Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 972

Zhai Lord silently looked at Zhuge Qingyun, but Zhuge Qingyun did not look at each other, but looked at the starry sky behind the thick clouds.

"It\'s been twenty years." the vegetarian master smiled, "Qingyun, haven\'t you put it down yet?"

Zhuge Qingyun smiled bitterly and said, "in those days, one way and two knowledge, now only you are left. Can you put it down?"

The vegetarian became quiet.

One way and two knowledges. In those days, they were the three strongest people in the golden world. Everyone achieved the realm of heaven and was invincible in the realm of heaven. Unfortunately, there are only one vegetarian master left recently. Referring to that year, the vegetarian Lord could not avoid vulgarity and shed nostalgic eyes.

"The past is over." Zhai Lord shook his head and whispered, "the living should always carry the mission and continue to move forward. The dragon city is a big thing, but it is also a small thing. Unparalleled artifact can not fall into the hands of Taoist Zun, otherwise the world will be in chaos."

Zhuge Qingyun nodded and said, "although the Taoist priest didn\'t show his strength, I think he was calm in the face of the vegetarian Lord. He must have further cultivation and may touch the invincible realm. If the vegetarian Lord doesn\'t get rid of this person, there will be endless future troubles." he is good at Dayan Tianji, can see the secrets of the universe and see the changes of the Taoist priest.

"However, although the Taoist priest is powerful, he doesn\'t know that the cultivation of the vegetarian Lord has long been..."

The vegetarian said with a smile, "Qingyun, I ask you one thing."

Zhuge Qingyun stopped talking and asked, "because of himself?"

Master Zhai said, "for the world."

Zhuge Qingyun laughed with grief and indignation. "It\'s the common people in the world again. When did you think about it for yourself? I know you still think of Hong Xiang in your heart, but Hong Xiang is gone. Why do you wait so hard."

The vegetarian Lord looked at Zhuge Qingyun gently and sighed, "Qingyun, you and I are the God. Why mix personal feelings with them."

Zhuge Qingyun said angrily, "the rise and fall of the world has nothing to do with me. I care about the people I care about. Zhai Lord, I am not Xuanji Zi, nor Tianji Zi. My family died because of the common people, but the common people left me. I have no need to be involved in it."

"Pluto is coming out."

The vegetarian suddenly said.

Zhuge Qingyun\'s face changed slightly. Even the heavenly being was shocked when he mentioned the Pluto, because the Pluto, known as the invincible hell, can defeat a world.

If Pluto was born, life would be ruined. Now there are thermal weapons and nuclear weapons, but they are only man-made after all. The potential of the human body is infinite. If a person is regarded as a small universe, unimaginable power can erupt.

Pluto is a taboo.

"It turned out that the Zhai Lord came for the matter of the underworld." ZHUGE Qingyun relaxed and said seriously, "say, what can I do?"

The vegetarian said, "I just need you to stop daozun for a minute."

"One minute?" ZHUGE Qingyun frowned, pinched his fingers, looked dignified, "OK, I should be able to do it."

"I thank you for all the people in the world."

The vegetarian turned to leave. Zhuge Qingyun couldn\'t help shouting, "vegetarian, do you want to leave?"

"I\'m going to meet the successor of the golden needle."

The voice came from a distant place, indicating that the vegetarian Lord had already left Mengshan. Zhuge Qingyun couldn\'t help but change his face when he heard the transmission of the golden needle. Rao was the God and knew the weight of the word golden needle.

"The descendant of the golden needle appeared?"

Zhuge Qingyun muttered to himself.


The most important thing in Longcheng is the bar.

The name of the bar is very nice. Yang Ping is not the first time to take you to the top of the mountain. He always feels that there is a special plot here. On the central platform of the bar, a tall beauty dressed in three points dances pole dance. Her posture is enchanting and her expression is tempting, which makes the men below breathe fast and let go.

Yang Ping sat on the bar and drank quietly.

He no longer looks like he has just arrived in Longcheng. He is dressed in clean clothes. His handsome face has a vicissitudes of life. The cigarettes in his mouth and the spirits on the bar make him exude strong charm. Many young women looked at Yang Ping with great interest.

Taking you to the top of the mountain is a high-end bar. You need a membership card to come in, especially on the second floor. You must have a certain level of status.

Yang Ping drinks on the second floor.

Most of the women who can come to the bar are very eager to pay attention to the high-quality men in the bar at any time. You are willing to take what you need. On the second floor, although there are many beautiful women and rich ladies, Qianjin likes fishing here. But they rarely indulge themselves. Because few men are worth their efforts. Of course, if someone can get them, it is also a skill.

But today is special.

Several beautiful young women sitting on the sofa were obviously very satisfied when they saw Yang Ping, just like seeing prey and commenting. It\'s a pity that Yang Ping didn\'t look here at all, which made the young women unconvinced. You should know that they are the most beautiful and attractive on the second floor. I don\'t know how many high-quality men\'s invitations are rejected, but there is a man who didn\'t look at them from beginning to end.

It\'s an insult to their charm.

In Yang Ping\'s mind, Zhu Xi\'s unfeeling appearance appeared. He said that he wanted to break up his kindness and righteousness. He was very unhappy. Why should he break up his kindness and righteousness? Can\'t their feelings be compared with the photos? Zhu Xi didn\'t even listen to the explanation, which hurt Yang Ping very much.

Put out the cigarette butts and drink the liquor in one gulp.

Yang Ping got up to leave.

"If I were you, I wouldn\'t come to the bar to drink." a soft voice sounded in my ear. Yang Ping stopped and saw a beautiful woman with amorous feelings standing next to him, leaning against the bar, holding a mint flavored lady cigarette in her hand, looking at him with interest, "have a drink?"

Yang Ping nodded, asked the bar for two glasses of high wine, put it in front of the beautiful young woman and said, "meeting is fate."

Seeing Yang Ping\'s dry mouth, the young woman\'s eyes were bright, and she also drank it in one gulp. However, she was much more beautiful. She gently wiped her lips and said, "my sisters want to be friends with you very much. I don\'t know if I can appreciate your face."

Yang Pingshun looked at the young woman\'s eyes, but he saw three women on the sofa who were sexy but elegant. They were smiling and singing, just like a garden, and could see the eyes of the men around them.

Yang Ping thought it was all right to play anyway, so he followed each other to the sofa.

Four beautiful young women, one man.

Nature attracted the attention of others. Men do not hide their inner jealousy. They look at Yang Ping\'s eyes very poorly. It is clear that Yang Ping looks inferior to himself. Why are they qualified to sit next to beautiful women.

The four beauties, fat and thin, have their own merits, but they are rare natural beauty. Yang Ping can see that the three girls are at least 30 years old, but the maintenance is very good. It seems that they are 18 years old. That means they have a lot of money.

"You..." Yang Ping wanted to speak, but the beauty at the bar interrupted.

"We agreed that if you can go up to the third floor and get down safely, you can choose any of our four women."

Yang Ping was stunned.