Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 973

The four women\'s eyes were like spring water. They looked boldly at Yang Ping. They seemed to express what men would understand. The men next to them showed jealous eyes.

Yang Ping didn\'t seem to see it. He was not interested in the four women and was ready to leave. However, he found that there was something wrong with the four women, because their eyes were too direct and well-educated women wouldn\'t be so presumptuous together. At least a little self-cultivation in it.

Finally, Yang Ping found that the pupils of the four women were wrong. There was a ray of red light. They couldn\'t be seen under the flashing light of the bar, but they couldn\'t escape Yang Ping\'s eyes.

Four women are puppets.

Yang Ping secretly smiles and wants a puppet to deal with him. It\'s too childish. He was curious about what trick was hidden on the third floor. Yang Ping calculated in his heart and said with a smile, "seriously?"

The four women leaned over and said with a smile, "naturally, you just go to the third floor, and we\'ll use whatever you want. If you want one, just one, if you want four, just four."


The man next to me swallowed his mouth when he heard the words of the four women. NIMA, if I had such treatment, I would be willing to live for ten years. The third floor is a sea of swords and fire, and I must rush up.

Yang Ping moved sideways, cleverly avoided the attack of the four women, got up and walked up to the third floor.

When he left, a group of men couldn\'t help but surround him, put on my handsome posture and began to hook up. Strangely, the four women who were cold before didn\'t refuse the man who came to the door.

Yang Ping went up the stairs on the third floor and something strange happened.

The men who gathered around the four women began to shrivel their skin, turn gray their hair, and grow wrinkles. From their thirties and forties, they directly became drooping old.


"My hand, my face..." a man covered his cheek and screamed when he found something wrong. The other men reacted and looked at the four women in horror, trying to escape.

The four women\'s eyes glowed strangely red, and two tusks were exposed from their mouths.

Third floor.

Yang Ping pushed the door in, facing a black bat, sending out sharp sound waves, flew out of the door and disappeared. Followed by a musty smell.

No one can imagine that this is the case on the third floor of such a famous bar.

The first and second floors are drunk and dream of death, while the third floor is dead and full of strangeness. Yang Pingyi is brave and goes straight inside.

The third floor is very big, but it is separated into small rooms by black cloth, just like a maze.

Yang Ping walked in, black cloth fell to the ground one by one, and finally formed a chain reaction. The whole piece collapsed. A stage appeared in front of him. It was once a bar dancing place. A steel rod was inserted in the middle willfully, with rust stains on it, showing the vicissitudes of years.

The third floor is a little strange.

Yang Ping had a feeling of being watched. He couldn\'t help looking up. He saw bats hanging upside down on the ceiling and staring at him. His eyes were indifferent, like corpses, full of cold breath.


Countless bats pounced on Yang Ping, revealing their sharp fangs.

Yang Ping was not in a hurry. The seven nodes in his body sent out soft light to cover his whole body. Blood sucking bats touched the light and landed one after another.

After the bat died, piles of bodies piled up like mountains.

A delicate carcass appeared in front of me, under the rusty steel pipe, slowly got up, and then revealed the angel\'s face and the devil\'s body. She has a pair of beautiful big eyes and two slender jade legs standing on the floor. She is two meters taller than any woman Yang Ping has ever seen. However, because of her perfect body proportion, she does not appear too conflicting.

Her body was flowing with luster, which made men see her blood gush.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm.

"Come here."

She hooked her hand to Yang Ping, sucked her fingers, and showed a charming expression, especially the slightly trembling pair, firm and full of sacred light, which people dare not blaspheme.

Like an angel, mysterious and beautiful.

"Come here."

She continued to call, making a charming voice in Yang Ping\'s spiritual world, making him close step by step. She showed a tempting smile and said, "come to my arms."


Yang Ping stopped and said, "you are a vampire. The blood of the bell family is not as pure as yours. I am very interested in meeting a pure vampire."

She giggled and said, "I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "of course you don\'t know, because you are a traitor of the blood sucking royal family, the proud daughter of the herak family, Princess Alice. Am I right?"

Her face changed slightly, and the red light of her pupils flashed, revealing the opportunity to kill.

I didn\'t expect to be identified by Yang Ping, Alice. Herak was shocked. She felt that no one would recognize her identity in China, but Yang Ping broke it at all.

"You didn\'t come to Longcheng just to seduce me. If so, I\'m sorry. I\'ll disappoint you. Your brother died in my hands."

Yang Pingdan smiled.

Alice was furious, showed her sharp fangs and shouted, "humble human, you killed my brother. I want you to pay for your blood!"


Alice didn\'t react. Her neck was strangled. Her strong body, which the blood family was proud of, seemed worthless in front of the man in front of her.

She felt the fear of death, and her eyes showed an incredible expression. It was like a dream for Alice to be subdued in a moment.

Yang Ping grabbed her neck and said, "your brother was killed by me three years ago. Although he used to be a Viscount, your breath reached the Duke. It\'s a pity that you met me."

Alice flashed a panic and cried, "don\'t kill me. I\'ll do anything for you."

Yang Ping said sarcastically, "I don\'t know what you can do for me."

Alice hurriedly said, "under the Great Yang Ping Pavilion, I came to Longcheng to ask you for help, not to kill you. Please forgive my previous offense."

Yang Ping naturally won\'t believe vampires. Vampires lie and ghosts can\'t believe it.

In fact, there are vampires in this world.

It\'s just hidden.

And vampires are not exactly what they look like in the movie. They are afraid of sunshine and silver. Like normal people, they just take human blood as food to absorb energy. They have a natural desire for blood, just like human beings have no resistance to delicacies, because in the blood clan\'s view, human beings are no different from the food on the table.

As for the origin of blood clan, in the final analysis, it is still because of the relationship of blood. Their ancestor, known as the strongest in the underground world in Europe and America, is a very difficult master at the level of Mahatma in the celestial pole list of the killing God list.

"I can trade secrets," Alice screamed.

Yang Ping\'s face was cold.

Alice gasped, "I know a secret that may be useful to you. Someone is calculating the defects of the dragon city defense array, which has been cracked and is preparing to attack."

Yang Ping sneered.

Alice felt the strong killing and hurriedly said, "what I said is true. The Chinese military has actually cracked the secret of the Dragon City array, but it was robbed."

Yang Ping threw Alice on the ground and said, "put on your clothes."

Alice survived, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and she had not had the arrogance and charm before. She felt very regretful about miscalculating Yang Ping\'s strength.

But seeing Yang Ping\'s strong strength, Alice had other ideas in her heart.

"I also know another secret about your girlfriend Zhu Xi." Alice continued to throw chips for fear that she was worthless.

When Yang Ping heard Zhu Xi\'s name, her pupils contracted, but she soon recovered her composure and said, "what?"

Alice said, "I have one condition."

Yang Ping didn\'t speak. It was a chance.

Alice was overjoyed and said, "Yang Ping, I can help you solve Zhu Xi\'s trouble, but I have one condition. I want to have a child with you."