Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 942

Gunfire rang out.

Yang Ping has broken through the obstacles and came to the bay area villa. The array around the villa roared like smoke and dust and turned into a real dragon package, like fog and clouds.

But it\'s a little late.

When he arrived at the scene, he was covered with blood and came to the bay area villa. It was only a little short of stopping the tragedy. Unfortunately, the trap set by Dr. J had other means.

He was furious, but when he came to the living room, he saw the scene in front of him, his pupils narrowed and showed surprise. The gunshot did sound, but Wang also shot, but it was not Zhu Xi, but himself.

She raised her gun, shot it directly to the chest and fell to the ground. The bullet pierced the chest, and the immortal could not be saved.

Zhu Xi gave a cry of grief, hugged Wang tightly and said in tears: "Wang, why is this, Yang Ping... You hurry to save her."

Yang Ping gave Wang a needle, but was refused. Wang coughed up blood, turned pale, and gasped, "no, I know no one can save a gun in the chest."

Zhu Xi cried, "Wang, will you let Yang Ping help you? I... I don\'t want you to die."

Wang stretched out his bloody palm, stroked Zhu Xi\'s head and sighed, "we agreed to be friends for a lifetime. Unfortunately, I can\'t keep my original promise."

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were red and swollen. She shook her head and said, "Wang, don\'t die. I don\'t want you to die."

After Yang Ping\'s inspection, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Wang really didn\'t save. Even if his five element acupuncture broke through again, he couldn\'t get it back from death.

There is no doubt that the king will die.

Perhaps, if Wang asks for death, no one can save him.

Yang Ping sighed and could only try to let Wang save one breath. Otherwise, if he was shot in the heart, he should have died long ago. He barely breathed with Yang Ping\'s breath of Nine Yang.

Zhu Xi held Wang\'s hand tightly for fear of losing it immediately and begged: "Yang Ping, will you save Wang? She can\'t die, really can\'t die."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and shook his head.

All this may be doomed.

At the time of finding Yi, Wang was no longer the former king, and his thoughts and behavior had long been occupied and could not control his behavior.

Wang was dying and said, "Zhu Xi, I\'m sorry, you don\'t know how painful my shot was. I can\'t sleep every day. I think of you lying in a pool of blood, and my heart is like a needle. Fortunately, you\'re not dead, that\'s good... That\'s good..."

Zhu Xi\'s lips trembled and she couldn\'t help it.

Wang suddenly grabbed Yang Ping\'s hand, stared into his eyes and said, "Yang Ping, you must protect Zhu Xi. She... Actually loves you very much, and only you can protect him."

Yang Ping felt Wang\'s strong last wish before he died and nodded: "don\'t worry, as long as I\'m still alive, I will protect Zhu Xi and help you take revenge."

Wang heard revenge, his eyes flashed a trace of fear and shouted, "no revenge, I don\'t need you to revenge, Yang Ping, you protect Zhu Xi, I have no regrets when I die."

Zhu Xi has been crying because she knows that her best friend Wang is dying.

When Yang Ping saw that Wang was still very afraid of Yi before he died, he knew that the other party\'s terror, something that a person who is not afraid of death will fear, must be more frightening than death.

With the last bite, Wang grabbed Zhu Xi and Yang Ping in one hand, folded their palms together and said, "you must be good."

Zhu Xi was sad and cried, "Zhu Xi, don\'t go. I don\'t want you to go."

"Yang Ping, can you promise me to be good to Zhu Xi in this life?" Wang was in great pain. It was obvious that it was almost time. He shouted at Yang Ping, "you promise me?"

Yang Ping nodded and said firmly, "I promise you."

Wang smiled, stared out of the window and muttered, "don\'t tell my parents that they will be very sad, and don\'t tell Duan Fei that he will also be sad. I\'ve only loved one man in my life, and I don\'t want to make him sad."

Yang Ping\'s heart sank slightly. He wanted to tell Wang the truth and expose Duan Fei\'s true face, but he gave up, because he saw the desire for love in Wang\'s eyes and his calm about death. If he knew that Duan Fei was just a hypocrite, he would be angry.

Let her leave in peace.

Wang finally closed his eyes, dropped his arms and lost his breath forever.

Zhu Xi gave a cry of pain and fainted to the ground.

Yang Ping silently looked at the two women. One became a corpse and the other was in pain. He didn\'t know what it would be like when he woke up.

He clenched his fist tightly and his eyes were slightly red. Although he had been vigilant against Wang before, Yang Ping was shocked when Wang chose to commit suicide and was unwilling to hurt Zhu Xi.

All vigilance and hatred dissipated at the moment of shooting suicide.

Yang Ping felt uncomfortable for some reason. When Wang left, her face was calm. This was the road she chose. She must have chosen this road long ago.

It\'s better to end a chaotic life than to live in a muddle. When she left, she was still reluctant to give up her parents\' upbringing and Zhu Xi\'s friendship, but she was even more reluctant to love Duan Fei. At least she thought it was love.

Yang Ping\'s eyes gradually blurred... The scene of meeting at the beginning came to mind.

Harley, leather pants, hot personality.

This is Wang\'s first impression of Yang Ping. She is a kind-hearted Yingwu policewoman who wants to protect the safety of Longcheng. She has a heart that will never yield and a spirit of eternal optimism.

But it\'s over.

"Hands up!"

In the restaurant where he first met, Yang Ping thought of Wang holding a pistol and pointing it at him. He must have thought of him as a terrorist trying to kill him and bring him to justice. He also remembered the stunned expression when Wang saw that he knew the Zhu family and too many things happened later.

Scenes appeared in his mind. Yang Ping took a deep breath and felt that life was so fragile, just like the running water in the palm of his hand. He slipped between his fingers without paying attention.

Dr. J, Shenyi.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were burning with a raging flame of revenge. If it weren\'t for these two people, Wang wouldn\'t die and Zhu Xi wouldn\'t be hurt.

He never showed such a terrible opportunity to kill, never eager to kill these two people. Dr. J is in Longcheng. He must be designing something. Yang Ping wants revenge and has a chance.

But what about God Yi?

So far, in Yang Ping\'s impression, Shenyi is just a book, an idea, and even the real body doesn\'t know what it is. Maybe the old man knows.

A sigh came.

The old fisherman appeared at the door and his figure flickered. Obviously, it can\'t last long. This is not his real body, but a condensed part.

He saw the scene in front of him and sighed.

After all, what should happen still happens. When he knows that Wang is a chess piece of Shenyi, the fisherman understands that Wang is dead, because no one in the world can escape Shenyi\'s calculation. If controlled, it is equivalent to branding the shadow of Shenyi all his life. Unless it is death, no, even death can\'t get rid of it.

Yang Pingmeng looked up and asked, "who is Yi?"

The old fisherman turned pale and lost his voice. "Lying in the trough, you don\'t really want to avenge the king. God is easy to provoke. Don\'t say it\'s you. I\'ll die when I see him."

Yang Ping\'s face remained unchanged and said calmly, "I\'ll kill Shenyi."

The old fisherman\'s face changed and said bitterly, "Yang Ping, it\'s an eventful autumn now. You\'d better stay in Longcheng and talk about Shenyi later. Maybe there\'s still some hope when you meet your master. With the strength of you and me, not to mention Shenyi, it\'s estimated that Taoism is not fair."

Shenyi, daozun!

These are bastards who are high above and use other people\'s lives to design intrigues. Do you think mortals are like ants and can play with applause?

Yang Ping hates that his strength is too weak and unprecedentedly weak.

If they are stronger than God Yi and Tao Zun, do they dare to deal with their own people?