Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 951

The rain has stopped.

Zhu Xi leaned against Yang Ping\'s arms and didn\'t get up. She smelled his unique breath. Her heart was quiet. The wind and rain of the world were roaring. The sky would fall on such a person. Sometimes she would feel tired, but leaning on this person, she was incomparably peaceful.

Maybe this is where we belong, harbor.

Zhu Xi didn\'t know how to describe the feeling at the moment. When he put forward that kind of weak request and asked her to use her hand, she still used her mouth before. Instead of imaginary anger and nausea, she felt shy. Although Yang Ping refused when she was ready to promise, it represented a terrible thing.

Since she was born, she has no love and works alone. Up to now, she doesn\'t know how many hardships she has seen along the way. Although she is proud and stubborn and firmly believes that the world is kind, she is still hurt again and again.

Zhu Xi\'s greatest fear is that one day she can\'t live without a person, but that person ruthlessly abandons herself, which will be the most sad. Just like my mother, I would rather believe that Zhu Yan is a good man, but in the end, I met the dirtiest and most normal thing in TV dramas like Xiao San.

She is greedy for the sense of security in Yang Ping\'s chest, but she is also afraid of the sense of security that makes her lose her will to fight in life, because after a woman gives herself all to a man, it means she can\'t live without him, and it also means that she will face two choices in the future, either live happily or die alone.

Aware that Zhu Xi was distracted, he looked outside. The heavy rain outside the window stopped, and the night returned to tranquility. Yang Ping stroked Zhu Xi\'s back, moving gently.

After the thunder and lightning, Zhu Xi was no longer afraid, got up unnaturally, and then walked out of the study.

Yang Ping followed.

"What\'s the matter?"

Walking side by side, looking at Zhu Xi\'s beautiful side face, Yang Ping asked.

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "Yang Ping, do you say there is eternal love in the world?"

Yang Ping was stunned. He didn\'t know what Zhu Xi said. He honestly replied, "there are too many temptations in the world. I\'d rather believe it, but I\'m sure I haven\'t seen it."@^^$

The old man abandoned the Blue Phoenix, and chose to seal her all under the Wutong tree. If he knew that the Blue Phoenix was killed, he still did not come to see the dragon city.

He believed that the two had been in love, otherwise the Blue Phoenix wouldn\'t want to color the old man before he died, but the old man didn\'t appear, and even a separation didn\'t come to see the woman he once loved.

This is not a kind of bearish life.

Don\'t look at the old man who often lingers in the flowers. In case of crisis, those women who love to love are just mortals and can be abandoned.

Every time he was performing a task, he almost died in a foreign country. He narrowly escaped death and completed the SSS level task. After Yang Ping came home, he thought he could get the praise of old man se. Unexpectedly, the other party didn\'t even praise him. He continued to arrange the task at that moment.! $*!

At that time, Yang Ping learned to be independent. He was not excited to complete the task and calmly accepted the next task, because he knew that living was the most important thing and placed his hope on the old man.

He firmly believed that in Longcheng, even if he died, it was estimated that the old man would not come back.

Relax, Yang Ping smiled bitterly. He didn\'t consider these messy feelings for a long time. After Zhu Xi\'s reminder, he thought a lot at that moment.

"Do you think you will always love a woman?" Zhu Xi suddenly looked into Yang Ping\'s eyes and asked seriously.

Yang Ping subconsciously didn\'t dare to look at each other, because Zhu Xi\'s words were like a thorn deep into his heart. In fact, he could lie and coax Zhu Xi, but seeing her pure longing eyes, he couldn\'t export those words for a time.

Can you really love only one woman all your life?

"Yang Ping," said Zhu Xi suddenly.

Yang pingen said.

Zhu Xi smiled, more charming than the flowers, and said, "there\'s no need to be so serious. I\'m just asking. You have no obligation to answer. By the way, I\'ll ask you a question."

Yang Ping relaxed, as long as he wasn\'t serious, he said, "you say."

Zhu Xi asked, "I have a friend who is very rich, but I fall in love with someone I shouldn\'t love, and that man has other women. What do you think?"

"Your friend?" Yang Ping asked suspiciously, "I remember you don\'t seem to have any friends."

Zhu Xi was angry and said, "why do you care so much? Do you know if I have friends? Do you and I stay together every day?"

Yang Ping suddenly smiled and said, "so you have other friends. What you said is actually very easy to answer. Of course, you can\'t be together."

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were dim, but she soon recovered from shock and said, "why? She... Actually cares about each other."

Yang Ping sneered and hummed, "what about in China? Can love be a meal? If you choose wrong, you will not only lose love, but also have nothing. A woman can be good to others only if she is good to herself."

"Are you serious?"

Zhu Xi\'s voice trembled a little and asked.

Yang Ping smiled, shrugged and said, "nonsense, of course not. I must say so from the standpoint of your friend. If it was me, of course, I would choose to be together, because who knows what will happen in the future. In fact, the life of dog day will change faster than any of us expected. Loving a person is not a casual encounter."


Zhu Xi was lost in thought. As for Yang Ping\'s chattering beside him, he said a lot of great principles of life and turned a deaf ear to them. After a long time, Zhu Xi woke up, exclaimed and said, "how can I tell you this? If my friend knows, he will be very unhappy. You are not allowed to tell others, do you hear me?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "unless you buy me off, I\'ll take a big horn and shout in the street."

Zhu Xi said angrily, "you dare!"

Yang Ping laughed and said, "of course it\'s a joke. Well, it\'s getting late. Have a rest early. It\'s estimated that there will be no thunder in the middle of the night."

Zhu Xi nodded and went back to the room silently.

Yang Ping looked at the closed door. At the moment of closing, the smile on his face disappeared and sighed, "silly girl. Of course I know your friend actually said you..."

I was speechless all night.

Zhu Xi lay in bed tossing and turning. She couldn\'t sleep. She thought about the whim before. Now think about it. She\'s so stupid. How could Yang Ping not know what he meant and pretend to be stupid in front of me

With a red face, Zhu Xi didn\'t dare to think about how to meet people tomorrow.

If after meeting tomorrow morning, Yang Ping asks her if what you said last night is very meaningful. Is it a confession to me? It is estimated that she will faint.

And give up everything, Zhu Xi, you big fool!

Zhu Xi sighed and said helplessly, "Zhu Xi, why are you so naive."

A room not far apart.

Yang Ping spread his hand. There was a drop of blood in the palm of his hand. It was rolling. A small flame burned. The blood was evaporated dry, emitting an extreme spirit of nine Yin. After integrating into his body, he decided to be very comfortable, as if he had the whole world.

Zhu Xi\'s breath has a fatal attraction to him.

Yang Ping did not fuse immediately after absorbing the Qi of nine Yin, but began to decompose. After being seduced by the Qi of Nine Yang, he studied the components of the Qi of nine Yin.

no problem.

Yang Ping didn\'t find any other toxins on Zhu Xi. Snow falling plum should have been removed long ago. Dr. J\'s words are not difficult for Yang Ping.

At least Dr. J doesn\'t have to lie.

The ominous feeling in my heart still exists.

When Yang Ping was ready to give up after the nine Yin Qi contained in the blood was absorbed, otherwise, a cold chill hit his whole body, and a layer of frost condensed on his skin, which was very cold, as if it could freeze his soul.

This is snow falling plum!