Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 960

Yang Ping didn\'t dare to wink at Yang Yuxin, because Zhu Xi was staring at him with a cold face. It seemed that as long as Yang Yuxin said what happened that night, he became angry immediately.

What kind of person Yang Yuxin was. Just a little perception, he knew that someone had an idea behind him and said, "Yang Ping, I will never tell what I saw that night."

Yang Ping twitched at the corners of her mouth and brightened her heart. She had to give a thumbs up to Yang Yuxin\'s adaptability. NIMA, this can transfer her goal. She is worthy of being a strong woman who has been in the mall.

"I\'ll go first. You remember the dinner tonight. There\'s something very important." Yang Yuxin smiled mysteriously and turned to go. Unfortunately, she almost bumped into Zhu Xi. She stopped quickly and said in surprise: "Zhu Dong, you... How... I don\'t know anything."

After that, Yang Yuxin left in a hurry.

Zhu Xi ignored Yang Yuxin, but stared at Yang Ping and hummed, "what happened that night? You can talk to me about it. It\'s estimated that it\'s a hero saving the United States."

Yang Ping said softly, "good wife, you\'re smart. You can guess."

Zhu Xi sneered and said, "I don\'t care how you play outside, but please respect yourself. If you are single, you can do whatever you want, but you have at least a place now."

Yang Ping nodded and said, "good."

Zhu Xi crossed Yang Ping and walked to the desk with anger. Yang Ping\'s surprised voice suddenly sounded behind her: "no, wife, were you jealous just now?"

Her pretty face changed slightly. Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed in a panic. Looking back on her previous reaction, it seemed that it was a little too intense. Yang Ping liked to play, which had nothing to do with herself. If he cared too much, he would mistakenly think he cared about him and would raise his tail to heaven.

Remembering Yang Ping\'s proud expression, Zhu Xi felt uncomfortable all over.

She soon regained her composure and said coldly, "are you narcissistic to the point of shamelessness? I\'ll be jealous? Please look in the mirror."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi\'s back with a smile and said, "then why did you just say that you must have determined the relationship between us, right? You\'ve fallen in love with me?"

Zhu Xi\'s face turned red. She wanted to kick Yang Ping out. She was careful of the dirty banging. She gritted her teeth and said, "what are you talking about? How can I?"

"Explanation is cover up." Yang Ping shrugged.

Zhu Xi clenched her teeth and said, "well, I won\'t say it. Whatever you think, but please respect me. Don\'t say those boring things in my office. I feel disgusted."

"No explanation is approval," Yang Ping added.

Zhu Xi took a deep breath, pressed the impulse of anger, hummed, "don\'t you still have a meal? What are you doing here?" then she sat on the stool with a cold face.

Knowing that Zhu Xi\'s anger was false, Yang Ping detoured behind Zhu Xi and said with a smile: "wife, are you tired? Let me massage you. My massage technology is absolutely first-class."

Zhu Xi struggled and said, "go away. Don\'t touch me. It\'s bad to let people see."

"Can you move freely when no one sees it?"

Yang Ping was surprised.

Zhu Xi spat. She was shameless. She didn\'t kill Yang Ping\'s opponent. She simply didn\'t speak and closed her eyes. Yang Ping\'s technique is really good. She feels relaxed. There is an airflow in her body. She swims in the meridians to release her fatigue. A cloud of turbid gas rises from her stomach and comes out of her mouth.

So Zhu Xi couldn\'t help moaning.

Yang Ping stopped and showed a surprised expression.

Zhu Xijiao trembled and scolded herself for being shameless. She groaned in front of him. She only felt ashamed and said with her teeth: "you go out, I don\'t want you..."

Yang Ping increased her strength, and Zhu Xi trembled and groaned again.

"It seems very comfortable," Yang Ping asked.

Zhu Xi just wanted to find an underground hole to turn around. Although it was really comfortable, the sound made him feel ashamed of having received a good education since childhood.

She hurriedly got up, glared at Yang Ping and shouted, "you... You go out."

Yang Pingtan opened his hand and said helplessly: "obviously, we are very comfortable and unwilling to admit it. We are not doing anything shady. If we are uncomfortable, call twice..."

"I don\'t want to listen!"

Zhu Xi covered her ears, her pretty face flushed, and her eyes overflowed with water mist. It was obvious that she was extremely shy: "go out, go out quickly..."

Until Yang Ping left the office with an innocent face, Zhu Xi calmed down and remembered the uncontrollable groans just now. Her pretty face turned red again. She said in a secret way: "what are you doing today? Not only did you dare not make him touch me, but also made that shameful voice..."

If it had been before, Zhu Xi couldn\'t believe that a man dared to touch her shoulder, but Yang Ping not only touched it, but also touched it many times.

With a slight sigh, Zhu Xi looked out of the window and showed a dazed color.

She gradually felt more and more difficult to resist Yang Ping and sank deeper and deeper. She didn\'t know if it was a good thing, because she had a sense of fear for the future.

When leaving the president\'s office and passing the assistant president\'s office, Yang Ping saw Yang Yuxin smiling at him, and Mei Yi floated to the door of the office. He remembered that something beautiful had happened in the car on the way to the forest cabin. He swayed all over, looked at Yang Yuxin\'s flaming red lips, and Yang Ping swallowed saliva.

"This wave hoof, I didn\'t find her so wave before. I didn\'t expect that her technology was very good," Yang Ping stared at Yang Yuxin and pretended to be unhappy. "Did you mean it before?"

Yang Yuxin said innocently, "Dong Zhu is a very wise woman. How can she be cheated? She knows right and wrong."

Yang Ping snorted coldly, "you hurt me so badly. Tell me quickly. How can you compensate me?"

Yang Yuxin was surprised and said, "it has nothing to do with me. Don\'t rely on me. Last time I thanked you for your help. My brother has awakened. If we are free at noon, let\'s have a meal."

Seeing Yang Yuxin pretending to be innocent, Yang Ping snorted, "I\'m not free."

"Let\'s go by car. It\'s a long way." Yang Yuxin picked up a pencil, put it in her hand, and then went up and down, in and out, making a trick.

Yang Pingping swallowed his saliva and coughed, "I\'m even more afraid to go like you. You know, as a man with principles, how can I be tempted by you."

Yang Yuxin smiled and said, "well, when I didn\'t say, I just want to thank you purely, and my brother knows the master\'s stronghold."

Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and showed a cold light. If he was just picking up girls, there was no need to go, but if he could find the stronghold of island experts and destroy it in one fell swoop, it would have a completely different meaning.


Yang Ping readily agreed.

Five minutes later.

A car left Huahang building and went to Longcheng University of science and technology. Yang Xiaoyu studied at a University of science, which is also the best key university of Science in Yunnan Province.

On the way, the car remembered Yang Ping\'s startled voice and the sound of sucking air conditioning.

And now, a remote abandoned factory.

In the warehouse, there are computer experts writing code, equations, data transmitted from the outside, and cracking something very important.

Dong Ming was so excited that he secretly said, "it\'s about to be cracked. After completing this task, I can go further and transfer to Lord Junshen to sit down and become general 72."


The iron door of the warehouse opened and a figure came in leisurely.

Dong Ming turned pale and shouted, "who?"