Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 943

A star falling from the night sky means that someone leaves the world and returns to the embrace of the stars. The Bauhinia flowers in Qingshan cemetery are in full bloom and look particularly gorgeous in the early morning sun. The Bauhinia flowers all over the mountain seem to tell the people who mourn that the life buried in the cemetery is actually very gorgeous.

The light rain covered the cemetery and wet Zhu Xi\'s clothes. She refused the umbrella and looked at Wang\'s tomb with a sad expression and speechless for a long time.

Yang Ping accompanied him around, silently guarded him, looked at the nameless Monument and said, "Wang, go well all the way. I promise you I will do it."

He seldom wears a black suit because it means pain. Every time a brother leaves, he has to wear a black suit to evoke the worst pain hidden in the depths.

But this time, without hesitation, Yang Ping put on the black clothes selected by Zhu Xi and came to the Castle Peak cemetery to feel the sadness of bieli.

The monument without a name is like a mountain, heavy and powerful, oppressing the heart, urging Yang Ping to realize his unfinished dream. If you want to protect Zhu Xi, you must eradicate all dangers.

Dr. J is the first person to kill.

Yang Ping knows that this person is very powerful. He can hide in Longcheng and collude with the master of soul control in the island country. He must be preparing something. But the flames of revenge grew stronger and stronger in his heart.

His eyes were burning with flames, but his face was calmer than before.

Zhu Xi often sighed, turned and left, with a thick sadness. At the moment of turning around, Yang Ping saw her sad and beautiful back. She was extremely emotional and just wanted to protect her.

Drenched with rain, Zhu Xi became ill after she came back, and her high fever did not subside.

Yang Ping uses the five element array to treat Zhu Xi for half an hour. When she gets up tomorrow, her body will be alive again. Yang Yuxin comes back, feels that the atmosphere is wrong and looks at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping shook her head and motioned not to talk much.

"I found a clue to my brother."

Yang Yuxin sat down and whispered, "my brother sent me a positioning message ten minutes ago, right in Longcheng city. Yang Ping, are we going?"

Although it was an inquiry, Yang Yuxin\'s ass had left the sofa. She was not asking Yang Ping for advice, but wanted to leave anxiously.

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed, revealing the murderous opportunity.

Yang Yuxin was startled. He thought he was worried about danger. His heart was bitter and said secretly. It seems that he was amorous. What is the relationship between others and himself? The reason why he didn\'t want her body was just to get rid of trouble. Now he eagerly asked others to go. Yang Ping must have a lot of concerns. He couldn\'t hide his disappointment: "I can understand if you don\'t go. Now Longcheng is very chaotic. You have a lot to do. How can you be in danger? I\'m sorry, I\'m too anxious."

With that, Yang Yuxin got up and left.

Even if it was dangerous, but at that time, my brother had to go. Yang Yuxin made up his mind to save his brother even if he died. Unfortunately, the hope was too slim.

"When did I say no?"

Yang Yuxin walked to the door. Behind him came Yang Ping\'s helpless voice. Her delicate body trembled and couldn\'t help looking back. She was pleasantly surprised and said, "did you promise to save my brother?"

Yang Ping nodded, got up and said, "let\'s go."

This time it was Yang Yuxin\'s turn to hesitate. Since Yang Ping promised herself, she must take a great risk and can\'t pull the other party close to the abyss. She hurriedly said, "wait first. It\'s better to be cautious."

Yang Ping shook her head and said with a smile, "OK, let\'s go. I know you\'re much more worried than me."

Yang Yuxin blushed, hung her head and walked forward.

Yang Ping rearranged the array and asked the old fisherman to take care of it. Although the old fisherman had no spare time, he still had no problem protecting a person.

After chatting, Yang Ping knew the seriousness of the matter. The old fisherman was trapped in the treasure Pavilion, because someone in Longcheng deliberately destroyed the seal to completely cause great unrest. If the old fisherman didn\'t happen to have a sacred weapon to suppress the seal, it would be difficult to deal with this time. But it\'s basically difficult to pull his hand.

"Do you need help?" the old fisherman knew that Yang Ping would go to the island country\'s master for revenge, and it was hard to be serious. "The master from the island country should be the cherry blossom swordsman. This man is the medium-term realm of saints. Combined with the three gods map of the island country, I can improve my strength to the later realm of saints. If I usually turn my hand to suppress it, but not now."

Yang Ping said confidently, "if I can\'t do such a small thing, how can I revenge? Shenyi is much better than Sakura swordsman."


The fisherman sneered and disdained: "Sakura swordsman is a kind of rubbish, which is worthy of comparison with Shenyi. He is not a figure in the island country at all. There are several super experts in the island country. However, he is afraid to come in because he is afraid of the Chinese heavenly lords, so he always chooses to hide. If he is found by several heavenly lords, it is estimated that he will go across the sea to kill them. They hide in all corners of the world and dare not show up. They can only send some shrimps Mi, come here. Sakura swordsman can only be regarded as ordinary. "

Yang Ping\'s mind moved slightly. Is the realm of heavenly respect the so-called Taoist respect?

He couldn\'t help being curious and asked in a low voice, "what\'s the emperor doing?"


The old fisherman couldn\'t help laughing and scolded, "boy, your realm is too poor. Why do you know so much? Maybe you\'ll be qualified to know what heaven is when you reach the realm of saints."

Yang Ping pestered: "talk about dying."

I thought it was a joke that the old fisherman would say, but strangely, the old fisherman said seriously: "Yang Ping, when discussing the heavenly being, you must not joke, because the heavenly being represents the ultimate power of the world and can induce anyone who discusses him. The heavenly being is above the great saint, the great saint is above the saint, and the saint is above you, okay?"

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly. He was silent for a while and said, "thank you for your kindness."

The old fisherman sighed and said helplessly, "Yang Ping, I know you have a big heart and want revenge, but it also depends on people. Shenyi and daozun are one of the only strongest in China. If you want revenge, you\'d better give up. Even if you are the body of Nine Yang, you can\'t revenge if you cultivate the body of nine yang to the strongest."

Yang Ping hehe said he didn\'t care.

The old fisherman knew that Yang Ping had made up his mind, but he knew that Yang Ping would not go to Shenyi at present, because it was stupid. He hesitated and said, "if you really want revenge, you must tell your master, okay? Only your master can help you. No one else can help you."


Yang Ping was shocked and lost his voice: "do you mean that old man se is also a great master?"

"Come on, I won\'t force you. Anyway, you know, you can do so many things that offend people and live well in the world because your master is the strongest in China and one of the strongest in the world."


Hang up.

Yang Ping\'s new trend is surging. Unexpectedly, the dead old man is the strongest. How could he not see it before? The old man who spends money on whoring all day is the strongest. He doesn\'t believe it.

It seems that it\'s right to talk to the old man sometime.

I don\'t know who is the strongest in China?

An idea appeared in my mind. I want to know how powerful the strongest is. The great saints are their own realm. I can\'t believe it.

But this can\'t stop his determination to revenge.

Shenyi, I will find you and kill you.

Between thoughts, Yang Ping and Yang Yuxin went to the south of the city. In the car, Yang Yuxin was very silent, probably worried about his brother\'s safety.

Yang Ping comforted, "it\'s okay. I\'m here."

Yang Yuxin was moved in her heart, but she didn\'t know how to thank Yang Ping, because it seemed that only her own body could barely take it out. Yang Ping had plenty of other things.

Looking at Yang Ping Junlang\'s serious side face, Yang Yuxin\'s heart shook and said secretly, why bother with those things? As long as he is happy, I am also happy. What can other secular eyes do?

His eyes were like water. Yang Yuxin made a decision to repay Yang Ping.

She quickly tore Yang Ping\'s pants open and grabbed them.

Yang Ping turned pale and hurriedly said, "what are you... Hiss..." but he quickly took a breath. He felt that it had entered a warm cave.