Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 979

Dong Mingsheng was afraid that Yang Ping would leave and shouted, "team Yang, I want to discuss something important. Please stay here." although the subordinates did not understand why captain Dong surrounded the minlou, they took action quickly. In less than a minute, the minlou was packed.

"I\'ll wait for you on the third floor."

Yang Ping\'s voice came from the third floor. Dong Ming wiped his sweat and hurriedly trotted up. He was afraid of being fooled, because if Yang Ping left, the problem would be very serious.

He rushed to the third floor and did not defend himself, because in the face of Yang Ping, he raised his vigilance. This stupid behavior will not increase any success, but can only communicate with his heart.

When he saw Yang Ping on the sofa, he couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Dong Ming piled up a smile on his face and said, "team Yang, I\'m sorry. I received an order and can\'t let you leave."

I thought Yang Ping would be angry, but Dong Ming found that there was no unexpected and angry expression on his face. It seemed to be expected, and he couldn\'t help wondering.

"Sit down."

Yang Ping indicated.

Dong Ming felt embarrassed that others had saved himself, but he embarrassed the other party. He was really sorry. He smiled bitterly and said, "this is an order, team Yang. I\'m sorry."

Yang Ping nodded and said, "I\'m also a soldier. I understand very well. Come on, what\'s the matter?"

Dong Ming hesitated and asked, "team Yang, I think you should know the secret documents lost by the military. Mr. Mu told you that after our investigation, the person who is most likely to steal the secret documents is a man named AI Shen, who has fought with you in minlou before, so..."

"Do you suspect that something is in my hand?" Yang Ping asked with a smile.

Dong Ming hurriedly explained: "no doubt, team Yang. I believe your character will never do anything harmful to the country. It\'s just the above order. I can\'t help it. I hope team Yang can cooperate."


Yang Ping said simply, but Dong Ming didn\'t know how to answer for a while.

"Let\'s go."

Yang Ping got up and walked out of the door. Dong Ming hurriedly followed. When they came to the courtyard, their subordinates immediately pointed their guns at Yang Ping and scared Dong Ming to shout, "put it away. Do you want to rebel?"

The subordinates looked at each other and said in secret, didn\'t the captain call encirclement?

"Team Yang, misunderstanding, it\'s really a misunderstanding." Dong Ming said with a dry smile.! $*!

Yang Ping\'s face was calm and said, "I\'ll go with you." seeing that Yang Ping was so frank, Dong Ming didn\'t feel very good. He nodded and signaled to close the team.

The party left Longcheng.

When they left, Zhu Yan appeared in the courtyard and grabbed the dark particles in the air. A scene of battle naturally appeared in front of them.

AI God offered up the dark limitless and was extremely powerful. Zhu Yan was afraid, but a golden light in the dark shocked his soul. Zhu Yan has never seen anyone make boxing so fascinating, and his heart is very heavy.

He finally knew Yang Ping\'s strength and impressively reached a very high level. If he didn\'t die during the holiday, he would not be Yang Ping\'s opponent even if he became a great saint.

No, we must kill Yang Ping as soon as possible!

Zhu Yan\'s eyes were cold and his heart was killing.

AI is dying, too.

Zhu Yan sneered and followed the breath left by AI God slowly. Yang Ping has no time to arrest him, because it takes a lot of time. The most important thing is to attack a saint with all his strength.

But Zhu Yan can. He has a secret method.

"Maybe I can find the dark secret from AI God and let me integrate the power in my body as soon as possible." Zhu Yan muttered to himself, showing excitement.

AI Shen\'s injury is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The villa where Mu Lao lives.

Yang Ping was invited here. Different from usual, intentionally or unintentionally, he increased the guard force outside. This time, Yang Ping didn\'t see Mu Lao. It is said that Mu Lao had an important task to meet, so mu Lao left with him. Half the strength was transferred to protect Mu Lao.

It was Li Lao who met Yang Ping this time.

Li had been waiting in the living room for a long time. With his hands on his back, his momentum was adjusted to the peak and could be shot at any time. The bloody dusk shrouded the villa, which meant that Yang Ping was in the field of saints and his combat effectiveness was discounted.

Such obvious hostility is understood by a fool. Old Li is not ready to speak well, but Yang Ping still calmly walks into the living room. Dong Ming secretly admires himself. If he had escaped long ago, how could he face a sage expert.

He saw the gap and understood that he could not surpass Yang Ping in his life.

Courage is particularly important.

Yang Ping came to the living room. Li Lao turned around and stared at him with his eyes shining. He said, "take out your things. I won\'t embarrass you. As a soldier, you should know the rules."

"For example?" Yang Ping asked with a smile.

"The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders. You don\'t need to ask too much." old Li said coldly. A round of dusk appeared in his pupils, full of evil spirit.

"Obey whose orders?" Yang Ping asked without fear.

Li Lao was furious and shouted, "presumptuous, do you know who I am? You told me in this tone that I didn\'t dare to catch you? Even if Mu Lao valued you again, if you commit a crime, you should be sent to the military court."

Righteousness oppresses people.

If I were you, I would adjust my body as soon as possible, because I hit my fist strength, do you think there is no sequelae

Li Lao\'s face changed slightly, narrowed his eyes and said, "you\'re looking for death."

"I\'ve been walking on the edge of death. It\'s not bad this time. But if someone falsely preaches an edict and announces this hatred, don\'t blame me for being ruthless." Yang Ping sneered and hummed, "don\'t think I don\'t know your purpose is confidential documents, but I insist that I don\'t have the things in my hand. You can\'t help it."

Li Lao\'s eyes are changeable. Sometimes he shows a strong killing opportunity. The blood color in the sky seems to be bleeding. It reflects the red Luoshui in front of the villa. Sometimes he is afraid. He is worried that Yang Ping suddenly plays Jiuyang Shenquan. Li Lao has suffered a loss and dare not be careless.

"But we can talk about it. There\'s nothing we can\'t discuss." Yang Ping said with a relaxed tone and a smile.

Li Lao immediately restrained his breath, smiled more ugly than crying, nodded and said, "tell me what you want, as long as you give it to me."

"Exchange secrets." Yang Ping is very direct.

Li Lao angrily said, "don\'t think about it. This is the highest level secret of the military. If it is leaked, let alone you, even I will be punished. No one can break the rules set by the military God."

"No conversion."

Yang Ping turned and left.

Li Lao stared at his figure and endured to the limit. He said coldly, "if you dare to go out, you will become a wanted criminal. You should know the military statistics list. Then you will become a street mouse."

"Are you threatening me?"

Yang Ping stopped and sneered.

"You still have relatives, friends and people you care about. I don\'t think you will put them in danger because of this little thing." Li Lao showed a strange smile.

Yang Ping was shocked all over, turned fiercely, and revealed the murderous opportunity. In a cold voice, "are you looking for death?"

Li Lao shouted, "presumptuous!"


The blood color fell at dusk, and a huge palm swooped down to kill Yang Ping. Dong Ming and his subordinates trembled their souls. Unable to withstand the pressure of the middle stage of the sage, they knelt on the ground and were shocked.

Is this the strength of saints?

Yang Ping looked calm, shook his head and said, "I hate threats from others, especially traitors like you in Saint\'s bags!"