Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 958

The white teeth attracted people\'s attention, and the dark smell was not concealed, as if he had sworn in the pride of his blood. He smiled at Yang Ping strangely, then turned and disappeared into the hall of China Airlines Group.

Yang Ping disappeared in the same way.

Both are fast. When the man disappeared, it was estimated that after entering the elevator, Yang Ping immediately entered the special passage elevator and went directly to the top floor.

He rushed to Zhu Xi\'s office and just saw the man standing at the door, hugging his hands, shrugging and saying, "you\'re a little slower than I thought."

Yang Ping stared at each other and wanted to detect the breath, but surprisingly, the other party was like wrapped in a layer of black cloth and couldn\'t see the essence. It can be seen that Allen was too difficult to deal with.

People from the dark family are not simple.

Yang Ping was not very afraid of each other. Allen was killed. He didn\'t care about a powerful dark family. He walked to the door and said, "who is Allen?"

The other party smiled and said, "it\'s really worthy of being the new guardian of Longcheng. I\'m very sensitive to the dark atmosphere. I\'m Alan\'s cousin and Zhu Xi\'s big cousin. It\'s a pleasure to meet you. Should I call you the descendant of Xianyi family or Zhu Xi\'s man?"

They walked into the office together.

Zhu Xi was so busy that she was tired of coping with Wang\'s crazy commercial attack. Fortunately, she was barely maintained by a large amount of money from Yang Ping. Otherwise, she really didn\'t know how to deal with it. This is a situation in which both sides lose, but Wang\'s acquisition of the shares of China Airlines Group without cost has meant that this is a competition in which you die or I die, and there is no room for any negligence.

She\'s in town herself.

Lin fan has been swept out of the door and taken to the eighth Bureau of national security for interrogation. The results will come out in a few days. Wenfeng\'s case began to be put on file for investigation. The provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came a heavyweight figure to be specially responsible for Wenfeng\'s case. However, it is said that some people started activities to keep Wenfeng, followed by two forces in the game.

These have nothing to do with Yang Ping.

"Cousin, you are becoming more and more beautiful." the man walked about ten meters in front of Zhu Xi and smiled with a hearty laugh.

Zhu Xi looked up. When she saw the man\'s face clearly, she couldn\'t help showing surprise. She was surprised and said, "big cousin, why are you here? Don\'t tell me, so I can pick you up."

The eldest cousin smiled and said, "I think I\'d better forget it. The man next to me seems very hostile to me."

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping and heard the joke in her big cousin\'s words. She couldn\'t help but blush and said shyly, "big cousin, do you even make fun of me?"

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "Zhu Xi, who is he?"

Zhu Xi came forward, took the big cousin\'s arm and explained, "Yang Ping, you don\'t have to be nervous. The big cousin won\'t hurt me. Even if people all over the world hurt me, the big cousin won\'t hurt me. My big cousin\'s name is AI Shen, and he came from the capital."

AI Shen.

Yang Ping narrowed her eyes and was shocked in her heart. Although the name is very simple, you can know a lot of implications from the above. AI Shen, who even called God\'s name in the dark family, must represent something.

"By the way, the eldest cousin is the most talented person in the family, and his strength is also very strong." Zhu Xi remembered something and reminded, "you two should get along peacefully. Don\'t break my office."

AI Shen touched Zhu Xi\'s small head and said, "I haven\'t seen you for several years. You are much more cheerful than before. In fact, I\'m very happy to see you like this. My aunt is the spirit of heaven and hopes to see you start a family and start a business."

Referring to her mother, Zhu Xi\'s eyes were slightly red and said bitterly: "big cousin, mom left early, Dad, he......" she wanted to stop talking, but she couldn\'t help it.

Who knows AI Shen didn\'t think so, shook his head and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll deal with your father\'s affairs. He was dominated by the God of desire and just lost himself."

Zhu Xi was surprised and said, "my father is controlled?"

AI Shen shook his head and said, "I\'m here to deal with your family\'s affairs. Zhu Xi, don\'t worry. With me, I can certainly finish the matter."

Zhu Xi firmly believed in her big cousin and nodded: "thank you, big cousin."

Yang Ping looked at the two people, one tone at a time. She was very unhappy. NIMA and brother looked more than a lot. They were not standing around the office.

Zhu Xi is usually very cold, but she is very different from her big cousin. She pours tea herself and even plays coquettish occasionally, which makes Yang Ping\'s eyes protrude.

oh my god.

Is this Zhu Xi you know?

Yang Ping\'s heart is very bad. Why can\'t brother enjoy such treatment.

"Dong Zhu, there will be a meeting next. Everyone is waiting for you in the conference room." Yang Yuxin walked in and didn\'t have the heart to disturb, but the struggle with Wang Group has a bearing on the survival of the company.

The struggle between the two consortia of Longcheng has become white hot and can not be taken lightly.

Zhu Xi nodded and got up and said, "big cousin, you talk to Yang Ping. I\'ll go to the meeting first. Big cousin, you can\'t bully Yang Ping. His strength is not as good as you."

Yang Ping stared and scolded ignorance. Can you understand my brother\'s ability?

AI Shen said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t bully Yang Ping."


Listening to their determined tone, Yang Ping didn\'t want to die joking. Yang Ping sighed helplessly and didn\'t argue. He could ignore Dong Ming\'s contempt and fight back against Lao Li\'s contempt, but he was very angry about Zhu Xi and AI Shen\'s heartfelt concerns.

After Zhu Xi left.

AI looked at Yang Ping with a smile and said, "since it\'s my cousin husband, should you pour me a cup of tea?"

"No time."

Yang Ping didn\'t bother to pay attention to AI Shen. He sat on the sofa and said, "I killed Alan. Aren\'t you here for revenge?"

AI Shen squinted, smiled and said, "Alan is my half brother. Do you think I should take revenge?"

"You look confident," Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

AI Shen nodded and said seriously, "what I want to do basically won\'t fail. Yang Ping, I know you very well, but you don\'t know me at all. This is the gap."

"You\'re not just dealing with the Zhu family when you come to Longcheng." Yang Ping sneered.

AI Shen nodded calmly and said, "my cousin is very simple. It\'s not good to tell too much. But you can talk to me. There are few people in Longcheng who can talk to me on an equal footing. You are one of them."

Yang Ping took a deep breath and said coldly, "you think highly of yourself. Many people used to do the same, but they all died."

AI Shen smiled mysteriously, "I am fundamentally different from them."

Yang Ping listened and didn\'t ask in a hurry. Because AI God would say it himself. Sure enough, AI God sighed and said, "do you know that I have been lonely in the battle among my peers for a long time?"

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly. She was sure that the other party was not lying. Instead, she had an invincible self-confidence and felt a slight shock in her heart.

AI Shen got up, stared at Yang Ping and said, "you don\'t know the dark family, and you don\'t know what I stand for. Yang Ping, because Zhu Xi, I won\'t argue with you, and even thank you for killing Allen for me. Allen won\'t die, and the resources of the family won\'t completely favor me."

"I didn\'t call AI Shen before, because I\'m not a God."

"Now that I dare to call God AI, because I will soon become an omnipotent God!"

AI Shen\'s eyes were unreal and his body was hazy. He disappeared directly in front of him. Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly, his perception opened to the maximum, and he explored the dust, but he could not find the trace of AI Shen.

Space warps.

There was a dark smell everywhere.

With the increasing pressure around, Yang Ping frowned as if there was a huge pressure in deep water, resisting the terrible pressure brought by the distortion of the void, and trying to find the weakness of AI God at the same time.

The terrible thing is that AI has no weakness.

Scene change.

AI Shen reappeared, shook his head and said, "Yang Ping, you still look too weak. If you want to protect Zhu Xi, your ability must not be enough."

Yang Ping vaguely felt something was wrong. What did AI Shen want to express?

Why do you mention the protection of Zhu Xi at this time, and secretly say that Zhu Xi has to face more terrible danger?

AI Shen\'s face was dignified and said, "before long, you will face the combat effectiveness of the great saint. Yang Ping, I ask you now, can you defeat the great saint?"

Yang Ping turned pale.

AI Shen wanted to launch the dark field, but with a flash of light, a figure appeared in front of Yang Ping, stopped AI Shen\'s attack and said coldly: "boy, if you dare to mess around, I\'ll drive your dark family out of China."

The fisherman suddenly appeared.