cause too much uncertainty. Even some people can sense your blood, and then it will lead to great disaster." of course, these words can\'t be said directly, and you won\'t believe it if you say it.

"Do it yourself."

The fisherman turned and disappeared. This was not his separation. The main force had to hold the seal of the treasure Pavilion and wait for Mrs. Zhu to break her cocoon and become a butterfly.

The situation in Longcheng is critical. The fisherman knows that he doesn\'t have much time. Although the dragon city was calm, the outbreak of magic disaster was almost unstoppable. At that time, without the power of the Dragon City, life was ruined.

"Yang Ping, you have to work hard."

Fisherman\'s secret way.

Zhu Xi clenched her fist and hummed, "don\'t teach me, I\'ll learn by myself." she was thinking about how to find a master to make herself strong. At least she could defeat several bodyguards. She is a black belt expert in Taekwondo, but in the Jianghu, she belongs to HuaQuan embroidered legs and has little power.

"I can teach you."

At this time, a light smile sounded in her mind. It was a woman\'s voice, and it was very nice. After hearing it, Zhu Xi relaxed and even had the illusion of flying.


Zhu Xi couldn\'t see anyone. She was nervous and shouted, "don\'t play tricks. Come out and meet people."

"You don\'t have to find it. I\'m in your heart." the voice sighed and couldn\'t say the sadness. "The body of nine Yin, you finally wanted to practice and awakened me."

"Who are you?" Zhu Xi was flustered. She had never seen such a situation before and hurriedly shouted, "I\'ll call people if I don\'t come out again. You know many experts around me."

"You don\'t have to be nervous. I won\'t hurt you, because you and I are one. When you become strong, I will be more happy." the voice sighed helplessly and continued, "Moreover, it\'s no use calling people. Even the previous person can\'t find me. Although he has strong strength and reached the peak of the great sage, he still hasn\'t explored the essence and achieved Tianzun. No one can see me except Tianzun."

Zhu Xi panicked and wanted to leave the office.

"If you miss this opportunity, you will never be able to help your beloved. Zhu Xi, I can make you incomparably strong, even stronger than Yang Ping."

Zhu Xi was stunned and doubted.

"Don\'t doubt me. I know all your inner thoughts. You love Yang Ping and envy the Pearl, so be strong. I can meet your wishes."

"But you must keep it a secret. Once you say it, you will lose the opportunity to practice forever, and this opportunity will affect Yang Ping\'s life."

Zhu Xi fell silent.

"You can think about it one day. If you promise, I will teach you the invincible skill. This skill, not to mention the difficulties of the Dragon City, even if the world is big, you can go there at will."