Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 952

Zhu Xi still has the toxin of falling snow plum in her body, and it is more terrible than before. Rao Shiyang Ping is now promoted to the level of Yasheng, and her strength has reached an unprecedented level. She even has to explore a new move of the five element acupuncture, and still feels helpless.

He was very angry, because the cold poison hidden in Zhu Xi\'s body was silent and in the embryonic stage, but he had no way.


Cold poison was excluded from the body. Yang Ping\'s face was pale and almost weak. He barely succeeded until he exhausted the Qi of Nine Yang, but how much cold poison was in Zhu Xi\'s body?

This is just a drop of cold poison.

Yang Ping blinked and thought about Dr. J\'s purpose. He would not tell himself for no reason. There must be a conspiracy.

That night, Yang Ping couldn\'t sleep and thought hard about the solution of cold poison until dawn, because the suppression of cold poison may break out, just like a dam to intercept the flood. Although it can be stopped temporarily, once the flood breaks, the consequences are unimaginable.

early morning.

After a night of heavy rain, the sky in Longcheng is like newly polished glass, which is particularly bright.

Yang Ping walked out of the room and just met Zhu Xi who was about to leave. She wanted to ask about her physical condition, but Zhu Xi walked directly by with her head down. Her face was red. Yang Ping was very depressed. She really didn\'t do too much last night. Zhu Xi seems very shy.

"Wait," Yang Ping shouted.

Zhu Xijiao trembled slightly, hurried to speed up her steps and left the villa.

Yang Ping was stunned and whispered, "no, I\'m so afraid of me. Is it a memory problem? I can\'t remember something last night?"? No way. I have a good memory.

Outside the door came the sound of the car leaving. Yang Ping caught up with the door and disappeared Zhu Xi\'s voice. He said helplessly, "it seems that we\'d better ask again in the evening. Cold poison can\'t stay in the body all the time and find a way to alleviate it."

Zhu Xi looks fine on the surface, but the cold poison in her body is terrible. It comes from a period of budding and ready to thrive. The time point told by Dr. J is just right. If she exhausts the Nine Yang Qi in her body, she may be able to suppress it, but she can\'t be cured, but there is no way to solve it completely.

Only by constantly consuming strength can the cold poison in Zhu Xi slow down the growth trend.

But now the dragon city is very chaotic. Can you spend all your strength to suppress it every day?

This is a dilemma.

It is estimated that it is also the main reason why Dr. J tells the truth. He is testing Zhu Xi\'s weight in Yang Ping\'s heart. In fact, he has no loss to him.

When Yang Ping thought, the phone rang. When he saw Li Xiangdong\'s number, he hurried to the channel: "I\'m Yang Ping."

"Nonsense, of course I know you are team Yang. Team Yang, please come right away and have an important task." although Li Xiangdong tried to keep calm, he was a little anxious, which made Yang Ping awe inspiring. "Someone picked you up at the door."

Yang Ping hung up the phone and went to the door to see a military vehicle.

"Team Yang!"

A soldier got out of the car, saluted and said, "please get in the car."

This soldier is an expert. His strength is in the eight grade realm. In the former Yanhuang team, he belongs to a real expert. He can cross the jungle, but now he is just a driver. Yang Ping hasn\'t seen this man, but he feels a strong vitality from him. It is obvious that he is a strong man who really kills the enemy on the battlefield.

Respect the strong in the army.

This person\'s eight grade realm is also willing to drive for others, which shows that the identity of the car owner is not trivial. Yang Ping opened the door, drilled in and said, "let\'s go."

The car drove smoothly on the main road. The driver couldn\'t help looking at Yang Ping through the rearview mirror, and his face was filled with excitement.

"Team Yang..." the driver couldn\'t help but speak. His hand holding the steering wheel was shaking. "Are you really captain Yang Pingyang? The founder of the Yanhuang team?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "yes, what\'s your name?"

"Report to the chief, my name is Li Mu. Li Mu in the Qin Dynasty had the same name as me." Li Mu shouted immediately.

Yang Ping lost his smile and shook his head and said, "I\'m not a leader. I\'ve left the army for a long time. You\'d better call me Yang Ping."

Li Mu hurriedly said, "chief, you are a legend in the army. Everyone of us has heard your legend. At that time, you created the Yanhuang team that frightened the enemy. The five military regions were second to none. The dream of each of our special forces is to join the Yanhuang team."

Yang Ping smiled and saw the blood of defending the country from Li Mu\'s eyes. He nodded secretly. As long as the blood and ideals in the army are still there, the army will not lose its strength.

"That\'s all in the past." Yang Ping thought of his brothers who had lived and died, sighed with relief and looked nostalgic. "I don\'t know how are the brothers in heaven?"

Along the way, Li Mu was very talkative, chatting from the south to the north. In short, he was very excited. He didn\'t stop until the car reached its destination.

The entrance of a villa in the suburb of Longcheng is close to the mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery, but the place is heavily guarded. Flies can\'t fly in. At least 20 experts are in the surrounding police circles. The car can only go in after a dozen cases.

Among them, in the villa, Yang Ping sensed two breath of saints, one of which was very familiar. Another evil spirit, like a demon God coming out of a sea of corpses and blood, emits only the smell. Most people feel that they have to spit blood.

"Captain, bring people here!"

Li Mu got out of the car and saluted a colonel at the door. This man impressively reached the Yasheng realm, and he was a very powerful Yasheng, almost at the peak. This kind of person is a killing machine in the Jianghu. Compared with the beautiful moves of Jianghu sects, they only know killing skills.

Yang Ping got out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially the colonel and soldier at the door. Their eyes were like a sword and wanted to see through Yang Ping.

"Captain Yang, please come inside." the Colonel\'s face was serious. Looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes, there was less worship than others, but a layer of hostility, "please come inside."

Yang Ping nodded and followed in.

"Is he the founder of Yanhuang? He looks so young." the two soldiers whispered and looked at Yang Ping curiously.

"I can\'t see his realm and strength at all. Like ordinary people, is the rumor true? He was abandoned and left the army." another person whispered, but he couldn\'t escape Yang Ping\'s ears. The Colonel turned his mouth and smiled playfully.

Yang Ping didn\'t care about it and went on.

"Captain Yang, I don\'t know if you can remember me. My name is Dong Ming, the founder of the border wolf. At present, I stay next to Mulao as the guard captain." the colonel and the soldiers walked along the side, but my steps were deliberately slowed down.

"I\'ve heard a lot." Yang Ping doesn\'t care about the border wolf. He\'s mainly worried about the physical safety of Mu Lao. Li Xiangdong won\'t call him if he has no economic affairs.

Come to the living room.

There are many people sitting in the living room. The doctor\'s grey cloth clothes are all the same. He has a childlike face and Hefa. His face is ruddy. He looks like a fairy. At first glance, he is a successful maintenance man. The living room was filled with the smell of medicine, and the familiar cough came from the room on the first floor.

Yang Ping turned pale and wanted to rush in, but one hand stopped him. Dong Ming shook his head and said coldly, "Captain Yang, please don\'t embarrass me. No one can go in without the permission of the head. Even if you are the founder of Yanhuang." the last tone was very heavy and seemed to have an opinion.

Yang Ping didn\'t know where Dong Ming\'s hatred came from, but listening to Mu Lao\'s voice, he was obviously very ill, so he wanted to go in and have a look.

Dong Ming was worried and said displeased, "Captain Yang, please don\'t embarrass me."

Yang pinghuo is very angry and paralyzed. I have to obey the rules at this time. If I have a problem, I\'ll slap you first. The other party showed that he was holding a chicken feather as an arrow and didn\'t appreciate it.

"Mu Lao is very ill and can\'t delay." Yang Ping has to go forward and said in a deep voice.

Dong Ming sneered and hummed, "there are famous doctors in it. Captain Yang, do you think the famous doctors here are not as good as you?"

Yang Ping frowns. Dong Ming is stirring up discord.

Sure enough, many famous doctors in the living room looked at Yang Ping a little bad, because as soon as he came in, he went to Mu Lao\'s room and didn\'t respect them.

Chinese medicine is very particular about seniority.

Yang Ping didn\'t say hello to everyone when he entered the door. He wanted to get ahead. This is the place of Mu Lao. He is one of the most influential people in China.