Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 953

Although Mu Lao abdicated, he was once the core of the leadership of the Chinese generation and had a terrible influence. It can be said that many Chinese leaders are his students now. In those days, when the Chinese ideological trend was divided and was about to be chaotic, it was Mr. Mu\'s strength to suppress the rebellion and suppress it by iron and blood means. For this reason, it will certainly be written in future history books, but Mr. Mu doesn\'t care. As long as China can develop stably, this is the most important thing.

Every Chinese should thank Mr. mu. Without Mr. mu, there would be no China today. Mr. Mu once said that development has been the theme of China for a hundred years, and he insisted on walking down when the tone is set. Now the road of China is crossing the river by feeling the stone. No one knows what the future will be, but as an aircraft carrier, China has developed steadily for decades surrounded by many foreign enemies, Mulao can be said to be a sea god needle.

Mu is always the only person in the military who can not listen to the military myth, and the military God also respects Mu very much. The two are close friends. The military God was Mu Lao\'s patron saint.

Yang Ping was in trouble last time. Old Mu called and solved all the problems. This is majesty. In those years, Yang Ping did a big thing and was ready to be sent to a military court for sentencing. It was also Mr. Mu who set the tone and kept Yang Ping. Later, Yang Ping was grateful to create Yanhuang to protect his family and country. He meant to repay Mu Lao.

Old Mu was ill. Yang Ping, the one who was most worried about when he was present, was blocked by Dong Ming. He was very angry. A sense of dignity was released from him and said coldly, "dare you stop me?"

Dong Ming was surprised. As a saint of Asia, he felt an invincible momentum and his face changed dramatically. He still can\'t feel Yang Ping\'s realm and strength.

How is that possible?

Dong Ming\'s face was suspicious and did not dare to act rashly, but he would not give in, because he was not the only expert in the villa. There is a more terrible existence.

"Captain Yang, you are breaking the rules." Dong Ming responded strongly.

Yang Ping was more and more unhappy. The guy deliberately hummed and wanted to go there. However, a white haired old man appeared in front of him, dignified and solemn, with eyes like the abyss and the sea, which was very terrible.

After stopping, Yang Ping said to the old man, "Mr. mu."

When Dong Ming saw the visitor, he immediately saluted and said respectfully, "Mr. mu, Captain Yang wants to break in. I\'m just executing the order. No one is allowed to enter the chief\'s room without Mr. Li\'s permission."

Old Mu smiled and said, "Yang boy, you\'ve finally come. I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time." looking at Dong Ming, he waved his hand and said, "go. Lao Li is really true. He doesn\'t look who\'s coming and what\'s going on. He\'s just playing the piano."

Then he took Yang Ping to Mu Lao\'s room.

Mu Lao\'s move attracted the attention of many famous doctors. They saw that Yang Ping\'s eyes were no longer hostile, but awe. You should know that Mu Lao\'s identity was high in the Chinese military, and his influence was great. He was stronger than the No. 1 figure in Yunnan Province. Such people must not offend.

But Mr. Mu is very friendly to a young man. He is obviously doing it for everyone. The relationship between the young man is not simple. Dong Ming stood in the living room and watched them go in. He was very upset,

"Founder of Yanhuang, when I step on you, I will be a new legend!" Dong Ming secretly said that the wolf of the border belongs to the special elite forces in the five military regions, but it is crushed to death because of the existence of Yanhuang. At that time, the troops worshipped Yanhuang most and had no response to the wolves in the border.

Dong Ming is the founder of the wolf of the frontier. At the same time, he has a high status. He thought he could become a legend in the military. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping was born and robbed all the light, eclipsing himself. Finally, I felt boring, so I went to be the old guard captain through relationship.

Although he is the captain of the guard, he has great power. He is much better than the captain of the border wolf, but Dong Ming is bitter about his failure.

Later, I heard that Founder Yan Huang left the army because of personal problems and was not expelled from the army, but he had lost his position. Dong Ming saw the opportunity. As long as he had a chance to defeat Yang Ping, his reputation would spread throughout the army.

"You wait, I won\'t fail." Dong Ming sneered.

Yang Ping doesn\'t know the reason why Dong Ming is hostile to him. He follows Mu Lao to a room full of medicine. He sees Mu Lao lying in bed and doesn\'t look well. He is being treated by Li Buyi, a famous doctor in Jiangnan.

Li Buyi frowned and felt that Mu Lao\'s condition was very special and could not start. Finally, he sighed and said with a bitter smile, "Bu Yi is incompetent. I can\'t see what\'s wrong with Mu Lao\'s body. Obviously, his body is very poor, but his pulse is normal."

Mu Lao showed a hearty laugh and said, "cloth clothes have a heart."

Li Buyi gritted his teeth and said, "old mu, I know I\'m not good at medicine, but I\'ve never seen such a problem as old mu. I know someone in Longcheng can save you."

The wooden old man smiled and said, "do you say Liu Yishou?"

Liu Yishou is an expert of the central health care center. Naturally, Mu Lao knows it. However, Mu Lai doesn\'t think Liu Yishou can solve the problem. In fact, his body knows it. It was diagnosed by Wang Guozhang and there is no cure. No one can treat it.


Li Buyi said with a bitter smile.

Wood old smiled and didn\'t care about Li Buyi\'s words. Even Wang Guozhang couldn\'t cure the disease. No one in the world can.

So someone came in and invited Li Buyi out.

Just then, Li Buyi passed by the door and saw Yang Ping come in. He looked very happy and said with a smile: "brother Yang Ping, you finally appear. Mu Lao can be saved."

Yang Ping saw Li Buyi and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Li."

Li Buyi said hurriedly that he couldn\'t use it.

But Yang Ping insisted on doing so, because Li Buyi was a rare famous doctor he had seen. He didn\'t want fame and wealth, just to cure the disease and save people, and accumulated countless blessings in his life. At a glance, the golden light behind Li Bu\'s clothes was shining, which was immeasurable merit.

The so-called famous doctors in the living room outside are actually black. Their medical skills are average, but they have done a lot of things that damage Yin morality, which is also the reason why Yang Ping disdains to say hello.

"It\'s good to have you." Li Buyi breathed a sigh of relief and knew that Yang Ping would solve the problem.

Seeing Yang Ping, Mu Lao brightened his eyes and said with a smile, "Yang boy, you finally came. I thought you were reluctant to come to see my old bone in Longcheng."

Yang Ping came forward and hurriedly said, "don\'t move, old mu. I\'ll help you see."

Old Mu said to Yang Ping that it was no good. When he saw Yang Ping, the smile on his face couldn\'t be hidden. Li Buyi was surprised. Although he got old Mu\'s polite words just now, he was always strange one day, but in front of Yang Ping, old Mu was the same as his elders when they saw his relatives.

It\'s a wonderful feeling.

Li Buyi came to the living room. Many people surrounded him and asked, "how\'s old Mu\'s condition?"

"It\'s out of the way," Li Buyi said with a smile.

"Li Buyi is really a miracle doctor." some people can\'t help but envy that he can cure Mu Lao. It\'s a supreme merit. He can\'t eat it all his life. Mu Lao\'s human feelings are more important than Mount Tai.

Li Buyi shook his head and said with a smile, "it\'s not me. I don\'t have that ability. There\'s someone else who can cure old mu."

"Who?" this time everyone couldn\'t help but wonder and looked at Li Buyi. Li Buyi is the person with the highest medical skills present. They have lived here for some time and can\'t go out, so they know each other well. Li Buyi\'s medical skills are well deserved. Yang Ping is young and has received such high praise from Li Buyi.

In the room.

Yang Ping finished feeling his pulse, looked dignified and said, "old mu, why bother? You overdraw your body..." with a bitter smile, he suspected that old Mu had a big problem when he met in Longcheng. Unexpectedly, the problem became more serious after feeling his pulse.