Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 962

AI Shen looked at the warehouse full of ridicule, shook his head and said, "when I get something like that, don\'t mention your bloody dusk, I\'m not afraid of the military God."

His pupils became deeper and deeper, glowing with a strange red light, and his face showed an expression of contempt for all authority, as if everything was under his feet and all sentient beings were obedient.

AI God has unparalleled talent. He is a natural saint. Few people in the whole world can compare with him, except the heirs of the super power, such as the saint of Cihang Jingzhai, the Witch of hell gate and the son of heaven. These must be natural saints. They are invincible and fearless from a young age.

AI wants to surpass them.

The dark family is also a super force, but it is hidden in the dark for some special reasons. However, the dark family will not stay dormant all the time, because they feel that the time for the return of the king is coming.

"Soon, I will become the king of the world."

After AI Shen smiled, he walked deep into the path and walked away. He passed a cluster of small white flowers, picked one and put it on the tip of his nose, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"My little white flower, you should strive for success. Don\'t let your brother down."

At the end of the path echoed AI Shen\'s strange laughter.


The campus of Longcheng University of science and technology is in the University City, which gathers most of the schools in Longcheng. There are 985 and 211 national key universities and other colleges. The University of science and technology is a good university, because it ranks 91 in the national comprehensive strength.

Probably because of the University of science and engineering, I seldom see beautiful women after I enter the school. Yang Yuxin walked into the campus and immediately became the focus of the road. Although there are girls in the University of science and technology, the quality is much worse than that of schools with high quality of girls such as Longcheng University and Yunnan Normal University.

Yang Yuxin wore a black dress today to show her concave convex figure. She wore a white shirt on her upper body and forgot to button up one of her necklines because she had been pried open in the car, but she was full of different customs.

Feeling the curious and excited eyes of the school boys, Yang Yuxin was speechless. Although she was used to similar eyes, she didn\'t want others to focus on her body.

On the contrary, Yang Ping walked beside Yang Yuxin with peace of mind. He turned a blind eye to the jealous expression of other boys and walked naturally.

Yang Yuxin whispered, "hurry up, I don\'t feel comfortable."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "your coming to the University of science and technology is definitely the existence of the school flower level. How can you not adapt. I dare say that if you come here as a teacher, your classes will be full again and again even if they are bad."

Yang Yuxin showed her nostalgic eyes and said, "in fact, I almost applied for the University of science and technology before. Zhang Liguo was studying here at that time. I really want to be with him."

The tone showed a touch of nostalgia and sadness.

Yang Ping joked: "fortunately you don\'t, otherwise you won\'t appear now. I can guarantee that although you will get a lot of people\'s attention here, you will never get a better chance."

Yang Yuxin was stunned, then he heard the meaning of Yang Ping\'s words and became silent.

"The eighth master met me at Longcheng University."

Yang Yuxin was silent for a while and said bitterly, "if I were in the University of science and technology, I wouldn\'t meet Mr. Ba, Mr. Zhu, let alone you."

"Regret?" Yang Ping asked with great interest.

Yang Yuxin thought, do you regret it?

If the University of science and technology applied for the examination at the beginning, it might be to find a senior in science and engineering to get married and have children, live a well-off and rich life, and then live a peaceful life like ordinary people.

Which option is better than the current dangerous situation?

"Believe me, now is the best." Yang Ping looked into Yang Yuxin\'s eyes and said seriously, "because we have no right to regret."

Yang Yuxin listened to this and showed a deep thought.

"Look at these students. They are the happiest because they are energetic and carefree." Yang Ping thought of living and dying in the jungle before. He couldn\'t help sighing, "sometimes it\'s good to live a peaceful life, but some people don\'t want to. For example, dragon god religion, isn\'t it?"

The two men went to the student restaurant of the University of science and technology. Yang Ping\'s sudden sentence made Yang Yuxin\'s delicate body tremble, and the color of panic flashed in her eyes.

But soon, Yang Yuxin returned to calm and reluctantly said with a smile, "Yang Ping, are you doubting me? I have long broken off my relationship with the Dragon God sect."

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "I\'m just talking casually. Why think more? Your brother is coming."

Yang Xiaoyu, with an anxious face, came this way. When he saw Yang Ping and his sister, he looked very happy, trotted over and shouted, "sister, brother Yang."

Yang Ping looked at him with a smile.

Yang Xiaoyu lowered his head and dared not look at Yang Ping\'s eyes, showing a guilty color and said, "brother Yang, I\'m sorry. I\'m still dreaming without your reminder."

"You understand it yourself. I\'m just helping." Yang Ping smiled.

Yang Xiaoyu showed remorse and said, "brother Yang, I found that I used to be such an asshole and wanted to hurt my sister. I\'m not as good as animals."

Yang Ping listened silently.

Yang Xiaoyu took out a folding knife from his pocket and said, "I know brother Yang may not believe me, but in order to prove my repentance, I\'ll cut off a finger and swear!"

Yang Yuxin turned pale and shouted, "No."

Yang Xiaoyu showed a fierce color and cut off the tail finger of his left hand. The folding knife glittered with cold edge in the sun and was about to bleed.


The folding knife fell to the ground.

Yang Xiaoyu shouted, "brother Yang, don\'t stop me. I want to reform!"

Yang Ping picked up the folding knife, shook his head and said, "reforming is not self mutilation. If you do this, you will only hurt the people who care about you. If you really repent, you should study hard and don\'t let your sister worry."

Yang Xiaoyu quickly nodded and said, "brother Yang, I listen to you. This semester, if I don\'t get the first place in my age, I\'ll apologize with death!" he said very seriously and his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Yang Yuxin hurriedly said, "Xiaoyu, my sister doesn\'t ask you to be the first. You just have to study hard."

Yang Xiaoyu shook his head and said firmly, "no, sister, I must get the first place. If I can\'t get the first place, it\'s meaningless for me to live."

Yang Yuxin sighed, showing concern.

Yang Ping motioned the three to go into the student canteen to talk. He was a little hungry and wanted to taste the food of the University of science and technology.

Three people are seated.

Yang Yuxin\'s beauty attracted the attention of many boys and cast their eyes here. Yang Xiaoyu was very upset and stared at other boys, just like a wolf protecting the territory.

Yang Ping smiled, didn\'t speak, and ate quietly.

Yang Yuxin didn\'t know what she was thinking. She fell into complex thinking. She didn\'t even hear her brother\'s question clearly.

"Brother Yang, I know where Shifu lives. There are many strange people, but they look very ferocious. I don\'t dare to get close to him every time I go."

When Yang Xiaoyu was eating, he looked frightened and said.

Yang Ping looked up and asked, "where\'s the address?"

Yang Xiaoyu reported a place and hesitated: "I don\'t know if they are still there, but there are many computers there. It seems that I\'m calculating something. Because I also study computers and am a well-known hacker, but when I see those programming, I feel that their strength is much stronger than me."


Yang Ping squinted and muttered in secret. What do the islanders send so many hackers to do?

At this time, Yang Ping inadvertently turned his head and suddenly saw a familiar shadow.

How could it be her?