Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 949

When Dr. J saw Yang Ping hesitating, his handsome face burst into a smile, looked over Yang Ping, looked at the dark night sky and said, "falling snow plum, don\'t you want to know why it is called falling snow plum?"

Yang Ping looked at him silently.

Dr. J shrugged and said, "even if you still want to kill me, I will tell you some secrets. I took samples to test the poison of Luoxue Hanmei and found a secret. I thought Luoxue Hanmei was a neurotoxin, but it was difficult to restrain, but judging from the toxin taken out by Zhou Zhanlong, it was not."

"Snow falling plum has been hidden in Zhou Zhanlong\'s body for nearly 20 years, but it has not been eradicated. Don\'t you think it\'s strange?" Dr. J lured him step by step and grinned, "The dignitaries of the Chinese military have numerous military resources, but they turned to me for help. Isn\'t it ironic that I restrained Luoxue Hanmei as soon as I did it, Yang Ping? Next, do you want to say that it has nothing to do with you, but I can tell you that the generation of Luoxue Hanmei in Zhu Xi\'s body will not disappear."

Yang Ping squinted and burst out cold light.

Dr. J tut said, "yes, that\'s the murderous spirit. I like it. I like it very much. The stronger your ability, the more excited I will be."

"You don\'t naively think that snow falling cold plum can be relieved? Ha ha!" Dr. J laughed and shook his head. "To tell you the truth, the toxin in Zhu Xi\'s body is not relieved at all, but hidden deeper!"

Yang Ping turned pale and stared at Dr. J, thinking about the authenticity of his words.

Dr. J looked positive and said, "Yang Ping, I know you are a master of Chinese medicine, and my influence in the United States is far greater than you think. In addition, I studied philosophy at Columbia University. I liked to study the soul and wanted to know the relationship between heaven and mankind. Later, I found that heaven does not exist, but the soul really exists."

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "what do you want to express?"

Dr. J\'s pupil burst out a hot light and gasped: "I study the soul and have been proving the existence of the soul all my life, but Luoxue Hanmei told me that the soul really exists! And it will accompany people all their life. Once poisoned, I will never get rid of it in this life!

"Nonsense!" Yang Ping shouted with a gloomy face. "I don\'t believe in the existence of soul."

Dr. J shook his head, showed a regretful expression and said, "I thought we were the same people, but unfortunately, you still don\'t understand the beauty of life and the praise of soul. Yang Ping, join me. If we cooperate and merge China and the west, we can create a future you can\'t imagine."


Yang Ping recovered his indifference and said calmly.

Dr. J frowned and showed his displeasure. He felt how sacred it was to speak out his ideal, but he didn\'t get enough attention from Yang Ping. He hummed, "I think you will understand me."

"I think I\'ll kill you," Yang Ping said.

Dr. J was so angry that he stamped his foot and said, "Yang Ping, why don\'t you understand? The reason why I didn\'t kill you is that you still have use value and can continue to tap your body\'s potential, but you forced me to kill you. I really don\'t understand why you committed suicide?"

Psychic, Emperor coffin!

Yang Ping\'s indifference to release the seal was just a thought, so he used a powerful spiritual skill.

Dr. J was stunned, looked at a huge black coffin rising around, trapped him, and said, "it\'s not a shame to take out these rotten Street things."

"I\'ll show you what the real magic is!"

Dr. J showed a strange smile and made a seal with one hand. A pure and bright breath came out and said, "psychic art, big cutting!"

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly.

Great cutting is a unique skill of Xuankong Temple. Unexpectedly, Dr. J used it casually. This man was really hidden. The defense of the emperor\'s coffin was broken in front of great cutting. Dr. J stepped out, pointed to Yang Ping and said with a smile: "spiritual skill, wind and sand burial!"

The sand at his feet creeps and Yang Ping falls into a pit. The wind and sand are all over the sky, forming a killing opportunity to strangle Yang Ping\'s body. The wind and sand burial is a powerful earth spiritual skill to control the sand and cause the effect of vacuum blocking. It is difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Void attribute, earth attribute, the spirit skill used by Dr. J can switch between attributes, which is unheard of.

Although Yang Ping was shocked, his murderous spirit was stronger. This kind of person is the enemy of China. If you let him leave, it will certainly cause greater harm.

Waving his hand, Yang Ping broke Dr. J\'s spiritual skill and punched him out.

the spring comes in full form!

The Nine Yang divine fist is Yang Ping\'s unique skill. It is like a red sun burning in his body. His fist contains the destructive smell of the sun\'s fire.

Dr. J is no longer relaxed, but shows dignified, rare dignified, because he feels that Yang Ping\'s hand has brought him a strong threat.

He took a deep breath, and his body began to become virtual, as if he had melted into the night and became composed of particles. Any means could be ignored, and he was immune to physical attack and spiritual attack.

This is Dr. J\'s research achievement, developing the body and soul, pushing the body to the extreme, reaching the micro level, while the soul is reaching the macro invincible level. The combination of the two can be invincible.

A fist like fire pierced Dr. J\'s body.

Dr. J was indifferent, shook his head and said, "your attack has no effect on me, so Yang Ping, I can consider my cooperation."

Yang Ping quietly looked at Dr. J and said, "we should respect life, and you are blaspheming life. We are not in the same way."

Dr. J sighed, "what a pity. If you are against me, you are doomed to die."


Yang Ping showed a mysterious smile. This time, his smile seemed to have magical magic, which made Dr. J\'s face slightly changed, frowned and looked at his virtual body.

The empty body burned.

Every particle, no matter how small the body is, can not escape the attack of Jiuyang Qi. This is the gap in the level of life.

The body burned and Dr. J showed a disappointed expression.

"Underestimate you."

Although Dr. J was burning, he did not have a frightened expression on his face, but a thoughtful look: "I will continue to study you until I find out all your secrets."


Yang Ping said calmly and silently looked at Dr. J\'s burning body. Although the other party gradually disappeared, he didn\'t feel happy.

Dr. J said, "this is my part."

"I know."

Dr. J added, "I\'ll still find you. I hope you become strong so that you can have research value."

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "don\'t worry, I will be stronger, but you don\'t know whether you can live to that time. I hope you can, because I want to kill you myself."

The tone was calm and terrible.

This is Yang Ping\'s current mentality.

Dr. J\'s death is just a separation and dissipation, which does not affect the noumenon. People like Dr. J don\'t put themselves in danger and are ready to go back. Yang Ping would not believe that he would kill Dr. J at one time, but every time he killed a part, Dr. J would lose his strength.

Separation is hard to cultivate.

It\'s even harder to accumulate strength.

So when Dr. J dissipated, Yang Ping showed a sorry expression, not because he died, but because he missed the opportunity to continue playing with Yang Ping.


The body spreads like fireworks. The dissipated energy of Dr. J falls on Wang\'s sarcophagus. The last procedure of the array disappears and opens slowly.

Yang Ping looked unbearable.

Suddenly, Yang Ping stared at the open Sarcophagus, and his pupils burst into a shocking killing.