Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 977

"I don\'t know daozun." Zhu Yan was alert and pretended to be indifferent. "I don\'t know what you said, AI Shen. If you want to continue to deal with my daughter, I won\'t stand idly by."

"Many people know that Zhu Xi is the key to the unparalleled magic. My uncle must not dream of being able to swallow it alone, right?" Ai Shen smiled.

Zhu Yan turned pale and shouted, "nonsense, AI God, don\'t force me to kill you."

AI Shen shrugged and said, "if you don\'t let me see Tao Zun, I have many ways to let Zhu Xi know your true face. When you deceived my aunt, the purpose was to have no double artifact."

Zhu Yan took a deep breath, suppressed the killing, smiled and asked, "this is the conversation today. AI Shen, leave the dragon city. It\'s very dangerous. You\'re the only natural saint in the family. If you really die, the old guy of the dark family will be angry."

AI Shen got up to see Zhu Yan off. He couldn\'t see Zhu Yan\'s warning. He said sincerely, "thank you for your concern. Tao Zun, I must see you. If my uncle doesn\'t recommend me, I have to find another way. But I\'m sure my uncle will figure it out."

With that, AI Shen stared into Zhu Yan\'s eyes, smiled mysteriously and said, "I feel the dark smell on my uncle. It\'s very strong, even purer than me."

Zhu Yan was awe inspiring and understood that AI Shen was much better than himself in his sense of the dark breath. However, he did not worry at all. Even if he knew what to do, when he was fully integrated, the whole dragon city would not be his opponent.

Out of the courtyard, Zhu Yan\'s face was gloomy.

"Since you want to die, I will help you."

Zhu Yan stood at the door, his hands were sealed, and said softly, "magic, empty tablet!" as soon as the voice fell, a tombstone appeared in the courtyard, overflowing with a trace of darkness. The whole courtyard was shrouded, as if announcing that this place is a dark place and belongs to a forbidden area.


On the third floor of the house came the breath of AI God\'s surprise and anger, and shouted, "Zhu Yan, you\'re crazy. You think Yang Ping found you. Can you escape?"

Zhu Yan showed a confident smile, his body slowly weakened, and said in a cold voice, "why do I need to escape? I just don\'t want to kill him for the time being, but you\'re different, AI God, enjoy it slowly."

The figure disappeared.

Yang Ping appeared at the door, stared at the third floor of the house, and instantly locked AI Shen. His eyes were very cold and did not hide his strong Qi and blood, making the house roar over, as if a huge heart was beating.

After AI Shen was locked, he secretly scolded Zhu Yan for being shameless, but he also had a headache about how to deal with Yang Ping. Now is not the time for a decisive battle, and Yang Ping is willing to work hard. If he disagrees with each other, he will lose both sides, which is not in line with the planned arrangement.

He wanted to kill Yang Ping, but he couldn\'t kill him. AI Shen was angry and had to go out to face it, otherwise it would be difficult to be attacked. He consciously calmed down a little and gave some sweets, which might ease Yang Ping\'s relationship. After all, there was no big contradiction between the two.

Yang Ping stood in the yard, tall and straight, motionless as a mountain. He was like a peak standing in the yard, blocking all channels and looking at the third floor indifferently. AI Shen came to the courtyard and said with a smile, "I didn\'t expect this way of meeting us. It\'s really not what I want. I thought we would be friends."

"This tablet was made by Zhu Yan, which has nothing to do with me. You want us to lose." Ai Shen showed a helpless expression and said, "you are so smart, you should know very well that Zhu Yan is of great value to me. His body has an evil force and, as expected, belongs to the world under the karst cave."

AI Shen felt that throwing out Zhu Yan\'s secret would shock Yang Ping. Unfortunately, Yang Ping\'s eyes were locked on him from beginning to end. It seemed that they had a deep hatred.

AI Shen said discontentedly, "Yang Ping, why don\'t you chase Zhu Yan? If he runs away, it will lead to great disaster."

Yang Ping still didn\'t take action, but brewing a shocking blow, which was stronger than the assistant president\'s office on the top floor of China Airlines building, making AI Shen feel a sense of fear.

"You\'re crazy!"

AI Shen was in doubt and hurried to show darkness and boundlessness and hide his body. Yang Ping\'s momentum became more and more terrible. It was obvious that he was preparing for a big war.

"If you don\'t go after the monster, you can\'t live with me. Yang Ping, I misunderstood you. You\'re just a selfish person. It\'s all bullshit for the people of Longcheng!" Ai Shen stimulated.

Yang Ping said coldly, "finished?"

In the dark and boundless, a pair of suspicious eyes flickered. AI God sensed Yang Ping\'s increasingly powerful killing opportunity and was shocked. NIMA, it\'s only a few days. Yang Ping\'s feeling is more and more profound, and now he can\'t feel it.

"Aren\'t you selfish?" Ai Shen shouted.

"Are you qualified to say me?" Yang Ping took a step forward. The darkness in front of him weakened a point. At the end not far away, there seemed to be a light to communicate with the body. That was the outside world. He could penetrate the dark and boundless field and leave here at any time.

But Yang Ping didn\'t leave. He was obviously confident. This was a contempt for AI God, which made him very angry.

"You miscalculated one thing."

Yang Ping continued to move forward, and the darkness slowly weakened. Finally, the courtyard was quiet and as bright as before. Under the eyes of the morning, the small trees in the courtyard swayed and moved with the wind.

"What?" Ai Shen asked after silence.

"Do you think I will chase Zhu Yan and let you go?" Yang Ping has removed the darkness and made the dark boundless ineffective. In his God\'s eyes, any illusions and magic obstacles are paper tigers.

"If it were before, I would. But now I won\'t. because I\'ve been looking for you from the beginning. It\'s just that you send it to the door."

Yang Ping went to the stone tablet, grabbed it, pulled it out directly, smashed it with one punch, and the rubble fell to the ground. A wisp of black gas disappeared and melted into the air.

"Why?" Ai Shen felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Because you have something military on you, AI Shen, call it out. Maybe I can make you die happier, otherwise you will be miserable."

Yang Ping walked out of AI God with a steady step. Instead of being nervous about fighting a natural saint, AI God sank to the bottom of the valley and understood that he might not be good this time. Instead, he was smart.

"You know."

AI Shen narrowed his eyes and knew he couldn\'t leave, so he simply let go and sneered, "then I must kill you. I wanted you to grow up. Now it\'s not necessary."

"Dark limitless!"

AI Shen gave a soft drink, and the darkness came again, which was more terrible than the dark boundless field, as if the sky was blinded, the sun, moon and stars were upside down, and there was an illusion of the change of heaven. The dark infinity is the upgrade of the dark infinity, and it is also the confident existence of AI God. In the dark infinity, darkness is limitless, and he is an immortal body.

It was dark.

Yang Ping\'s face remained unchanged. His pupils flashed gold. He found that he could not see through the dark limitless field and nodded secretly. If AI God was so easy to deal with, he would not be the first genius of the dark family.

But even if it\'s dark limitless, so what?

Yang Ping punches, whether dark or bright, to break it. In front of absolute power, any field and fantasy are paper tigers.


In the dark came the cry of AI God\'s panic.