Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 963

Yang Ping never dreamed of meeting her at the University of science and technology. This girl, who used to be very lively and lovely, once said she loved her all her life, now appears in front of her.

A white dress looks like snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain. The skin is delicate and can be broken, even whiter than snow. Perhaps it is because when you grow up, the baby fat on your face disappears and is replaced by a touch of beauty.

At this time, Ma Weiwei has a different kind of beauty. The only difference is that she is not followed by unreliable classmates in the dormitory, but a handsome boy. The boy is wearing a pair of gold wire glasses. He is tall and powerful. He has a strong spirit of Yanggang. Even if he is a student with more men and fewer women in the University of science and technology, he is still the most handsome one. You can attract people\'s attention wherever you go.

Ma Weiwei sits on the stool. As a celebrity of the University of science and technology, she is a grade more beautiful than other girls. In addition, her father is the vice governor in charge of industry in Yunnan Province, so there is no lack of flower protection messengers around her.

The handsome boy made a meal for Ma Weiwei, sat opposite and showed loving eyes. It can be seen that the boy really likes Ma Weiwei.

"Thank you." Ma Weiwei smiled at the delicious food.

The handsome boy scratched his head and hurriedly said, "isn\'t it right to work for his girlfriend?"

Ma Weiwei, I blushed, lowered my head, didn\'t speak, but my eyes showed a shy color. The handsome boy secretly rejoiced and said nervously, "Weiwei, you\'re so beautiful."

When she heard the handsome boy\'s confession, Ma Weiwei was stunned. She stared at the food for a while and reacted. She didn\'t know what to think of. The smile on her face slowly lost and was replaced by a touch of sadness.

Yes, I have a boyfriend. What else do you want?

He is very good to me, but simply good to me. In this life, he can find such a good boy. The boy with family background has been recognized by his father, and he doesn\'t hate himself. He should feel happy.

Ma Weiwei thought so.

But every time I feel this book, I feel a faint pain in my heart. I think of the place separated by dozens of kilometers, the former campus. Maybe he is no longer in school, but he should still be in Longcheng.

Ma Weiwei sighed in her heart, smiled again and said, "I can\'t eat so much."@^^$

They ate for a while. The boy tangled for a long time and asked carefully, "Weiwei, my mother asked if she could have dinner at home tonight?"

Ma Weiwei stared at her boyfriend in a daze.

The boy was startled and Thought MA Weiwei was angry. He quickly explained, "my mother just asked. You don\'t have to worry. I also think it\'s OK to go to dinner when the time is ripe."

Ma Weiwei laughed and said, "since my aunt wants to see me, of course I have to go."

The boy looked dull and thought he had heard wrong.! $*!

"What\'s the matter?"

Ma Weiwei asked with big eyes open.

The boy grabbed his head and didn\'t know what to say happily. He said foolishly, "vivi, it\'s very kind of you. Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life."

They smiled at each other and continued to eat.

After dinner.

Ma Weiwei walked out of the canteen with the boys. Still, many boys looked over and showed envy and jealousy. Ma Weiwei didn\'t think so. Her boyfriend straightened his chest and deliberately approached. It seemed to be announcing that the fairy girl next to her was my girlfriend.

When they came to the door of the restaurant, Ma Weiwei\'s delicate body suddenly trembled violently, stared at the front, showed an incredible color, and her lips trembled.

The boys were still immersed in wonderful love and did not find the change of Ma Weiwei.

Ma Weiwei wiped her eyes and murmured, "that figure... How did he appear in the University of science and technology?" I thought I would forget the past, but I would recognize the figure when I saw it turned into ash. All the past events lifted the curtain of memory and came to my mind.

Tears flow unconsciously.

Ma Weiwei rushed up and wanted to see if it was the man, but the other party walked quickly and disappeared in a turn.

When she chased to the school gate and looked at the male and female students coming in and out one after another, she was at a loss. Where was Yang Ping\'s shadow? Ma Weiwei murmured, "it\'s not true. He won\'t appear in the University of science and technology."

The boy chased over and said in panic, "Weiwei, what\'s the matter with you?"

Ma Weiwei just cried.

The boy was more nervous and thought he had done something wrong. He explained, "Weiwei, did I do something bad and make you unhappy?"

Ma Weiwei just shook her head and cried. She was very sad. The passing students looked curiously and pointed. The boy begged: "Weiwei, if going to my house for dinner makes you sad, shall we not go? I\'m wrong, please don\'t cry. I feel bad when you cry."

The boy looked down Ma Weiwei\'s eyes and found nothing.

In the car.

Yang Ping, with a cigarette in her mouth, looked ahead and fell into a brief silence. Holding the steering wheel, Yang Yuxin couldn\'t help joking: "it\'s very beautiful and has a big chest. If I\'m a man, I must be very interested."

Yang Ping turned his head, looked at Yang Yuxin\'s side face and said with a smile, "how can I smell vinegar."

Yang Yuxin sighed and pretended to be helpless: "people are young. I\'m two years older than you. How can I be younger than women."

Yang Ping glanced at Yang Yuxin\'s figure, finally looked at her fragrant mouth and said, "no one can match your mouth."

Yang Yuxin thought of the beautiful scenery in the car before. At the moment, the car is still filled with the charm left before. Her pretty face is crimson and spat: "you are a hooligan."

Yang Ping smiled and said, "it\'s obviously your initiative. Blame me."

Yang Yuxin hummed, "I warn you, this matter must not be told, otherwise I have no face to see people. You can\'t explain me to Director Zhu, and I don\'t face those who only ask for me."

Not to mention Zhu Xi, Yang Ping thought of Yang Yuxin betraying him in the office and said angrily, "I can\'t see. You have a deep mind and put the responsibility on me."

Yang Yuxin wronged and said, "I\'m just a weak woman. I\'m just making a living. Of course, your young master is not afraid. If you have a rich wife, you won\'t worry about food and clothing all your life."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "it\'s like you\'re short of money."

The annual salary of the president\'s assistant of China Airlines Group is not low, and there are other dividends. Yang Yuxin has an annual salary of at least millions a year, otherwise he can\'t afford to sit down in the wine red Land Rover aurora.

Yang Yuxin smiles endlessly.

"Yang Ping, are you comfortable the first two times?" Yang Yuxin asked with her eyes like water, licking her lips.

Yang Ping\'s mind wavered slightly. He thought of the warm and comfortable feeling. He couldn\'t help itching. If the car hadn\'t stopped at China Airlines square, he would like to do it again.

"You are really a goblin," Yang Ping scolded.

Yang Yuxin winked like silk and said with a smile, "do you like it?"

Looking around, she whispered, "why don\'t we go to the underground garage while there\'s no one? Anyway, there\'s a lot of time. It doesn\'t matter."


Yang Ping felt that he couldn\'t hold the conversation any longer, so he hurried out of the car.

Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Ping\'s embarrassed figure and smiled endlessly.

Then the phone rang.

Seeing the phone number, Yang Yuxin\'s face changed, her eyes were frightened, and she said in a trembling voice: "hello... This is... Yang Yuxin..."

"Yuxin, why hasn\'t Zhu Xi died?"

There was an indifferent voice on the other end of the phone. It seemed that it could freeze the interior of the car.