Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 970

Zhu Xi smiled bitterly and whispered, "if one day you can understand my intentions, it won\'t waste my hand to break this friendship."

No one knows that Zhu Xi\'s great reaction is just to let Yang Ping leave.

"Why do I feel so bad?"

Asked Zhu Xi.

"Little girl, if I hadn\'t known in advance, I thought you really forgave your father and abandoned Yang Ping." the fisherman appeared in the room and sighed.

Zhu Xi looked at the old fisherman, his eyes were slightly red, but soon showed a strong smile and said, "isn\'t this what your predecessors want to see?"

The fisherman showed his unbearable color and said, "only great sorrow and pain can completely stimulate Yang Ping\'s potential. Although he realized the secret of the body of Nine Yang, it is far from enough. Time is running out, and Longcheng will soon be in chaos."

Zhu Xi worried: "but what if Yang Ping can\'t pass this level?"

The fisherman asked, "don\'t you worry, because this separation may have a great impact on your feelings. It is very likely that you two will become strangers."

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were dim and said softly, "I have done too little. Compared with the Pearl, it\'s not worth mentioning. I don\'t want to owe the Pearl too much. She gave everything for Yang Ping, but I enjoyed it. If fate is still there, at least I will be a good wife in the future, but now I can\'t pass the Pearl."

The fisherman thought of the girl named pearl and fell silent for the first time.

Because there are no words to describe Mingzhu\'s persistence, I saw someone pass the test for the first time in my life. I was shocked when I knew that Mingzhu had become a hidden person and could communicate with the master of art.

"Where is the Pearl?" asked Zhu Xi.

The old fisherman was stunned, shook his head randomly and said with a bitter smile: "I have completely lost the breath of the Pearl now. She may not be in Longcheng."

Zhu Xi gave a cry and lowered her head.

"How long will it take?" Zhu Xi asked again.

The fisherman thought for a moment, looked serious and replied, "maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, but it may break out at any time. I feel that the seal under the ground is getting weaker and weaker. When unparalleled was born, blood flows into a river."

Zhu Xien said, "well, time is really running out."


A long silence.

The old fisherman felt Zhu Xi\'s inner sadness, but there was no way to comfort him, because this was the way Zhu Xi chose. He would rather hurt Yang Ping\'s feelings. It was called to correct the balance of feelings, but in fact, she was the most sad.

"Yang Ping, what shit luck have you had? Two such good girls are willing to give everything for you."

The old fisherman talked silently.

"Senior, if you need my blood, I\'m ready at any time, but I have a request..." Zhu Xi looked at the old fisherman and said calmly.

The fisherman was surprised and hurriedly said, "you say. I can meet any of your requirements."

Zhu Xi hesitated and said, "if I\'m really not in this world, please keep it a secret. I don\'t want him to be sad because of a dead person."

The fisherman lost his voice and said, "it\'s not fair to you."

Zhu Xi smiled, as holy as snow lotus, with a strange light on her face, and said, "I hope there are still some."

"I think..."

The old fisherman\'s voice is getting smaller and smaller. He doesn\'t know how to answer Zhu Xi. Seeing her resolute face, he can\'t bear to deceive him, because the underground seal of Longcheng is too chaotic. The tragedy 20 years ago is likely to happen again 20 years later.


The sky was blue, waiting for misty rain, and someone was waiting for him silently.

At the foot of Mengshan mountain, because of the sudden cold, the mountain condensed thick fog, and I couldn\'t see my fingers, so I chose to close the mountain. The scenic spot will not be opened until the fog clears.

A beautiful shadow walked on the Mengshan road. There was a curl of fog everywhere, which covered the Qingtian mountain forest and covered her beautiful shadow with a mysterious veil.

She slowly climbed the road of Mengshan mountain and enjoyed the fresh air of Mengshan mountain.

The closure of the distillery of Zhu\'s group has unloaded the heavy burden on the environment of Mengshan, and clouds and mist block the progress of tourists on the hillside.

The shadow went on through the clouds.


Qianying took a long time to finally come here, then stood on the edge of the cliff and looked up at the sky above her. Strong suddenly dispersed, because the wind lifted the mysterious veil and revealed a beautiful face that was enough to make the sky pale.

She was like a neon in the clouds, moving with the wind, as if she had moved forward, and let the smart white clouds sink and float at her feet. Her appearance made the thick fog under the cliff disperse a clearly visible road.

"Younger generation Zheng Mingzhu asks to see elder Zhuge."

The sound is as clear as jade. It passes through the bluestone road and enters the deep. Soon, there is a response. A fairy man walks out with a feather fan. His appearance resonated with the world. The mountain fog was summoned and merged into the sky. Visible fog rose from the ground and gathered in the sky.

Then reveal a clear world.

Zhuge Qingyun came to the Pearl, looked at her, nodded and said, "pure Yin, you have great fortune. Why can\'t you see through?"

The Pearl said, "the dragon city will be in chaos. I\'ve come to beg you to give me something."

Zhuge Qingyun waved his fan and said with a smile, "the dragon city has nothing to do with me, and I don\'t want to participate in it. Did xuanjizi ask you to come?"

Pearl shook her head.

Zhuge Qingyun said softly, he can calculate the world affairs, but he is not sure about a few people. Anyone involved in the realm of heaven can deceive the secret of heaven. He can\'t figure it out.

"Interesting." ZHUGE Qingyun said in surprise.

The Pearl spread her hand like holding a beautiful cloud and said seriously, "please help me integrate it into my body. I am willing to pay half of the pure Yin Qi."

Zhuge Qingyun moved.

The body of pure Yin, like the body of nine Yin, is a very pure constitution, which is even more difficult to meet than natural saints. They are born in this heaven and earth, easy to practice, and for those who pursue a higher level, they are like treasures.

The general pure Yin Qi is enough for experts such as Zhuge Qingyun to try to pursue greater heaven and earth, and they don\'t need to be affected by heaven and earth. But half of the pure Yin Qi may kill the Pearl.


Zhuge Qingyun looked at the creeping black material in Zheng Mingzhu\'s hand and felt a different breath. It seemed to be the same thing in essence. Only the realm of heaven could have it. Because the Buddha saw the essence of the world and explored all falsehood.

The Pearl said, "I want to be strong."

Zhuge Qingyun laughed, shook his head and said, "you, since you took out the source of darkness, I knew you wanted to integrate the unparalleled artifact. Right?"

Pearl\'s face changed slightly.

Zhuge Qingyun said, "I really need your natural Qi, so I can help you. However, even if you integrate the dark origin, you may not get unparalleled artifact. After the artifact is psychic, you can\'t communicate, so you can\'t get recognition."

"At least I can increase my chances." Mingzhu said stubbornly.

Zhuge Qingyun stared at the Pearl and pinched his fingers. He couldn\'t help sighing: "it seems that the situation in Longcheng is going to be chaotic. You\'re trying to help Yang Ping."

Pearl\'s eyes flashed a trace of tension.

Zhuge Qingyun said displeased, "I feel your sincerity. OK, I\'ll help you once for the sake of mystery. But you are ready to lose half of your life and integrate with the dark source. You are likely to be in harmony and disappear forever."

Without hesitation, Mingzhu firmly said, "I do."