Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 978

AI Shen screamed, full of incredible and terrified desire. He had sufficient confidence in Diablo Wuji. Even in the face of saints, he could compete, because he was a natural saint with outstanding talent, and the upgrading of his own talent field was even more powerful, but he didn\'t expect to stand the power of Yang Ping\'s fist.

Dark limitless split, AI God was shocked out, the courtyard returned to light, and the early morning vision shone into reality, clearly reflecting AI God\'s pale face.

"Impossible!" Ai Shen shouted, still shocked. He was covered with blood. The blood was not bright red, but blue, indicating that his blood was possessed.

Yang Ping said coldly, "leave your things. I can let you go."

AI Shen changed his eyes and stared at Yang Ping. He felt the indifference in his eyes, which was enough to show that he despised him. AI Shen was despised when and where he went. Unexpectedly, he angered people. Longcheng suffered a great loss and was defeated by the unknown Yang Ping.

"Don\'t be complacent too early!" Ai Shen smiled grimly, his handsome face twisted, his heart burning resentment, and shouted hysterically, "I won\'t admit defeat!"

Dark limitless!

AI Shen showed it again. He didn\'t believe that Yang Ping could break it casually. He thought that Yang Ping would spend all his strength to break it and deliberately make it easy.

Darkness came again, and sharp dark blades hung overhead and shot at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping shook his head and said coldly, "I don\'t know what it means."

He used the six in eight wasteland of the Nine Yang divine fist to break the dark limitless again. AI Shen was seriously injured, vomited blood, fell on the grass and was convulsed.

When he came to AI God and looked down on the natural saint, Yang Ping said, "leave something and I can let you go."

AI Shen roared, "I\'m invincible!" after that, he sprang forward with open teeth and claws, but was kicked away, causing severe abdominal pain and serious injury again.

"In that case, I will help you."

Yang Ping has no patience to talk to AI Shen and wants to kill AI Shen. AI Shen sensed the strong killing opportunity and understood that it was not a joke. His pupils narrowed and cried, "kill me, you will never find that thing."

The fist stopped in front of AI Shen\'s forehead. As long as he spoke slowly for a second, his head would be blasted into slag, sweat soaked his clothes, and AI Shen gasped violently.

Yang Ping put away his fist and said coldly, "lead the way."

AI Shen got up and took Yang Ping to the third floor of the house. He took out a USB flash disk from the ceiling, but he didn\'t give it to Yang Ping. He said warily, "will you let me go?"

Yang Ping squinted and smiled.

In fact, he didn\'t intend to let AI God go. Such people must die, otherwise they will leave great hidden dangers. If the enemy of a natural Saint grows up in the future, it will be very troublesome.

"Here you are!"

AI Shen suddenly threw the USB flash disk out of the window. The USB flash disk turned into a streamer. It was about to fall to the ground. A figure rushed out of the wall and grabbed it.

Yang Ping was surprised. He didn\'t care to kill AI Shen and competed with others for the USB flash disk.

The strength of the visitor is very strong.

When the body method is used, it gives out the illusion of grafting flowers and trees. One second ago, it was still outside the wall, but the next moment it appeared in front of the USB flash disk. It reached out and grabbed it. The speed is the top among the saints. Ordinary people can\'t rob.

Unfortunately, the other party underestimates Yang Ping\'s mobility. In Longcheng, Yang Ping can surpass most saints because he is almost invincible in physical strength.


The figure wanted to grasp the USB flash disk and showed his excitement, but a fist appeared in front of him, sweeping thousands of troops with the invincible momentum of Liuhe Bahuang.

He was shocked in his heart. He had a terrible fist strength. He had to choose to avoid it. He punched Yang Ping. His body shook slightly and was forced to fall on the wall.

Yang Ping punched back his opponent, grabbed the USB flash disk and said coldly, "the magic disaster broke out. You don\'t see your saints. You also want to touch military things. It seems that it\'s not enough to frighten the world without killing you!"

He decided to try his best to kill his opponent and let those unknown saints clearly understand that saints are not overlooking change from above, but may die at any time.

The three sunny days of the Nine Yang divine fist!

Six Harmonies and eight wastelands of Jiuyang Shenquan!

Yang Ping\'s mind moved slightly, and he continuously performed two moves of Jiuyang divine fist. When the two moves were superimposed, the power was far beyond imagination. It seemed to open some mysterious treasure and pull out peerless power from the void.

The opponent didn\'t pay attention to it. Although Yang Ping was strong, he was not a saint. When the two moves of Jiuyang Shenquan were superimposed, a sense of panic emerged in his heart.

He sensed the danger of death.

The pupil of the opponent is tight and the body is empty. Step by step, it is branded on the grass. This is the integration of speed into the void and the embodiment of the power of the sage.

Bang bang!

Eighteen footprints appear in a row, and the opponent directly appears not far away. He wants to avoid the attack range of boxing.

Yang Ping narrowed her eyes and was awe inspiring.

The strength of the opponent turned out to be his full strength. It seems that Qingqing is right. The saints who can exert their full strength in Longcheng are not absent, but do not appear.

In front of you is one of them.


Yang Ping sneered. If his nine Yang divine fist just avoided, it would not be known as the strongest boxing of the body of Nine Yang. Sure enough, the other party felt that he could avoid by using the strength of the sage. Unfortunately, the fist strength did not disappear, but ignored the distance and attacked the head.

The opponent turns pale and has no time to fight. He can only play in the field.

A flash of blood flashed.

The opponent received a punch. The Jiuyang divine fist cut by the field didn\'t kill him, but he was still seriously injured.

The sky left a touch of blood.

The man disappeared.

Yang Ping held the USB flash disk, a touch of blood flashed in her mind, and her heart was awe inspiring. If the guess is true, then things are complicated.

Footsteps came from outside the houses.

The gate was broken open.

Dong Ming led the experts into the door and waited solemnly. When he saw Yang Ping, he was stunned. He quickly motioned his subordinates not to move. He came forward and said, "team Yang, why are you here?"

"What about you?" Yang Ping asked.

Dong Ming said seriously, "we got the order and the confidential documents are hidden here, so we brought people to search. What\'s the matter? This smell..."

Dong Ming felt the smell of the courtyard. The energy of destruction was still there. He was not a child. He understood that Yang Ping must have fought with an expert just now, and he was still an extremely powerful expert.

"Team Yang, was it...?" Dong Ming asked curiously.

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "I\'ll catch the Jianghu expert who disturbed the dragon city. You must be careful if you encounter him, but that man is a saint and won\'t deal with you."

Dong Ming turned pale.

Nima, the saint makes a move. It\'s a big play. There are only two masters at the saint level around Mu Lao. He is regarded as the top master in the world, but in Longcheng, the sneakers are all saints. How can he mix?

Dong Ming\'s face changed. He nodded and said, "team Yang, thank you." with a wave of his hand, he was ready to close the team and leave. Since Yang Ping is in the courtyard, it\'s not easy to mess around.

Just as Dong Ming turned around, his face suddenly changed slightly, as if he had received some order.

Yang Ping narrowed her eyes and disappeared in a flash.

Dong Ming turned pale and hurriedly shouted, "hurry up and surround the courtyard." he shouted to the sky, "team Yang, I have something important to discuss with you!"