Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 984

Zhu Xi enjoyed a moment of silence and lay in Yang Ping\'s arms. Every moment is worth remembering. They were separated for less than a day, but they wanted to be separated for a year.

Yang Ping touched Zhu Xi\'s hair and whispered, "next time you find a man to annoy me, please be sure to find a decent one. Otherwise, I feel very ashamed."

Zhu Xi pushed Yang Ping away and said angrily, "what do you mean, you say I have no eyes?"

Yang Ping pulled Zhu Xi into his arms again and said with a smile, "you are still so cute."

Zhu Xi muttered discontentedly, "why do you say I\'m stupid? I\'m the chairman of China Airlines Group and smarter than many people. Don\'t think you\'re smart. In fact, I let you."

Yang Ping cried out, "thank you for letting me."

Zhu Xi snorted coldly, "just know. If you\'re angry with me next time, I won\'t clean you up." thinking of the girl who entered the medical school, he pushed him away and asked, "be honest. Where\'s the wild woman just now?"

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "no one. The medical center is really empty. Maybe you are dazzled."

Zhu Xi said discontentedly, "Yang Ping, don\'t lie to me. I saw it with my own eyes. There is still a sports car at the door. Is the sports car fake..." pointing to the door, he wanted to show Yang Ping evidence, but he found that the door was empty. There was no red sports car with a dull expression.

Seeing Zhu Xi\'s seriousness, Yang Ping wondered, "is it true?"

His mental strength has always been highly vigilant. He didn\'t find a sports car beauty. He thought Zhu Xi was fooling people, but looking at her expression, it didn\'t seem to be intentional.

Is there really a sports car beauty?

Yang Ping couldn\'t help looking around and doubted. Zhu Xi suddenly pointed to the door and shouted, "look, that\'s the girl..."

Looking up, Yang Ping still didn\'t see it along the direction of Zhu Xi\'s fingers, because it was empty. He suddenly opened his perspective eyes, saw through vanity, and his face changed dramatically.

There was a girl standing at the door. She was dressed in red and looked very beautiful, but her face was very pale. She was very similar to the proud girl of the herak family, but not exactly the same, because her eyes were very cold and she was not in a physical state.

Soul state, to be exact.

Yang Ping\'s heart was cold and he had goose bumps all over. He could see the uncertain soul state through the perspective eye, but Zhu Xi could see it clearly with the naked eye.

What\'s going on?

The girl showed a strange smile. It was very strange. It was far away, but a cold breath came, as if a devil wanted to take away Zhu Xi\'s life.

Yang Ping snorted coldly. He dared to deal with Zhu Xi in Longcheng. Isn\'t he looking for death?

A golden flame emerged from the center of her eyebrows. Yang Ping stared at the strange girl and drank softly. The golden flame rushed at her opponent.

The girl felt the fear of the golden flame, screamed, showed her sharp teeth and roared at them. The sound was like a beast. It was terrible.

Zhu Xi screamed with fear and didn\'t dare to see it.

Yang Ping was furious and shouted, "where are the demons? You\'re not human. What are you?"

The girl smiled coldly again and tried to attack. Only the golden flame came to her and suddenly turned into a big net to cover it.

The girl broke through, but when she touched the golden net, her body made a crackling sound, just like touching the power grid, and her mouth made a sad scream.

The opponent didn\'t know what method he used, so he broke out of the net and entered the coffin.

Yang Ping stared at the bloody coffin with a dignified face. It seemed that the thing came out of the coffin, and the target was himself. He just didn\'t expect to be seen through.

They came to the coffin. The handsome priest had left long ago. The onlookers were forcibly expelled by the security guard. However, China Airlines Group did not call the police because it was useless.

As Yang Ping stood under the coffin, his premonition of being different became stronger and stronger, even with a frightening smell, such as the saints in the karst cave.

He once saw many coffins in the underground cave of the treasure Pavilion. The most terrible one was the one in the middle. It was the demon king of hell. It could be desperate a dimension apart. The great sage will also appear very weak in front of him, like a mole ant.

After opening the perspective eye, Yang Ping saw the red blood mist emitted by the coffin, spreading away, trying to enter the human body.

"The coffin must be destroyed."

Yang pingning said.

Zhu Xi grabbed his arm and had not recovered from the shock. She trembled and said, "Yang Ping, what was that just now? I don\'t think it\'s true."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and didn\'t know how to explain, because even he knew it.

But there are many things in the world that cannot be explained. Supernatural things are even more impossible to understand in a few words. Yang Ping only knows that if he doesn\'t clean up the coffin, China Airlines square may become a forbidden area.

"Fire and physical attacks have no effect on the coffin," Zhu Xi warned.

Yang Ping nodded and knew for a long time that coffins of this level could not be destroyed by ordinary forces, or only the Qi of Jiuyang could be suppressed. He used the flame condensed by the Qi of nine yang to restrain the ghosts from the coffin.


Yang Ping emitted a golden flame from his fingertips and shouted, "go!"

The golden flame sank into the coffin.

Zhu Xi was dazzled and found that the flame was extremely lovely, but it didn\'t seem to be effective, because the previously fully covered flame and hammering couldn\'t destroy the coffin. Can Yang Ping change the magic golden flame?

Zhu Xi is skeptical.

But the next time, let Zhu Xi open her eyes.


The golden flame sank into the coffin, the blood in the square boiled, and there was a woman\'s scream. Obviously, the golden flame had a great harmful effect on it.

Yang Ping finally breathed a sigh of relief and at least found a way to restrain himself.

The flame continued to burn and spread from the inside to the outside. It was about to burn the coffin. At this time, a large number of footsteps came from the outside.

Yang Ping frowned and looked unhappy.

Not far away, Duan Fei rushed over with a group of police. The target was Yang Ping\'s burning coffin. He quickly shouted, "Yang Ping, stop!"

Yang Ping didn\'t stop and said coldly, "do you know its origin?"

Duan Fei saw Yang Pingfei but didn\'t stop. Instead, he accelerated the burning speed. His eyes were cold and said in a cold voice, "I\'ll let you stop now, or I\'ll shoot!"


More than a dozen guns are ready for Yang Ping and Zhu Xi.

The cry in the coffin became sharper and sharper, but no one could hear it except Yang Ping and Zhu Xi. Especially ordinary people can\'t feel the strangeness of the coffin.

The blood on the floor was burned clean, leaving only a coffin.

Yang Ping moved his mind and removed the Qi of Nine Yang.

Duan Fei was relieved to see that the coffin was still there. He hurriedly said, "take the things away. From now on, no one can move the coffin at will!"

Zhu Xi came forward and said discontentedly, "director Duan, we found the coffin, and it\'s very evil. You can\'t take it away."

In order to get the coffin, Duan Fei did not give Zhu Xi any face, and he said, "I am the chief of police. I has the final say. Since it is dangerous, we can not stay here."

With a wave of his hand, a long prepared heavy truck came, the crane was complete, and the coffin was quickly transported away.

Duan Fei ignored Yang Ping and went straight to the car.

Zhu Xi still had to argue. Yang Ping stopped and said, "forget it, since they want to study, take it. Anyway, the things inside are dead."

police office.

Duan Fei asked people to put the coffin in the secret rear parking lot. There were walls around. No one could come here without his order. He walked around the coffin and said excitedly, "I finally found the carrier, but I waited too long."

Looking up, Duan Fei\'s pupils glowed red.