Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 975

Yang Ping began to think about the purpose of the military. In the past, he used to be the sharpest sword of the military. It was the bounden duty of soldiers to follow orders. Now he is half separated. He jumps over the circle of the army and sees more things.

There\'s a mystery behind Mu Lao\'s words.

"Yang Ping, according to your guess, what is the purpose of AI Shen stealing military secrets?" asked mu.

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. AI Shen is arrogant and robbed military secrets. He must have a big plan. If he could catch AI Shen before, he might know. It\'s just..."

AI God can hide his breath. It\'s not easy to find it. Plus being defeated by yourself, Diablo unbounded is not invincible and will certainly not appear casually.


Yang Ping\'s mind is moving. AI God will not appear around Zhu Xi for no reason, such as Alan. Now he is AI God. He is an expert of the Diablo family. He is more powerful than one. What he plans must be related to Zhu Xi. If he starts from Zhu Xi, he may lead to AI God.

Of course, Yang Ping won\'t say the guess. After he realized the purpose of the military, he felt it unnecessary, because the military wanted to completely break the defense of the Dragon City, which was equivalent to opening a gap in the dragon city and transporting a large number of experts in. If other super forces knew about it, they would certainly do the same thing and control the dragon city.

Do other superpowers know?

Yang Ping is not sure, because the military will not be a pure place. The intrigues inside are more intense than expected outside.

"Just what?" Mu Lao\'s mind moved and asked with a smile, "if you know anything, just say that you are an old wooden soldier and have been there all your life. For the country and the people, our generation should be desperate."

Yang Ping nodded and said seriously, "I have a hunch that Longcheng will be in chaos soon. It\'s difficult to catch AI God in a short time. It\'s better to wait. AI God must take action when he gets the confidential documents. We can start with the dark family and inquire about the situation."

"The dark family?" Murdoch frowned and said, "this is an ancient family. It has existed for a long time. The reason why the military God didn\'t move the dark family is that they have a strong influence. In addition, there are many family experts and many people guarding the side. Once they start, they will make China chaotic. The gains outweigh the losses."

Yang Ping [email protected] ^^$

Mr. Mu is right. That super family will not be arranged in China. If you can become a super family, you must be closely related to China. You never know how many backhands they hide. Maybe many generals in the military are members of the family.

The fall of a big man will involve a big family.

It can be seen from the daily news that once the big man falls down, there will be a chain reaction, and a large number of officials and rich people will be arrested. These are the people under the big man.

Not to mention the super family.

Boss Mu looked at Yang Ping with deep intention and suddenly said, "Yang Ping, if one day the country needs you to sacrifice your personal interests, what will you do?"! $*!

Yang Ping was stunned.

Mu Lao didn\'t wait for Yang Ping\'s answer and said with a smile: "When I didn\'t ask, Yang Ping, I watched you grow up and enter the military. From a corporal, I gradually became the founder of Yanhuang. Step by step, you have bled the blood of soldiers. I don\'t say much, because I know you are a real soldier. The reason why Mr. Mu sheltered you is because of your determination to serve the country and the people."

"Old mu, Captain Dong is awake." a soldier came over and said excitedly.

Old Mu raised his eyebrows, looked at Yang Ping and said with a smile, "it seems that he has reshaped the spiritual world. Yang Ping, your medical skills are great."

When they entered the living room, they saw Dong Ming standing up, clenching his fist and stunned. However, when he clenched his fist, his strength fluctuated, indicating that he recovered a lot of strength and may reach the peak in a few days.

These are the credit of Yang Ping.

Dong Ming hears the footsteps and turns to see them come in. His eyes instantly hit Yang Ping. His eyes are complex. Nan Ming is not a fool. When he loses all his abilities and thinks his life is over, all his honors disappear.

But Yang Ping gave him hope.

In front of this man, he wanted to trample on his dignity and surpass him. He targeted him again and again and didn\'t give face. Now it seems that he is so naive and ignorant.

The man in front of me was insulted by himself, but he was willing to treat him. His mind alone is worthy of admiration. If he was himself, it would be difficult to do it.

"Thank you."

Dong Ming said hoarsely.

Yang Ping smiled, waved his hand and said, "if you weren\'t determined, you wouldn\'t wake up so soon. Dong Ming, I\'ll help you look at your body."

Dong Ming nodded.

After feeling his pulse, Yang Ping relaxed and said happily, "it\'s all right. You\'ll recover your strength in three days, and you may go further. Congratulations, congratulations."

In the past, Dong Ming would be ecstatic, but he experienced the darkness of despair and was very calm. What about his strong strength? Compared with Yang Ping, he is nothing.

Dong Ming showed his firm eyes and said, "Yang Ping, I\'m sorry for you."


Dong Ming knelt on the ground, didn\'t give others a hand, and shouted, "from today on, you are our life-saving benefactor. You don\'t thank me for your great kindness, and you will be worshipped by me."

Yang Ping hurriedly picked up Dong Ming and said seriously, "Dong Ming, don\'t look like a bitch. If you really want to thank me, you can serve the people wholeheartedly and kill the enemy."

Dong Ming gritted his teeth and said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t live up to your expectations."

Mu Laohuai was pleased.

A better relationship between the two is very important for the stability of the army. Yanhuang and the border wolf have been competing. The border wolf is not convinced. Yanhuang ranks first, but after this matter, it will certainly cooperate, and the Chinese military will be much easier against the enemy.

"Since it\'s all right, I\'ll go first."

Yang Ping smiled.

Dong Ming said, "I\'ll see you off."

When they left the villa, Dong Ming insisted on sending Yang Ping to the city, so he drove himself. When Li Mu saw Dong Ming, he was startled and wanted to leave.

"Li Mu, I was wrong before. Don\'t be nervous. I won\'t blame you whether you are still a wolf in the border in the future. One day brother, a lifetime brother."

Dong Ming patted Li Mu on the shoulder and sighed, "maybe you can go to Yanhuang better. Work hard and I\'ll take good care of you."

In Li Mu\'s dull eyes, the car left.

After entering Longcheng, Yang Ping felt the control again and came to Yang\'s small hospital. Yang Ping got off the bus and said goodbye. He was about to turn around and leave.

"Yang Ping." Dong Ming shouted, and Yang Ping was puzzled by the way he tried to stop talking.

"Anything else?"

Yang Ping asked with a smile.

Dong Ming stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes and wanted to say something, but he was very embarrassed. Finally, he said, "I want to give you a word."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "all ears."

Dong Ming said seriously, "Yang Ping, I\'m just that you are a good man and the pride of the people, but I urge you to consider yourself and don\'t blindly trust others. You serve the people of the country, but not someone, even..."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Dong Ming said, "even if this man is a wooden old man."


When the car left, Dong Ming\'s words floated in the air, and Yang Ping frowned.