Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 950

The king\'s body is missing!

The sarcophagus has the brand of Yang Ping. Without his permission, no one can break it. Even if it is opened with brute force, it will be known for the first time, but without perception, Wang\'s body disappeared.

Yang Ping\'s face is ugly. It\'s certain that Dr. J didn\'t do it, but who did it?

The night sky is overcast, and a star in the starry sky is particularly bright.

The rain gradually increased. When Yang Ping returned to the villa, it was already a wandering heavy rain. Silver threads fell from the sky, covering Longcheng with a mysterious veil.

The disappearance of Wang\'s body puzzled Yang Ping.

Zhu Xi woke up and drank a bowl of soup. She got better. She walked out of the room and saw a figure silently looking at the rain outside the window. She looked very lonely.

She came to Yang Ping and watched the rain with him.

Neither of them spoke. They silently listened to the night outside the door. After a long time, the heavy rain stopped and a cool wind blew. Yang Ping turned around and said softly, "the wind is strong. Go back and have a rest."

"What about you?" Zhu Xi asked with wide eyes.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "it doesn\'t matter. There are still things to do."

Zhu Xi lowered her head and whispered, "let me accompany you. Anyway, I can\'t sleep. If there\'s anything I want to say, I can listen."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi\'s eyes and saw that she was flashing. It was very bad. She smiled and said, "it\'s really all right."

Zhu Xi insisted on not going back, so Yang Ping had to send her back to her room.

After settling down, Yang Ping felt very uncomfortable on a whim. It seemed that someone was hammering his heart and coughing.

Lying in bed, Zhu Xi opened her eyes and said, "are you okay?"

Yang Ping returned to normal and looked at the night sky outside. Just now, he seemed to feel the illusion of the collapse of the earth and the collapse of the world.

That feeling is extremely real and still lingers.

Is it an illusion?

Yang Ping said secretly, but he was not sure, because the feeling was so real that it seemed to have happened, and his face was not good-looking.


Lightning and thunder outside, as if in the daytime.

Zhu Xi exclaimed, hugged Yang Ping\'s waist tightly and shouted, "it\'s thunder..."

Yang Ping held Zhu Xijiao\'s body like a frightened deer, gently comforted and said, "it\'s okay. I\'m here. I\'m so handsome. Ordinary ghosts will be ashamed and dare not come in."

Zhu Xi said curiously, "Why are you always so narcissistic? Was it like this when you were a child?"

Yang Ping thought for a while and replied, "it\'s not narcissism, it\'s self-confidence. Otherwise, why do you like me so much and hold me tightly and don\'t want to leave."

Zhu Xi\'s pretty face was slightly red. She quickly let go and said angrily, "who likes you? Nonsense."


The thunder and lightning outside sounded again. Zhu Xi was most afraid of thunder. She screamed and held Yang Ping again. Her delicate body trembled.

Yang Ping felt her frightened heart, couldn\'t bear to make fun of her, and held her silently.

They hugged so quietly that no one spoke. Despite the wind, rain, thunder and lightning outside, the Yin wind bursts, as if the end of the world is coming.

Zhu Xi closed her eyes and enjoyed Yang Ping\'s warm embrace. She couldn\'t help saying, "Yang Ping, do you like me?"

Yang Ping was stunned for a moment, looked down at Zhu Xi\'s flashing eyes, and his mind was rippling. When he was weakest and most afraid, Zhu Xi finally said a sincere word, felt Zhu Xi\'s pure love, nodded and said, "I like you very much."

Zhu Xi smiled. She smiled very pure and clean, as if she had nothing to do with the conspiracy of the world. With Yang Ping\'s answer, she felt pure in her heart.

"But what if you don\'t like me in the future?" Zhu Xi asked again.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "how could it?"

Zhu Xi hummed, "men are like this. My father used to say that he likes my mother very much, but there are still women outside. I don\'t believe in men because I saw my father take women home with my own eyes. My mother was devastated."

"Do you believe me?" Yang Ping couldn\'t help asking.

Zhu Xi frowned, seriously considered it, and finally said, "I don\'t understand, because I don\'t know if it\'s trust. Anyway, I don\'t think you\'ll hurt me."

"It\'s so simple. Your answer hurts me." Yang Ping sighed.

Zhu Xi hurriedly said, "but you are the person who makes me feel safe most."

"Why did you ignore me before? It seems that I owe you five million." Yang Ping joked.

Zhu Xi glanced and said, "five million is OK. It doesn\'t seem to be a lot, so I don\'t think you need to care."


Yang Ping was amused by Zhu Xi\'s words and sighed: "but I\'m really poor now."

"I\'ll raise you." Zhu Xi said with a sweet smile, looking very naive and serious. There was hope in her eyes. "If you help me work, I can give you a lot of money."

"Do you even want to give it to me?" smelling the faint fragrance and holding the soft body, Yang Ping felt dry and wanted to do something. He reached out and touched Zhu Xi\'s face, shorting of breath.

Zhu Xijiao trembled slightly. She seemed to have a premonition of what was going to happen next. She bowed her head silently, didn\'t dare to look at each other shyly, and left with a beating heart.

He felt Yang Ping\'s breath getting closer and closer, and Zhu Xi\'s ear roots turned red.


Zhu Xi whispered, "we\'re not married yet. We can\'t do that."

Yang Ping breathed more and more quickly. She knew that as long as he wanted it very much, Zhu Xi would not refuse, especially in this special environment, but she held back.

Today is very special. After the blow, the departure of relatives and friends, and the night of thunderstorms, it is a time to take advantage of the weakness, but it is unfair to Zhu Xi. Because Zhu Xi\'s mood at the moment is very low-key and easy to be sentimental. It\'s not like being high above and cold and beautiful.

"Do that kind of thing?" Yang Ping asked deliberately after suppressing his anger. "Please explain, I don\'t understand."

Zhu Xi spat, "how can you not understand? You don\'t know how much you know better than me."

"Zhu Xi."

Yang Ping stared at Zhu Xi\'s face and gasped. She felt very uncomfortable. The beauty was in her arms.


Zhu Xi asked with bright eyes.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Yang Ping can\'t stand this kind of eyes. In addition, Zhu Xi\'s body is already very hot and far more beautiful than the surface. Although such a beautiful woman full of extreme temptation can be suppressed, there is still a little fantasy. In this quiet night, this thunderstorm and rainy weather, and this lonely and quiet room, it is easy to let hormones release.

"What\'s up?"

Zhu Xi realized Yang Ping\'s strong eyes and couldn\'t help trembling.

"I feel bad."

Yang Ping said with a wry smile.

"And then?"

Zhu Xi doesn\'t understand what Yang Ping wants to express. Although Yang Ping puts forward requirements as tactfully as possible, the purity of people\'s face makes him feel that he is an animal.

But not to mention, animals are not as good as animals.

Yang Ping said something in Zhu Xi\'s ear. Zhu Xi almost jumped up and looked at Yang Ping in shock. If the light hadn\'t been turned on, Zhu Xi\'s expression would be very cute.

"That\'s ok?" Zhu Xi knew for the first time that the so-called help was actually doing that kind of dirty thing.