Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 961

He has an iconic heavy pupil, and his eyes emit a strange red light. Everything he sees will be between reality and illusion.

For some reason, Dong Ming saw people coming, but he felt very unreal. This feeling was very unreal.

The man is AI God.

He pushed open the heavy iron door of the warehouse, ignored Dong Ming\'s scolding and walked towards the computer. All the military programmers stopped tapping their keyboard fingers and stared at Ai Shen, feeling a little unreal.

"Well, that\'s good. Break down the defense system and find a way to crack it." Ai Shen stared at the computer screen and smiled with satisfaction, as if praising his subordinates. "Your progress is much faster than I expected. I just came here today and copy it for me."

Dong Ming was so angry that he vomited blood. He had never seen such an arrogant person. In front of him, he ordered his subordinates and roared, "boy, do you know where this is?"

AI Shen smiled, "of course I know. It\'s a stronghold of the military laboratory. Otherwise, what do you think you\'re doing here? There\'s no beautiful red wine in the abandoned factory."

Dong Ming took a deep breath and said, "since you know this is the place of the army, you dare to make trouble. Aren\'t you afraid I\'ll arrest you or shoot you directly?"

AI Shen wondered, "why?"

Dong Ming sneered and hummed, "stealing state secrets is enough to kill you a hundred times."

AI Shen stretched out a finger, shook his head and said, "I\'m not talking about this. Why do you think you have this ability?"

Dong Ming laughed like a joke. He felt that AI God was very ignorant. In the whole of China, who dared to fight against the army, even the holy land should take into account the idea of the Lord Junshen. If the power of the Chinese army was about to level a holy land, it would not be impossible.

"Please don\'t doubt my ability. I\'ll give you a chance to kneel down and admit your mistake, and then honestly explain who is behind you. Maybe I can save you from death."

Dong Ming stared at Ai Shen and thought he was an idiot.

AI Shen sighed and looked at Dong Ming speechless.

Dong Ming didn\'t see AI Shen kneel down and pleaded guilty. His face was distorted. He said in a cold voice, "arrest him and send him to a military prison. Let him taste it."

Two experts of the border wolf stood up, killed all over their faces and grabbed AI God.

AI Shen looked at Dong Ming with pity.

Dong Ming was looked at and his heart jumped wildly, because when AI Shen looked at him, his eyes burst into red light. He didn\'t know whether he was under an illusion. The void in front of him twisted for a moment and returned to normal.


Dong Ming was awakened by a scream. He found two capable subordinates lying on the ground with blind eyes. He was startled and said angrily, "you want to die and dare to resist!"

AI Shen smiled and said, "if you weren\'t protected by the power of saints, you would be blind. However, there are only half of the power of saints in your body. Are you sure you want to talk to me loudly?"

Dong Ming was shocked and felt the physical changes. He found that the power left by martial uncle was half less and scared to death. Only then did he feel the terror of AI God.

Who the hell is this person?

AI Shen smiled and said, "that\'s right. When you look at me, you should be more in awe. I don\'t think it\'s enough."

Dong Ming quickly retreated in fear and said, "who are you, who dare to steal State secrets? Don\'t you know the consequences of offending the military?"

AI Shen said displeased, "just now you have to be afraid. You are naughty again. Do you know who I am?"

Dong Mingqiang calmed himself and said, "who are you?"

AI Shen showed a somber smile. The whole person seemed to be easily in the dark. Dong Ming\'s face changed greatly. He had never seen such a terrible smile on that person\'s face. His handsome face was not handsome, but like a demon king coming out of hell.

"I\'ll tell me who it is now!"

AI Shen\'s body floats slowly, his black hair flies, and his back looks like a black hole, which can devour everyone\'s soul. His voice is like coming from Jiuyou: "after you go to hell, you must remember that my name is AI Shen, who is the God of the dark world!"


Darkness emanated from behind AI God and enveloped the whole warehouse. Dong Ming only felt the pull of his soul and severe pain in his head. The unspeakable pain surged all over his body, as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world.

The warehouse was filled with wails.

After a long time, the warehouse returned to silence, a dead silence, covered with layers of dark dead air, there was no vitality in the area, only silence.

In the warehouse.

A group of people with dull eyes, drool and silly smile.

AI Shen took a USB flash disk and smiled with satisfaction. He said helplessly, "there is only one computer terminal in China that can calculate huge data. I won\'t find you. It\'s a pity that I didn\'t want to compete with the military God."


There was a thunderous sound over the warehouse, full of killing gas. At the same time, the bloody dusk shrouded the warehouse and locked all the escape videos.

Li Lao came to the warehouse door, strode in and killed the machine all over his face.

AI Shen stood in the warehouse and was not in a hurry to escape, but he didn\'t have a playful smile on his face. He said seriously, "I didn\'t expect the famous military to do it in person at dusk. It\'s really an honor."

All the people that Mr. Li had swept, he found that they had become dementia, and their souls had been swallowed up, which meant that people\'s souls had been lost and turned into idiots, and terrible murders broke out in their eyes.

"No matter who you are and what background you have, I will execute you on the spot." Li laosenran said. Military programmers and valued nephews have become dementia. How to explain to Dong Ming\'s parents when you go back, you must kill AI Shen.

AI Shen said with a smile, "bloody dusk, the mid-term realm of saints is really powerful. I admit I can\'t defeat you, but you want to kill me... Ha ha."

He turned and left.

Old Li sneered and hummed, "it\'s too late to escape!"

The scope of bloody dusk narrowed, and the surrounding texture like blood stains loomed and appeared in front of us, and rushed towards AI God. AI didn\'t turn around, but man has become empty.

If Zhu Yan is present, he will be shocked. The fifth level ability of the ultimate warrior he has always wanted to study is that he can ignore physical and spiritual attacks, but AI God already has this ability.

He disappeared through the bloody dusk.

Li Lao was silly. He didn\'t expect that someone could penetrate his sage field. He had never heard of it. He wanted to continue to lock in AI God, but he lost the clue.

He hurriedly explored Dong Ming\'s injury. When he found it hopeless, he roared up to the sky.

"I don\'t care who you are, I will tear you to pieces!"

Li Lao\'s roar of killing machines rang out in the warehouse.

On the side of the path one kilometer away, AI Shen appeared. Hearing Li Lao\'s roar, he shook his head and said, "I know it\'s threatening. There\'s nothing new." holding the USB flash disk in his hand, he smiled and said, "finally found a chip that can trade with daozun."

AI Shen is the first young man who easily escaped from the bloody dusk, which has long been famous in the military, and dared to make a deal with daozun.

He is lawless.