Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 976

Yang Ping doesn\'t guess what Dong Ming wants to express, because he always knows that speculation can only be a guess, not a fact. However, Dong Ming\'s words cast a shadow on him. Associating with Mu Lao\'s words, it shows that the military action is strange.

Is it Mu Lao who wants to control Longcheng?

Yang Ping took a deep breath and dared not think again. The closer he was to the truth, the more difficult it was sometimes to accept. He would rather believe that wood is always a person who still abdicates but serves the people wholeheartedly, but the people below are engaged in wind and rain.

Pushing the door of the hospital, there was a smell of dust.

After cleaning, the hospital looked much cleaner. Yang Ping lay on the bed, tossing and turning, and it was difficult to sleep. To his realm, sleep is a luxury.

Looking at the night sky through the window, a few stars twinkled, emitting a slightly undetectable red light.

Darkness will come soon.

Yang Ping whispered.

The next morning.

The sun still covers the bed from the window. Yang Ping feels the breath of the morning, the fresh air and the laughter of pedestrians outside the window.

Everything is new.

When the night passes, the blue sky is new and the white clouds are new. No matter how long the night is, the laughter of pedestrians becomes new on a new day.

If Yang Ping has realized something, he has been worried about how many people will die in the chaos in Longcheng. However, Longcheng is changing every day, and the world is also changing. No one knows what the future will be like.

He didn\'t stand at the top of the pyramid. There are saints, great saints and heavenly realm on it. These talents are the destiny of the dragon city.

It\'s better to let nature take its course than to worry more.

In an instant, Yang Ping understood the true meaning, as if he had caught the true meaning of martial arts. He made progress in the realm, and it was the key progress. The mind is calm, the spiritual ocean is empty, the physical strength is promoted, and the spiritual strength is more detailed.


The middle realm of Yasheng.

It took only a few days from the early stage to the middle stage of Yasheng. If it was spread, it would certainly cause a sensation. But Yang Ping thought it was normal and not great.

The strength is greatly improved, but for the chaos in Longcheng, it is a drop in the bucket. If you reach the realm of saints, you can completely control the power of all sentient beings and understand more changes.

"Unfortunately, there is too little time."

Yang Ping sighed. When he came to the door, he felt the continuous power of all living beings in Longcheng. If he faced the initial state of saints, he could blow up with one punch.

A conspicuous sports car passed by the roadside, and Yang Ping just looked at the people in the car.

Zhu Xi\'s beautiful face was not a little happy because of seeing Yang Ping, but more indifferent. It seemed that seeing strangers could not stir up waves in her heart.

Silently watching the car disappear into the underground parking garage, Yang Ping felt a faint sadness in his heart. From Zhu Xi\'s indifferent expression, I saw the passing of a relationship.

That feeling, with the smell of youth leaving, can\'t be forgotten for a long time.

Maybe this is fate.

Yang Ping thought of the old man\'s fate, which is difficult to understand, but it does exist.

Yang\'s small medical school reopened. There were few people waiting until noon. There were no half of the patients. Yang Ping sat in the medical school. His spiritual perception spread throughout the Dragon City, looking for new dark creatures. No monsters came out of the cave. Since killing two saints, no other monsters came up.

He didn\'t know that a great saint level terrorist creature once ran out of the cave, but was killed by the Taoist priest and integrated into Zhu Yan\'s body.

A pair of eyes came, cold and ruthless.

Yang Ping frowned, fiercely looked at the source of his eyes, whooshed, disappeared into the Medical Museum and appeared under an old locust tree at the intersection of Renmin Road. There was a dark smell around him. It was very dark, which was more terrible than the two saints he killed.

"Dragon city hides a strong monster."

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified. He could escape his tracking and immediately erase the trace, which showed that the other party\'s wisdom was very high and completely reached the realm of human beings. If it was a monster, it would be a terrible hidden danger.

"I didn\'t expect him to become so sharp."

Under the building a thousand meters away, Zhu Yan\'s pupils were uncertain and his face was ferocious. He hummed: "he is making progress every day. He can even feel my existence. I just showed a trace of hostility and was felt immediately."

"If I didn\'t integrate one-third of the power of the great saint, I couldn\'t escape his perception." Zhu Yan smiled grimly and showed a dark smile, "but soon I will fully integrate and become the great saint. The Taoist priest wants to use me. I\'m not using the Taoist priest. When I control the dragon city and get unparalleled artifact, the heavenly priest can\'t drink me."

Zhu Yan fell into a beautiful fantasy, looked at the bustling crowd and disdained to say: "a group of mole ants, death is not a pity." fiercely, he found a familiar figure in the crowd.

"It was him."

Zhu Yan frowned, his eyes were changeable, and finally followed up.

Tracking two streets, he stopped at a private house. Zhu Yan hid carefully and tried to avoid exposing breath. The other party didn\'t notice that no one was following. He looked back and confirmed that he had safely entered the third floor of the private house.

"What does he want to do?" Zhu Yan was very curious. He stood under the house and looked at the window on the third floor. His mental strength dispersed. He wanted to find out the situation inside. He felt that his realm should not be a problem. But he underestimated each other\'s strength.

"Uncle, since you are here, why come in for a cup of tea." Ai Shen\'s laughter came from the room on the third floor.

Zhu Yan sneered. Since he was found, it doesn\'t matter. He carelessly walked into the room and saw AI Shenduan sitting on the shabby sofa and smiling at him.

"Ai Shen, what are you doing? The secret road hasn\'t given up on Zhu Xi?" Zhu Yan came straight to the point and threatened, "I\'m warning you now. If you dare to be bad for my daughter, don\'t blame me for not reading old love."

AI Shen smiled and said sarcastically, "uncle, you can deceive others, but you can\'t deceive me. When you approached my little aunt, you actually wanted to get the blood of the dark family. You don\'t have father and daughter feelings for Zhu Xi, but you also want to use her."

Zhu Yan looked unhappy and shouted, "nonsense, you\'re not married and don\'t understand."

AI Shen narrowed his eyes and said, "when I personally killed my closest person, I wouldn\'t know what family affection is. Uncle, what\'s the purpose of you following me?"

Zhu Yan just found it by accident, but naturally he wouldn\'t say it. He hummed, "I\'m following you? Joke, I just want to tell you that no matter where you hide, I can find you at will."

AI Shen laughed and got up and said, "it seems that my uncle doesn\'t want to drink a cup of tea?"

Zhu Yan snorted, "I\'m very interested in the dark family blood of natural saints. I don\'t know if you\'d like to give me some for me to study."

AI Shen\'s face changed slightly and said indifferently, "uncle, you can try. If the two of us leak breath in the battle, who do you think Yang Ping will deal with?"

Zhu Yan was awe inspiring.

They are now afraid of Yang Ping and don\'t want to fight too early, otherwise it will affect the plan.

"I want to see Taoist Zun."

AI Shen suddenly said.

Zhu Yan was still thinking. Hearing this, his pupils tightened and stared at Ai God, as if he wanted to see something, but AI God\'s face was calm, like the water of a deep well.