Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 971

The clouds and fog of Mengshan soon dispersed, revealing an ethereal side. In this small world of Mengshan, it has its own unique rules and atmosphere. It seems that I don\'t want to be too close to the outside world. Heavy fog will appear every once in a while to prevent tourists from climbing. Like the Kunlun cloud sea, it is also very dangerous.

The clouds dispersed and a red sun appeared in the sky.

In the early morning, the red sun was gorgeous, but I had never seen it before. The tourists at the foot of the mountain were stunned to see such a beautiful scene. They forgot to climb the mountain and take photos, just to keep the best moment in their mind, for fear that taking their mobile phone would delay one second.

The red sun hung in the sky for two minutes and then disappeared quietly.

Mengshan returned to normal.

However, when the administrator allowed tourists to climb the mountain, a rich atmosphere beyond any time enveloped the whole mountain again, showing a posture of refusing people thousands of miles away.

The administrator was so frightened that he shouted and signaled the visitors to stop and not go in.

A large number of tourists were blocked at the foot of the mountain and couldn\'t climb. They waited for a long time. They didn\'t disperse. They knew that they couldn\'t climb again today and went back to the hotel obediently.


The Pearl sits on the edge of the cliff, and a red dot appears in the center of the eyebrow. If you look carefully, it is almost the same as the red sun in the sky before, but it is forcibly grabbed by people with great strength and does not enter the center of the eyebrow.

A layer of black fog appeared around the red sun, trying to integrate with the red sun, but the red sun was very resistant, so the Pearl showed a painful expression.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the performance of the Pearl, and Kui bubo\'s face showed a moving color. He was surprised and said, "I\'ve been suffering all my life, but you can still insist. I don\'t know how you resist, but I feel that your heart is very strong. Tell you, why?"

Mingzhu opened her eyes, showed a pale smile and gasped, "master Zhuge, have you ever loved someone?"

Zhuge Qingyun said with a smile, "who hasn\'t been young."@^^$

Mingzhu said, "because I love him, I am willing to do anything. This pain is nothing. Everyone knows that Longcheng will be in chaos, but they don\'t know how much it will be. If I can\'t stand it and can\'t help Yang Ping, he will bear much more than me."

Zhuge Qingyun was silent.

Few people in the world know how old Zhuge Qingyun lived. He has experienced the golden world, seen the fall of the most crippling Tianjiao, and seen the departure of the world\'s strongest, but he is still shocked by the Pearl\'s love.

"I think he must love you very much." ZHUGE Qingyun seemed to think of his youth and sighed, "well, I\'ll help you again, which can be regarded as contributing to the chaos in Longcheng."

Zhuge Qingyun could not see how to seal, and the Pearl showed a more painful expression. In her body, strands of black power emerged. When black matter emerged, the whole mountain top was shrouded in a layer of black cloud, and a vertical eye appeared in the sky, cold and ruthless, overlooking all sentient beings.! $*!

It is this force that makes the Pearl fall into endless pain.

"I smell the breath of Shu Zu!"

Seeing the black energy flow, Zhuge Qingyun turned pale and exclaimed, "I didn\'t expect you to be able to communicate with your ancestors at a young age. It\'s amazing."

Mingzhu can\'t hear Zhuge Qingyun\'s words, because the black energy represents a curse, which makes her die and live and fall into endless reincarnation pain.

Zhuge Qingyun was very afraid of the power of Shu Zu, but he was not afraid. Because at their level, there is little difference, just to see if they are willing to be the enemy.

Today Zhuge Qingyun grabs the power of Shu Zu, so there is no room for maneuver.


A black hole appeared in the sky and wanted to devour the Pearl, but Zhuge Qingyun threw out his feather fan and disappeared into the black hole. Soon, there was a roar like a beast in the black hole.


When the feather fan came back to him, the feathers on it became scorched black. This feather fan was abandoned.

"ZHUGE children, how dare you destroy my cauldron!" a very cold voice came from the sky, and the owner of the vertical eye shouted, "aren\'t you afraid that I will destroy your orthodoxy?"

Zhuge Qingyun said coldly, "you are suppressed in endless hell. Let\'s talk about it if you can come out."

"ZHUGE child, I will certainly appear. At that time, I will lead 100000 magic soldiers to level your Mengshan and let you know the end of offending me."

Shu Zu\'s voice was full of anger, obviously angry at Zhuge Qingyun\'s destruction of his good deeds.

The pearl is the furnace tripod selected by the master of art. It will be of great use in the future, but after being destroyed by Zhuge Qingyun, it needs more energy to cultivate it again. It\'s too late. So the master was very angry.

"ZHUGE child, wait for me."

The black hole disappeared, the vertical eye melted, and the will of Shu Zu completely left Mingzhu\'s body, and she returned to normal. Zhuge Qingyun did not leave, but showed a more dignified expression.

"Now that he\'s here, why hide?" ZHUGE Qingyun smiled at the void.

"Old man, I haven\'t seen you for a long time, and your Dayan magic is further. Amazing." a vague figure appeared on the top of the mountain, smiling at Zhuge Qingyun, with a child\'s face and hair, wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe. His appearance did not cause changes in the environment, but strangely, he appeared clearly, but it seemed to be in a distant place.

"Taoist Zun, are you not afraid to fight me for so long?" ZHUGE Qingyun asked.

Come on, daozun.

Taoist Zun looked at the comatose pearl with great interest and sighed: "pure Yin body is a good seedling. It\'s a pity that he is trapped by love. Otherwise, he may not be able to become useful talents."

"She, you can\'t move." ZHUGE Qingyun said warily. He knew very well that no one in the world was more cunning than Taoist Zun. He was very patient. He was too pressed by those people to show up. He didn\'t come out to make wind and rain until now.

Taoist Zun laughed and said, "old man, you don\'t trust me so much. You used to drink and have fun, but now you are vigilant against each other. I\'m very sad."

"Tell Xuanji that I\'m not interested in you." ZHUGE Qingyun snorted.

Taoist Zun smiled and said, "old man, since you want to protect someone, I won\'t lose your face, but are you sure you want to be the enemy with me? Shu Zu will appear soon, and your deadly enemy Shenyi will also appear. Three dozen one, are you sure you want to do this?"

Zhuge Qingyun frowned.

Shuzu, Shenyi and daozun are all heavenly realms, but there are also high and low heavenly realms. Shuzu and Shenyi are the heavenly realms of the older generation. Few people can guess their strength. Unless those people were resurrected, they could not be the opponents of the three.

But Zhuge Qingyun seemed to have something to rely on, so he didn\'t think much and said, "so what?"

Taoist Zun looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Qingyun was willing to offend him for a girl, which was extremely unwise. He thought for a moment, his face showed a sudden color, sighed and said, "Zhai Lord, I didn\'t expect you to stay at the mountain gate for many years. Today you will intervene in the world of mortals for Zhuge Qingyun."


It would be a shock if someone were here.

Because the vegetarian Lord in the mouth of Taoist Zun is the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, the first holy land in the world. He is known as the first master of the white way, and even Taoist Zun is extremely afraid.

"Tao Zun, leave. Don\'t be stubborn."

A light and shadow appeared, in the hazy, can not see the figure clearly, but the breath emitted, followed the way of heaven, making people have an infinite heart of admiration.

"Fast Lord!"

Taoist Zun frowned, hesitated, nodded and said, "since you all want to protect her, I don\'t say much. But my plan will not stop. At that time, Zhai Lord, I hope you still have the energy to deal with me."

Tao Zun knew that nothing could be done in vain. Now he is an enemy of Cihang Jingzhai. He may not be the opponent of the Zhai Lord, so he turned and left. He stepped out, then appeared at the foot of the mountain and disappeared.



Zhuge Qingyun looked at the light and shadow, wanted to talk and stopped, and finally turned into a wisp of sad sigh.