Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 974

"People and ghosts are different."

Yang Ping stared at Alice for a long time and finally said such a sentence, which made Alice very angry and said, "what\'s the difference between people and ghosts? Am I a ghost?"

"You\'re not a ghost, but I\'m still not interested in you." Yang Ping answered directly.

Alice got up and showed her perfect figure. The skin of beautiful women in Europe and America is much whiter than that of Chinese people, and the curve is more obvious. Alice is one of the most beautiful women in Europe and America. Both Europe and America and China have tea, but Chinese men look very short in front of Alice. If they are together, they will be looked down upon.

But Alice couldn\'t stand tall in front of Yang Ping.

"Just a child. Is my blood very bad? I\'m the original species closest to the ancestor\'s blood! In the future, I may become a big man like Shu Zu. Stand on the holy mountain."

Cried Alice angrily.

Yang Ping frowned and said, "if you don\'t go again, I\'ll kill you."

Alice felt Yang Ping\'s murder and was startled. She quickly wrapped her clothes and left. Before she left, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yang Ping, I must have a child for you."

Yang Ping lost his smile, shook his head and said, "boring."

Alice is gone.

Yang Ping didn\'t take it seriously. The boldness of European and American women was not the first time. After going downstairs, the four charming women had left, but the dried corpse on the sofa made Yang Ping kill.

You can\'t keep these things that are neither human nor ghost.

Before, I thought they were abnormal. Indeed, if Yang Ping hadn\'t sensed that the blood on the four women wasn\'t Alice\'s, otherwise Alice would have died.

After leaving and taking you to the hilltop bar, Yang Ping received a call from old Mu and hurried to the place where old Mu was located. He found that the security force had changed a group of people, and Dong Ming disappeared.

Mu Lao stood at the door to greet him and said, "you\'re just in time. Help me see the situation."

Yang Ping felt the dignified atmosphere of the villa as soon as he entered the door. Everyone\'s face was solemn and murderous. He asked, "old mu, what\'s going on?"

Mu Lao sighed, "I\'ll know later."

When they came to the living room, they saw old Li standing in the center at dusk with his hands on his back. The evil spirit released from his body could not dissipate for a long time. It was obviously angry, even when he fought with Yang Ping at that time.

Yang Ping felt something was wrong.

Dong Ming was lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with dull pupils. Yang Ping\'s heart beat violently and knew that Dong Ming was the cause.

Mu Lao said, "someone attacked the military site of Longcheng and robbed the top-level confidential documents. We have sent people to track down. At present, only Lao Li has dealt with him." Mu Lao\'s face was dignified and explained, "this document must not fall into the hands of the enemy, otherwise it will cause chaos."

Looking at Lao Li, Lao Mu said, "Lao Li, tell Yang Ping about the situation at that time. Yang Ping, I won\'t come to you as a last resort. This time it\'s too serious. It\'s convenient for you to work in Longcheng. The military wants to get it back."

Yang Ping sensed the importance of the document and said, "old mu, I am also a soldier. The country needs me, and I will stand up."

Mu Lao smiled, and Lao Huai was pleased and said, "I knew I didn\'t see the wrong person. Mu Lao has rested. He takes care of his body according to the health preservation methods you gave him, and recovers a lot. In a few days, I will go to Yunnan city to find corpse flowers, and then completely solve Mu Lao\'s physical problems."

Yang Ping nodded, looked at Dong Ming, frowned and said, "I feel a strong smell of darkness in him."

The bloody dusk hummed, "it was done by the people of the dark family. I fought with him, but he escaped." although he was begging Yang Ping, he still expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Can you save it?"

Old Mu hurriedly opened the topic for fear that the relationship would be too stiff. He said, "Lao Li, your martial nephew has a stiff face in the accident. What do you mean, can\'t you be better to Yang Ping?"

Old Li said displeased, "I can do whatever I like." then he left the living room.

Mu Lao shook his head and sighed, "this man is a good man, but he is hot tempered and stubborn. Eight horses can\'t pull back what he believes."

Yang Ping knew the weight and said, "let me see first."

So he began to treat Dong Ming.

Dong Ming stared at the ceiling and turned his eyes occasionally. Obviously, he was self-conscious, but he was disillusioned because he lost all his strength and had no hope for Yang Ping\'s arrival.

"Is there any hope of recovery?" Mu couldn\'t help asking. Although Dong Ming is not sensible, he is the mainstay of the army after all. It is difficult for the military to bear any loss.

Yang Ping finished the consultation and frowned.

Seeing his expression, Mu Lao knew it was difficult and sighed, "it doesn\'t matter. Just do your best."

"You can recover, but it depends on his willpower."

Yang Ping\'s astonishing words made old Mu pale. Dong Ming\'s eyes on the sofa turned fiercely and stared at Yang Ping.

"If my guess is right, the man who stole the secret is called AI Shen. He is a genius of the dark family. He is an expert at the natural Saint level. He is lawless. Dong Ming\'s spiritual world collapses because he is trapped in the dark and boundless field of his talent. Immortal medicine records that the way to treat the collapse of the spiritual world is to reshape the spiritual world. But this process is very painful and can\'t be persisted , you\'ll die miserably. "

Mu Lao couldn\'t help hesitating when he heard about reshaping the spiritual world.

The forging of the spiritual world is slowly accumulated by a person from small to large. It seems that if people\'s beliefs, world outlook and values collapse, it is a very difficult process to reshape them.

If Dong Ming loses his strength, can he persist?

One in ten thousand.

"I\'m willing to try."

Dong Ming stared at Yang Ping and struggled to get up. His eyes flashed with excitement: "if I can, I\'d rather die on the battlefield than die in bed."

Four eyes are opposite.

Yang Ping saw the desire to fight again from Dong Ming\'s pupil and the blood of a soldier who wanted to go to the battlefield. He said, "you may die."

Dong Ming firmly said, "my own choice has nothing to do with you if I die."

Feeling Dong Ming\'s trust, Yang Ping smiled and said, "let\'s start."

The reconstruction of the spiritual world by xianyimen is a very strange psychotherapy. People\'s diseases have spirit and body. Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to seven emotions and five records, and the repair of the spiritual world is still above emotional therapy, which belongs to another level.

Mu Lao left and left two people.

Yang Ping took out a silver needle to close Dong Ming\'s sensory organs, and then said, "I\'ll see you later. You let you fall into absolute darkness. This is the origin point. You want to reshape your spiritual world, or you can restore the original spiritual world. It depends on your ability to break through the confines of darkness."

"Come on."

Dong Ming shouted.

Then, his eyes darkened and he fell on the sofa.

Yang Ping began to use extreme medical means to pull Dong Ming into the deepest darkness, put away the needle and said, "I hope you can find yourself."

Get out of the villa.

Mu Lao stood outside, looked at the calm Luoshui River and said, "Ai God, can you feel it?"

Yang Ping stood side by side, shook his head and said, "this man is a natural saint and can\'t be underestimated. If you want to hide, you can\'t feel it. But I can try."

He has made rapid progress in strength, greatly improved his spiritual strength and strengthened his perceptual ability.

"That thing is very important. You must not fall into the hands of the enemy." old Mu said in a deep voice.

Yang Ping asked, "what is it?"

Old Mu sighed, his face dignified, and explained: "To tell you the truth, the most important purpose of our coming to Longcheng is to maintain the stability of Longcheng and avoid the invasion of foreign enemies. Longcheng has a set of defense system that can block Saint level experts. If they are obtained by the enemy, it will be a disaster for Longcheng. Therefore, the military gathered elites to take the lead in cracking the defense of Longcheng. Unexpectedly, they were killed by AI God when they succeeded Take it. "

Yang Ping\'s heart jumped and felt something wrong.

Why does the military want to crack the dragon city defense? Does it want to obtain unparalleled artifacts like others?