Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 959

The fisherman appeared and stared at Ai Shen with cold and hostile eyes. Yang Ping was shocked that AI Shen needed to force the fisherman to show up. It seems that this man is really not simple.

AI Shen glanced at the fisherman and said with a smile, "fisherman, since you know my real identity, why should you be an enemy with me. We represent different factions, but the relationship has been good in recent years."

"Not including you." the fisherman said in a deep voice, "sooner or later, the dark family will be destroyed because of your lawless character. Don\'t think that natural saints can run amok."

Born a saint!

Yang Ping\'s face changed dramatically. Unexpectedly, he met a natural saint in Longcheng. This is definitely a great genius. He doesn\'t have to practice hard. He is destined to reach the level of great saint.

How many natural saints are there in this world?

Ordinary people, geniuses, matchless wizards, natural saints and the son of destiny. People are doomed to qualification from the beginning of birth, so they get different resources.

The genius of the world belongs to the core figures of all major sects. In the future, he will definitely become a leader. However, it is rare to see a natural saint. Once found, the leader will be determined. Only the super power such as holy land can have a natural saint.

There is also one in Xuankong Temple, but it is closed. The leader and senior brothers are just the peak of the greatest wizards. It can be seen that there is a natural horror of saints.

Even the old fisherman should show up, because the strength of natural saints can not be inferred by common sense.

Yang Ping recovered from the shock and didn\'t find any special place in AI Shen. However, from his eyes, it can be seen that the second person is lawless, because there is no shadow of the old fisherman in his pupil. Obviously, he doesn\'t see the master of the great saint level in his eyes.

"Don\'t scare me. Suppressing the seal has consumed all your strength. If you want to deal with me, the only strength you have left is to deal with emergencies. Ha ha!"

AI Shen ignored the fisherman and passed by Yang Ping. He suddenly stopped and whispered, "Yang Ping, I\'ll cover you in the future. No one dare to do anything to you?"

Amid wild laughter, AI Shen left the [email protected] ^^$

Yang Ping frowned and couldn\'t figure out the purpose of AI God. He clearly came to Longcheng for another purpose, but he seemed to ignore the Longcheng completely.

The old fisherman said unhappily, "what\'s the matter with the dark family? They let him out."

Yang Ping asked curiously, "Ai Shen is cousin Zhu Xi. Is his identity very special?"

The old fisherman scolded, "nonsense, or what am I doing when I suddenly show up? Don\'t you feel his killing on you, idiot."

Yang Ping was stunned and said bitterly, "I can\'t see it."! $*!

The old fisherman\'s face was dignified and said in a deep voice, "if you can\'t even feel his killing opportunity, then this person is really great. Alas, they are born saints and have too strong talents. They have no obstacle to promotion to the great saint level, so they are arrogant."

"Why did he kill me?" Yang Ping was surprised. It seemed that before he left, the other party released goodwill.

The old fisherman sighed, "because you are from the immortal medical school."


Yang Ping looked at the old fisherman speechless. He couldn\'t figure out the reason. The immortal medical sect is also a holy land. He hasn\'t heard of offending anyone. His mind moved and said, "is it the resentment of the dark family?"

The old fisherman shook his head and said helplessly, "I don\'t know. I only know that the most powerful person in the history of the dark family has communicated with the dark devil king and hopes to become the existence of the dark king, but it has been suppressed."

Yang Ping had a bad hunch and asked indefinitely, "that is to say, the old man used to have a grudge, but now I\'ll pay the debt?"

The old fisherman said, "it should be."

"Lying in the trough, the old bastard ran out to enjoy himself and left me in Longcheng. Does he want all his enemies to come to me?" Yang Ping felt wronged and scolded.

The old fisherman smiled and said, "you are from the immortal medical school. Do you know who founded the immortal medical school?"

Yang Ping hummed, "how do I know? After entering the door, I feel trapped. A sect that was almost beaten and maimed by others. It\'s not easy to have two talents and engage in civil strife. How can it be strong?"

The fisherman sighed, looked at the sky and said faintly, "in fact, it wouldn\'t be strange if you know who founded the immortal medical door. Of course, the immortal medical door is not called the immortal medical door, but a branch of a holy land."

Yang Ping\'s heart jumped wildly.

There are at least two extraordinary figures in the existence of Xianyi sect. Although old man se looks unreliable, the people who offend are not ordinary people, but they are all super giants. Anyone who comes out can stir up China, but these characters are suppressed by the old man. The old man must be very powerful. There is another person called daozun. He is mysterious, but he must be awesome. There are two super experts in Xianyi sect, which shows the strength of the inside information. But he never delved into the root of immortal medicine.

The old fisherman wanted to say, but he wanted to stop talking. Finally, he shook his head and said, "it\'s better to break up, so as to avoid your psychological shadow. Let\'s say that you are good at cultivation. If you leave Longcheng, you will find that anyone may challenge you and kill you."

Yang Ping was startled and scolded, "no, don\'t tell me. The old man offended people all over the world. My little heart can\'t stand it."

"Do you know the surname of the founder of Xianyi sect?" the old fisherman showed a strange expression and looked forward to it. He seemed to worship the founder very much.

Yang Ping was noncommittal.

The old fisherman said, "Yang Ping, you must remember that even if the immortal medicine door is dead and dilapidated, it can\'t weaken its reputation, because you have the blood of Wu Jialing."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "wujialing? So it\'s good to say a name of soil."

When the fisherman heard Yang Ping\'s teasing tone, he said angrily, "boy, you\'re impatient with life, aren\'t you? Wu Jialing, you dare to laugh. If your master knew, he would slap you to death."

"Well, I don\'t say whether it\'s OK or not. Anyway, the old man didn\'t teach me anything useful. Look at the experts in other people\'s holy land, what prefecture level ancient martial arts, and what awesome background resources. Look at me, there\'s nothing except a set of broken needling techniques, NIMA."

Yang Ping said with resentment.

It was forced to worship the old man as a teacher. Instead of learning something useful in more than ten years, he was thrown into the army at the age of 19. After leaving the army, he came to Longcheng and basically didn\'t stop.

"A set of broken stitches?" the old fisherman was startled, stared and said angrily, "you think it\'s a set of broken stitches, you duck egg... Forget it, I have nothing in common with you."

Come on, the fisherman disappeared angrily.

Obviously, I feel very angry about Yang Ping\'s lack of standard.

Yang Ping glanced and said, "isn\'t Wu Jialing awesome? I haven\'t heard of it. There are five elements needling. I\'m not the only one who can do it. It doesn\'t look very powerful. It\'s not as good as my nine Yang divine fist."

"Yang Ping."

When Yang Ping was thinking, a familiar voice came from the door. When he looked back, he saw Yang Yuxin leaning on the door, his eyes shining, and it didn\'t seem very interesting to come in.

"Zhu Dong is looking for me?" Yang Ping asked with a smile.

Yang Yuxin shook her head, hesitated and said, "well... Yang Ping, are you free later? I\'d like to invite you to dinner."

"Forget it. You\'ve been very busy recently. You can\'t be busy." Yang Ping refused. It\'s an eventful time. It\'s time for life and death of China Airlines Group.

Looking at Yang Yuxin\'s eyes, I know that if you like, you can get everything.

But Yang Ping is a man of principle.

Because Zhu Xi is behind Yang Yuxin, but Yang Yuxin can\'t feel it because of her shyness.

Zhu Xi\'s face showed displeasure and stared at Yang Ping. Her cold eyes seemed to say, if you dare to promise, I want you to look good. Yang Yuxin didn\'t notice the abnormality and whispered, "Yang Ping, don\'t worry, I won\'t tell Dong Zhu about that night."

Bang Dang!

Yang Ping almost spewed out his old blood.